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Towards a Latin America & Caribbean Knowledge Based Bio-Economy (KBBE) in partnership with Europe

Final Report Summary - ALCUE-KBBE (Towards a Latin America & Caribbean Knowledge Based Bio-Economy (KBBE) in partnership with Europe)

Executive Summary:
The project ALCUE-KBBE “Towards a Latin American and Caribbean Knowledge Based Bio-Economy in partnership with Europe” aimed to establish a LAC-UE platform bringing together regional and continental organizations involved in research funding and implementation, as well as other relevant stakeholders from the public and private sector and the civil society, in an effort to generate relevant information for the design and implementation of specific plans and projects, included the needed R&D and set the basis for the establishments of an enabling policy and institutional environment, as well as, for the development and consolidation of the KBBE in both the regions. To achieve this aim the project activities were oriented to generate information relevant to KBBE related issues in LAC, to help establish a strategic reflection and analysis on KBBE opportunities and limitations in the region, to stimulate KBBE related research and development ALC-UE cooperation, and to insert the KBBE theme in ALC policy agendas.

The consortium was made up of 12 partners from countries including member states and third countries (Fr, De, Nl, Be, Pt, Ar, Co, Br, Ur, Me). The overall coordination was with the French CIRAD, through its project management office in Cali, Colombia, with administrative and financial management support from its headquarters in Montpellier.

The activities were organized in three principal work packages (inputs, option, strategy) that were coordinated by a WP5 on project coordination, and supported by WP4 Information management and diffusion. WP1 constituted the basis for the development of the project (inputs) as it aimed at constructing the information base for the successful implementation of the subsequent project by realizing a benchmarking of the LAC and EU bioeconomy. WP2, built on the information and analysis base developed in WP1, dealed with the organization of a series of multi-stakeholders workshops where the different perspectives could have been brought together in terms of synthesizing broad scenarios as well as agendas and roadmaps for research and policy (options). WP3 was the cornerstone of project implementation as it aimed to establish the platform that would have internalized the KBBE concepts and transformed them into specific lines of actions (Strategy), through a series of interactions involving both project partners and stakeholders in EU and LAC.

Project Context and Objectives:
The overall objective of the project ALCUE-KBBE “Towards a Latin American and Caribbean Knowledge Based Bio-Economy in partnership with Europe” is to establish a LAC-UE platform bringing together regional and continental organizations involved in research funding and implementation, as well as other relevant stakeholders from the public and private sector and the civil society, in an effort to generate relevant information for the design and implementation of specific plans and projects, included the needed R&D and set the basis for the establishments of an enabling policy and institutional environment, as well as, for the development and consolidation of the KBBE in both the regions. To achieve this aim the project activities are oriented to generate information relevant to KBBE related issues in LAC, to help establish a strategic reflection and analysis on KBBE opportunities and limitations in the region, to stimulate KBBE related research and development ALC-UE cooperation, and to insert the KBBE theme in ALC policy agendas.

Specific project objectives, described by work packages :

WP1: (LAC and EU Benchmarking ; Leader: CEO ; Co-leader: Julich)
WP1 was conceived as the basis for the development of the rest of the project, and aiming at constructing an information base which could serve not only for introducing the bioeconomy concept in the LAC region, but also to provide background information for the construction of the identification of research needs and opportunities and the institutional and policy roadmap at later stages in the project.
The specific objectives of WP1 were:
• To identify, from existing LAC experiences, what are the key components and valuable lessons learnt so far, of the KBBE concept (taking the EU perspective).
• To identify and analyze the main opportunities and constraints for the successful development of the KBBE, both in Europe and LAC.
• To identify and characterize the main actors in KBBE processes in Europe and LAC
To ex-ante identify and analyze the main economic, social, environmental, legal and political components affecting the possible scenarios for KBBE development in LAC

WP2 (KBBE scenarios and agendas construction ; Leader: IBET ;Co-leader: IICA) :
The general objective of this WP is to organize the strategic reflection on KBBE related aspects in LAC incorporating the discussion with all the relevant stakeholders of the region, and to start building consensual implementation strategies and agendas (policy, R&D, regulatory, institutional, international cooperation).
The specific objectives of WP2 were:
• To develop a set of scenarios for the development of the KBBE in LAC considering (i) different scales of application of the KBBE concept – local, sector, national, regional, (ii) different target groups – small farmers/processors, large scale companies, high vs. low technology actors, and iii) the further strengthening of EU-LAC political, economic and trade relations in the KBBE area.
• To identify the main R&D areas needed and the leading groups in EU and LAC for the development of the KBBE in LAC
• To develop a policy, institutional and regulatory development agenda for the successful implementation of KBBE initiatives in LAC

WP3 ( ALCUE KBBE Cooperation Platform ; Leader: UGent ; Co-leader: CIAT)
WP3 was conceived to establish an ALCUE-KBBE platform that will form the basis for a sustainable LAC-EU strategy in KBBE related issues, ranging from policy and institutional aspects to the identification and implementation of common RTD projects.
The specific objectives of WP3 were:
• Develop the institutional and networking framework for continuing functioning of the platform beyond the life span of the project
• Facilitating the bi-regional dialogue on common RTD needs, policy and trade issues
• Joint exploration of international cooperation opportunities
• Setting the stage for the development of knowledge sharing mechanisms and specific topics
• Offering the opportunity for identifying a common work agenda, science and technology needs, investment and mechanisms between science and industry
• Identifying areas for potential implementation by FP7 and future FPs

WP4 (Information management system ; Leader: CIRAD ; Co-leader: IICA)
The objective of this strategically important WP is to get the project results in the appropriate format, to the target client audiences in a timely and cost-effective manner.
The specific objectives of WP4 were:
• To identify the nature of information flows in areas related to the KBBE development.
• Formulate a diffusion strategy that identifies principal products, tools/events and key target clients.
• Develop an Internet-based project-specific information management platform that includes the appropriate project management elements
• Manage the necessary input and output information flows for and from project partners (internally)
• To effectively disseminate the project results and products.

WP5 (Project coordination ; Leader: CIRAD ; Co-leader: CEO)
The objective of this WP is to coordinate all project activities and consortium organization as efficient and as effectively as possible, by the use of novel project management tools, which is implemented by a project management team.
The specific objectives of WP5 were:
• Organise an efficient and cost-effective project management team
• Develop and manage an Internet-based information management tool for library, storage, discussion forum, database, reporting etc purposes,
• Coordinate and support the WP teams (especially through the WP leaders) and monitoring of quality and outputs (and inputs)
• Monitor and facilitate through the Project management team all budget and financial activities,
• Coordination of all scientific and financial reporting
• Coordination of the Advisory Committee (AC) and their meetings.

Project Results:
ALCUE KBBE key results:

• Improved knowledge of ongoing Bioeconomy related experiences, and principal constraints and opportunities of Bioeconomy sectors (and Bioeconomy development pathways) in several leading countries of the LAC region.
• Improved understanding of the different visions, priorities and interests of potential bioeconomies the LAC region. Because of the regions sheer differences and explicit asymmetries, one can hardly argue for one regional Bioeconomy vision. As such, one has to go down to country, regional or local level for specific definitions.
• Through the various face2face and on-line stakeholders consultations and Bioeconomy Fora in several of the LAC countries, key analyses were constructed, for the region, but realistically, for specific countries: Bioeconomy scenarios, development pathways, research and policy action recommendations, priorities and strategies. In addition, a bi-regional ALC-UE Bioeconomy cooperation strategy was formulated. Prioritized biregional research topic recommendations have been fed into the formulation of H2020 work programmes.
• Having past project activities (partnerships, workshops, for a, symposia) act as catalyzers, several LAC countries (Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, …) have initiated national Bioeconomy (and related) strategies, platforms, dialogues, projects etc.
• At the more tangible level: Several working papers, newsletters, policy briefs and news articles were produced in both Spanish and English aiming to strengthen mainstreaming of the Bioeconomy model. At the end of the project, several of the project working papers were edited as part of a bi-lingual book “Towards a Knowledge based Bioeconomy in Latin America & The Caribbean”, currently being published by the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota. Most material can be downloaded from project website .
• Also tangible is the strategic and operational integration of project results in the “follow-up” project ALCUE NET (WP Bioeconomy JIRI), which has created sizeable synergies and value adding. In turn, ALCUE NET feeds directly into SOM led JIRI Bioeconomy dynamics.
• Furthermore, one should mention the bi-regional networking between the two regions, industries, ministries, projects etc etc. The project website, continuously updated as part of ALCUE NET, incorporates a stakeholder data base, consultable by country, theme etc.
• Integration of Bioeconomy subjects and activities with other EU funded projects, INCO-Nets, BI-LATs, CSAs and non-EU regional projects with CIAT, CEPAL, IICA etc

WP1- Achievements

WP1 was conceived as the basis for the development of the rest of the project, and aiming at constructing an information base which could serve not only for introducing the bioeconomy concept in the LAC region, but also to provide background information for the construction of the identification of research needs and opportunities and the institutional and policy roadmap at later stages in the project. In this sense the work plan called for the development of a first discussion paper attempting to set the KBBE concept in the LAC context (D1), and then moved to the mapping of actors and capacities in the key fields (T1.2 and T1.3) – both in Europe and LAC – and to a more in-depth analysis of existing ALC conditions in the three critical areas for KBBE development, natural resources, innovation capacities and the policy and regulatory environments (T1.4 T1.5 T1.6) and finally an ex-ante assessment of the potential benefits of different bioeconomy related activities (T1.7). These tasks were in turn linked to deliverables D2, D3, D4 and D5) all due during the first period of the project and which were to be the main feed for the project workshop, “Construction of bioeconomy scenarios in LAC” held in Brasilia, Brazil, June 18-19, 2012.

T1.1: Stripe review of available LAC KBBE related documentation
Activities in this task were developed with a focus on generating background information for D1 (Concept Note on inclusive rural and economic development KBBE opportunities in LAC) and as common basis for the rest of the tasks in WP1 and other project activities later on. Building on earlier work developed under a previous FP6 project (ALCUE-FOOD) the activities in task 1.1 were aimed at generating information and a conceptual presentation that could serve as basis for a discussion of the bioeconomy from a LAC perspective.
Being a new concept to the region, the bioeconomy concept needed to be set in the context of the region’s socioeconomic and natural resources realities as well as identifying its key drivers and the role that institutional and policy arrangements could play in their development. In this sense the review has (i) emphasized the different conceptual approaches around the world and proposed a concept for LAC essentially bringing together the sector which are either based on biomass as main inputs or utilize biological processes as the main component for their activities as the most appropriate for the region’s context, (ii) highlighted the natural resources base as the main comparative advantage of the region for the development of its bioeconomy, and the weakness of its R&D infrastructures as well as the lack (or weakness of) identifiable institutional and operational regulatory frameworks linked to bioeconomy, as the most critical limiting factors for the development of a LAC KBBE, (iii) offered some background on the nature of the nature of the food security issues on the region and the potential contributions that the KBBE could make to their resolution through its role in expanding local development opportunities, and (iv) provided the framework for the identification of six main pathways through which the LAC bioeconomy is (could eventually) being developed. These six pathways include, biodiversity resources exploitation, eco-intensification of agriculture, biotechnology applications, bio refineries and bio products, value chain efficiency improvement and ecosystem services). In themselves these pathways are the basis for the different scenarios for the development of the bioeconomy in the different countries/regions, as their particular suitability would depend on the specific characteristics of each case (natural resources base, insertion on the international markets, policy and institutional infrastructures, etc.). A first discussion of these pathways/scenarios took place during the first stakeholders meeting in Brasilia, Brazil, June 18-19, 2012, where they were further refined in sub-pathways to facilitate the identification of specific criteria to link them to the different resource situations that make up the complex mosaic of the region’s diversity. This work is continuing as is expected to become the basis for the construction of the RTD agenda (T2.2).

T1.2: Inventory of actors, start-ups and major R&D projects related to the KBBE development in the EU (going beyond the 2005-2010 review)
The objective of task T1.2 was to develop an easily accessible database of institutions, their main areas of work, capacities and main projects and activities in KBBE related fields in the EU. This task is to complement the activities under Task 1.1 which focuses on reviewing available KBBE related documentation in the LAC region. To build the database for the EU inventory, synergies were sought with past and ongoing initiatives in the area of KBBE-related projects supported by the EC. A productive relationship was established with the team implementing the EC-funded SAHYOG project (Strengthening Networking on Biomass Research and Bio waste Conversion – Biotechnology for Europe India Integration) since under SAHYOG related inventories needed to be established on (i) Biomass and Bio wastes and (ii) Research Programs and Projects. Several ALCUE-KBBE team members participated in meetings organized by SAYHOG where additional KBBE-related projects were represented (e.g. STAR-COLIBRI etc.). It was agreed to join efforts and exchange experiences for building the database, leaving flexibility to accommodate the requirements of each project.
In the above context and to limit the number of entries to a manageable number, only projects with a minimum budget of € 500 000 Euro are listed. The projects in the database were assigned a number and the following main characteristics are listed for each entry: Data Source, Project Acronym, Full Name of the project, Project Reference Number, Budget/ Governmental Support, Budget/ Total Project Budget (in Euro), Funding Programme/ Agency, Duration of the project (ie Start and end date), Link to the Project Website, Coordinators, Organisation Country, Project Overview (brief abstract of the project ). In order to allow an assessment of the projects with respect to type of activity, relevance to ALCUE-KBBE, etc the projects have been classified into different categories defined, in part, considering a value chain approach, in line with EC practices, that is considering the entire life cycle of a product from input supply, i.e. the feedstock (e.g. a plant in the field, a waste product) all the way to the end product (e.g. a plastic bag, fuel), including any conversion steps along the product development process. This approach facilitates sustainability assessments, constraints and opportunity analysis, etc. Thus a first type of classification lists the projects in relation to their position in the value chain. Other categories are related to the type of R&D carried out as well as to the type of driver for the research, amongst others
At this time a database has been assembled with approximately 762 entries that lists the major R&D efforts and actors relevant to development of the KBBE in the EU. The database shows that a wide area of R&D topics related to the KBBE are being researched or developed in the EU by a broad range of disciplines, at different scales and by different organizations/consortia, both public and private. The list includes projects with timelines between 2004 and 2016. The database also includes a fairly large number of assessment or feasibility studies, which are of particular interest for R&D agenda and policy priority setting. Notably, several projects involve collaboration between the EU and LAC region. For the time being, information was still provided to complete this database and the document is now in a process of evaluation by different strategic partners of the project and beyond, in order to be adopted and valuated by the future LAC bioeconomy observatory.

T1.3: Inventory of actors, labs and major R&D projects related to the KBBE development in LAC.
Using the identified pathways (see T1.1) as guide / categories for collecting information, the inventory was developed considering the following aspects and functions (i) Policy related (include those instances responsible for defining policies for the sector and the legislation), (ii) Technology related (include the major generators/providers of technological knowledge for the sector, i.e. R&D institutions, inputs/equipment firms, etc.), (iii) Companies (included those directly involved in biomass production, utilization and transformation), (iv) Market related, including services (those providing financing, marketing services of different kinds, exporters and consumer organizations), and (v) Regional or international organizations (include reference organizations). Given information availability restrictions the countries included in this work are Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Trinidad & Tobago and Uruguay. The results of this work have been summarized by country in a Excel tables which include brief highlights of each entry, plus direct links to the sources of the summarized information, so to allow data/information expansion if needed. This document will be promoted within the future LAC Bioeconomy platform.

T1. 4: SWOT analysis of the LAC natural resources as basis for KBBE developments
In order to assess the situation –and opportunities for development in KBBE in LAC-, a conventional SWOT analysis for natural resources in LAC was carried out. Then, the most relevant descriptors of this SWOT were used for a further transformative analysis with the aim of evaluate the existing potential and requirements for ventures in bio-products and/or bio-processes. This enabled the formulation of concrete actions and recommendations to deal with the limiting aspects and to take advantage of the opportunities. Given the analytical complexities associated with the immeasurable diversity of the region’s natural resources, the above approach was further focused using a value chain analysis to identify needs, limitations and strengths, in order to develop strategies that promote the sustainable trade of products derived from the use of biodiversity. This led to the selection of three products/services derived from biodiversity as basis for detailed analysis: i. new products/processes, ii. bio energy and, iii. eco-intensification – bio inoculants. Results of the analyses show that the most relevant issues are – in general - coincident for the three thematic axes, i.e. it is clear that the present productive systems need to be replaced with a more sustainable long-term pattern looking forward to more permanent social improvements, and that there is an urgent need to stimulate greater efficiencies parallel with environmental protection looking forward socio-economic welfare. In a prospective analysis, from the NNRR point of view the products/processes emerging with higher possibilities and competitiveness appear to be related to: i. bio fuels -bio ethanol, biodiesel-, ii. bio inoculants, iii. products from Natural Resources (hereafter NNRR) as raw material for industry, and iv. genomic studies looking for genes of interest for crop improvement. All these are directly related to sustainability and economic productivity improvement and, in turn, can help to alleviate poverty levels, increase food safety levels and reduce income inequity.
Related to these, innovation promotion and support policies have been identified as key elements for the development of these value chains. In these areas, besides the diversity of NNRR, some of the other strengths identified include a S&T capacity –infrastructure, researchers and funding possibilities – which although in need of further development, can serve as a good initial entry point for dealing with the involved issues; a normative framework in place; rapidly growing economies in several countries, generating important “demand pull” effects; strong agricultural and environmental country policies encouraging and supporting sustainable development; and competitive costs and environmental benefits. In terms of opportunities the growing awareness of the need to support innovation in KBBE; increasing demand of bio-based products/services; biotechnological developments with general acceptance; technical capability and infrastructure for profitable use of LAC resources; and awareness of the need to develop new organizational governance forms to create competitive advantages for developments in KBBE, are the main aspects pointed out.
The weaknesses identified include an insufficient capacity for turning developments into profitable products and/or services; low capability in market planning and design; access to NNRR is restricted and complicated; and reduced use of the available biodiversity. Related threats are the difficulty to obtain access permissions for NNRR; inequitable sharing of benefits derived from the use of NNRR, which discourages local developments and involvement of communities; no reinforcement of laws, or stable and substantial incentives for sustainable exploitation of NNRR; impacts of bio-piracy on developments of KBBE and weakness to protect ancient knowledge; and disadvantages of local communities to negotiate with researchers & industry.
To define concrete actions, and establish the best options to take full advantage of LAC’s NNRR potential, it is fundamental that all stakeholders - academic, productive, institutional, civil society- are involved in a participatory process in order to analyze technological, environmental, social and economic objectives. Economic analyses, specifically cost-benefit studies should be performed in order to determine the feasibility of the particular activities.

T1. 5: SWOT analysis on the policy, regulatory and institutional capacities
In the last quarter of 2011 IICA designed six SWOT Analyses -strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats- for the following thematic components of the Bioeconomy: Biotechnology, Biosafety, Biodiversity, Clean production, Bio refineries and Intellectual property. Then, IICA prepared a Transformative SWOT Analysis for Bioeconomy at ALC countries as a whole. This analysis identified strategic actions for the Strategic Plan. The "transformative SWOT analysis" was a methodology which allowed to identify strategic actions. Were determined the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the policy, regulatory and institutional capacities of the most representative countries in LAC. With this inputs it was applied the “transformative SWOT analysis” and it was generated sixty six strategic actions. The objective of the document “Assessment of BIOECONOMY related LAC institutional and regulatory (I&R) capacities and their importance for successful BIOECONOMY development in LAC, including relevant policy recommendations” was to contribute to the preliminary identification of public policies relating to institutional and regulatory measures required to promote the development of the Bioeconomy in LAC.
For the purpose of this work, and without pretending to exhaust the discussion about it, it was assumed that the Bioeconomy in LAC is expressed through the following areas / sectors of activity (pathways) as proposed in Deliverable 1: Biotechnology applications, Bio refineries and bio fuels, Biodiversity resources exploitation, Production of environmental goods and services, Eco-intensification practices and Value chain improved efficiencies.
In this study the following components of Bioeconomy were centrally comprised: biotechnology, bio fuels and biodiversity, integrated with environmental services. A detailed analysis regarding the components of eco-intensification and efficiency improvement will be made in later stages of this research.
In the case of biotechnology, the criteria used for selecting countries to be analyzed was the previous assumption that they showed a certain level of development in some of the sectors that were previously identified as the most important components of Bioeconomy. We chose to make an analysis of a more ample coverage than in other areas, including the following countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic and Uruguay.
In the case of bio fuels, Argentina and Brazil were chosen for being the two countries with the higher relative development in the region in this area. Detailed analysis of these countries was complemented with an overview of the region.
The components of biodiversity and environmental services were treated on an integrated manner, based on a comprehensive review of experiences from various countries of LAC

T1.6: SWOT analysis of the technical and innovation KBBE like capacities
The activities developed in order to analyze the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) capacities in KBBE included, first, a series of discussions for harmonizing the methodologies that would be used in the SWOAT approach. Then an exhaustive literature review was undertaken and complemented with the information received from the team in charge of the task T1.4 Inventory of actors, labs and major R&D projects related to the KBBE. Based on the information collected and analyzed, the first version of the D3 named Status and Future Potential of Knowledge Based Bio-Economy (KBBE) Related Research & Innovation (R&I) in LAC and Policy Recommendations was generated. Currently, we have a version 4 of the D3, after a validation of the analysis and results with some key experts and stakeholders in Brasilia. Also, some comments and suggestions from the leaders of the Project and the European Commission were taken into account.

T1.7: Ex-ante assessment of the potential socioeconomic and environmental impacts of KBBE developments in LAC.
This task aimed to generate prospective information regarding the benefits of KBBE related developments with a particular attention given to potential benefits at the local level – rural and local development opportunities – the national level – new value chains development, employment, energy balances – and at the global level –environmental and trade benefits. The product of this task was the D4 “Assessment of the BE related social, economic and trade benefits in LAC and pertinent policy recommendations”. The work consisted in doing a wide literature review. As entry points for the literature review, the six BE pathways were applied for the socio-economic analysis. A set of key indicator variables (indicators from EMBRAPA method) were selected to represent key socio-economic impact variables such as: income, employment, cost reductions, farm size, market. The resulting matrix was used as an Info Gap Matrix (by principal country), to collect possibly useful references and contents. The results were assessed for “possible effects on key variables” and “possible constraints and opportunities”. Regarding the LAC BE related effects on environmental and trade aspects, a more macro-economic (country and regional level) approach was proposed, also based on an extensive literature review.
This review stressed that BE activities in the region have profound and direct effects on agro production, productivity and resources efficiency, generating increased food supplies (at lower costs) that (i) position the LAC region as a major global agro exporter (food, feed, fuel), and (ii) contributed towards the regional and national challenges of food security and poverty alleviation, especially for the urban poor, being the most important target group.
Regarding the environment impact, it came out that each of the LAC BE activities had a reductionist effect on some environmental aspect from reduced chemical use, sustainable biodiversity management, improved soils and water management, reduced GHG production, increased carbon sequestration, etc. Since most of these effects have been collateral to production / productivity increase strategies that have predominated in their emergence, there is ample space for local, regional, national improved policy regimes further improve/increase these impacts.
In general, major information gaps exist in order to arrive at solid robust conclusions on the full appropriateness of BE pathways for small holders in LAC. So far the discussion has been based on patchy sets of information on issues and countries. As such, a very important conclusion would be to note that new exact and robust information needs to be generated on many aspects in order to get a better and more detailed assessment.
The value of this assessment lied in the fact that it constituted a first attempt in assembling in an orderly fashion (6 pathways) the principle bio-economy related activities and to analyzed these for their possible effects on socio-economic, environmental and trade aspects. As mentioned already, this study was not complete.
These, complemented by the information and analyses being offered in the other WP1 deliverables, constitute the grand objective picture. The latter, after appropriate transformation and translation into a more client-friendly information product, was offered to a select group of the project‘s LAC and EU stakeholders, to serve the ensuing reflection and analysis needed for the formulation of the LAC Bioeconomy vision, key drivers, development scenarios and roadmaps.

WP2- Achievements

T2.1: Workshop 1: KBBE state of the arts and lessons learnt (E-Consultation)
During the kick-off meeting of the project, that took place in Cali, Colombia, it was decided among partners that instead of having a workshop it would be more convenient to have an E-consultation as more people could be contacted and reached. As such, from the 16-30 April 2012 an E-consultation was run by the project. The E-consultation was organized by IICA and IBET and was chaired by Pedro Rocha from IICA.
The E-consultation entitled The Bioeconomy, A New Paradigm for Economic Growth and Sustainability? was the first public stakeholder ‘participation in the project. The participants had groups of documents and presentations that could be consulted, had to fill a questionnaire in the first week and then to discuss electronically several issues related to bio-economy. 56 participants participated to the E-Consultation and all of them also returned a written questionnaire.
The first issue discussed was the definition of bio-economy for LAC and the main conclusions were that BE for LAC was part of the green economy, must be based in a “systems” approach: to include various stakeholders and different links in the value chain and it was an approach “to produce more with less“. The BE concept was broad, however recognized several routes for its development such as biotechnology, biofuels, biodiversity, eco-services. The approach of such routes should include several areas like scientific-technical, economic, political, institutional and social.
As a general conclusion it was remarked that not all success or area of bio-economy will be replicated in all countries or in the same way, it would have been necessary to analyze the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of each country or region. Another issue that came out as very prehement to include in the discussions and routes in BE in LAC countries was the key role of small producers in BE for LAC.
The results and conclusions obtained were analyzed having in mind that a bias was always present in this type of exercise due to number of people that participated and the type of people, but as an E-consultation it was a very good consultation exercise.

T2.2: Workshop 2: Construction of KBBE-LAC scenarios, including EU-LAC linkages (Brazil)
The ALCUE KBBE International Seminar was held in EMBRAPA, Brasilia on the 18th and 19th June. In total 87 persons were present representing eleven countries. The formal inauguration was in charge of Eliseu Coretini, EMBRAPA, Manuel Otero, IICA-Brasil and Guy Henry, CIRAD. Moderation of the international seminar: António Donizetti, IICA, Uruguay. Then presentations “The Bioeconomy: history, drivers and key results in Europe” by Uli Schurr, JULICH FZ, Germany, “Latin-America: comparative advantages, principal challenges and opportunities” by Carlos Santana, EMRAPA, Brasil, and presentation “A LAC Bioeconomy: elements towards a regional vision” by Guy Henry, CIRAD, France, followed. The round table on Green economy, bio-economy, sustainable development: differences, overlaps and synergies, that was preceded by two presentations by Pedro Rocha, IICA, Costa Rica and Adrian Rodrigues, CEPAL, led to a public discussion on the subject of bio-economy.
Then a Stakeholder Consultation lasting one day and a half followed the International Seminar. This stakeholder consultation gathered a group of 24 members. The discussions were initially centred on the deliverables presented by the members of the project and on the c the six pathways for Bio-economy:
(i) Biodiversity resources exploitation
(ii) Eco-intensification
(iii) Biotechnology applications
(iv) Biorefineries and bio-
(v) Value chain improved efficiencies
(vi) Ecosystem services
Considering that LAC countries are so diverse the development of the pathways could be done in terms of all region but instance the working model proposed by the project was that each country should consider each pathways and evaluate if they have the resources or the investment or even interest in adopting a pathway, following criteria:
• Research intensity (high/low), how much is needed to exploit this pathway
• Volume production (high/low)
• Infrastructure requirement (example: for eco-tourism, airports, hotels are important infrastructures)
• Workforce (skilled needed, numbers)
• Market (distance can be high/close neighbourhood required)
• Market (existent, need to be strengthened)
• Regulation framework required (for instance for biosafety; Cartagena protocol)
• Stakeholders in the pathways (e.g. farmers, processing industry, (international) utilities)
• Financial volume/investment requirements
• Area-intensive (yes/no)
• Regional impacts/global impact
• Major resource required (in the region)
• Side resource required (in the region)
• Driver (product, rural development, technology, ...)
• Time frame (research to market)
The model of work proposed was tested by challenging to participants, working in group to work on possible sub-pathways that would be of interest to the LAC countries. In the end of the workshop 21 sub pathways had been identified as possible routes to be pursued by LAC countries.
Furthermore an evaluation of the cooperation activities that could be taken by LAC and EU was performed and the results are summarized in table 1. This inventory in itself is already a step taken in order to make an inventory of research needs, especially in terms of cooperation LAC-EU an research needs that LAC countries can develop internally or together.

T2.3: Workshop 3: Construction of roadmap and RTD agenda
A 2nd consultation aiming at identifying priority R&D topics for a bi-regional cooperation agenda for Research and Innovation in Bioeconomy was held in November 2012. A group of specialists convened in Cali, Colombia, to analyze implications of the different scenarios in terms of the scientific and technological knowledge needs and to establish a roadmap and work agenda to meet emerging demands. This task used as inputs both the scenarios resulting from task 2.2. as well as other information pertaining existing R&D programs in the region.

T2.4: Workshop 4: Construction of roadmap and policy agenda
Considering the scenarios and information from WP1, a group of experts from different disciplines, policy makers, and representatives from industry, farmers and consumers, gathered in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in March 2013 with the objective of discussing and proposing policy guidelines and good practices for the development of the KBBE in LAC. It considered not only policies specifically related to the KBBE, but also their links to other policies macroeconomic, social, environment, trade, cooperation, etc.
The first workshop of the second period of the project aimed at the identification of the main R&D areas needed and the leading groups in EU and LAC countries for the development of KBBE in the LAC region. This workshop was held in November 2012 in Cali (Colombia) and fourteen research topic profiles were formulated with a focus on four of the six pathways suggested by the project to enter the Bioeconomy in the LAC region, taking into account the diversity of natural resources, economies and social characteristics of the different LAC countries: (1) sustainable use of biodiversity, with four topic profiles on local use of biodiversity and high technology development; (2) ecological intensification, with focus on bio-inoculants; (3) biotechnology products, tools and processes, with topics on plant propagation and seeds (tissue culture), multiplex pathogen detection using mobile devices (for in situ field applications), health promoting compounds from tropical plants and production of bio-plastics; (4) biorefineries and bio-products, with four topic profiles on decentralized small-scale biogas units and demonstration projects in wet biomass biorefinery, lignocelluloses’ biorefinery and oil-based biorefineries.
Based on the results of the two workshops and of a 2nd E-consultation aiming at identifying priority R&D topics for a bi-regional cooperation agenda for Research and Innovation in Bioeconomy in LAC, a third bi-regional workshop was organized in Buenos Aires in March 2013. The objective was the prioritization of policy issues in LAC to further formulate policy recommendations for every identified concern. Given the diversity of natural resources, economies and social characteristics of the different countries in LAC common policies for bioeconomy development were difficult to devise, nevertheless the consultation group came up with four main areas where policy recommendations are needed to promote the transition to a bioeconomy model: (i) Science and innovation; (ii) Human resources and social participation; (iii) Support to market development.

WP3- Achievements

T3.1 Science-industry bi-regional workshop in key technological areas (Colombia)
An Expert Workshop was organized at CIAT, Cali, Colombia (5-6 November 2012) on ‘Construction of a Bioeconomy and RTD agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean’. This workshop built on the results obtained during a previous stakeholder consultation workshop ‘Construction of Bioeconomy Scenarios for Latin America and the Caribbean’ that was held at EMBRAPA in Brasilia, Brazil (18-20 June 2012) where a first selection of priority topics for LAC had been identified using following criteria:
(i) Bioeconomy related natural resources benefits
(ii) Potential on research and innovation for the LAC region
(iii) Potential socio-economic and environmental impact
(iv) Bioeconomy institutional framework in the LAC region
The comparative advantages as well as pertinent experiences and opportunities related to bioeconomy development in Latin America have been summarized in the publication ‘Towards bioeconomy development in Latin America and the Caribbean’ by Trigo et al. (Bioeconomy working paper No 2013-01 ALCUE KBBE FP7 Project No. 264666 p 15).
The results from the Brasilia stakeholder consultation served as inputs for the Expert Workshop in CIAT, Cali, Colombia where the main objective was to define research agendas. Preselected RTD themes included:
(i) Biotechnology products and processes
(ii) Bio-refinery and bio-energy
(iii) Sustainable use of biodiversity
(iv) Ecological intensification
Four working groups were organized on each of the above themes to define priority research topics and a roadmap for research and innovation in LAC countries. Overall, some 15 research topics were formulated. Further, for each of these topics a summary description was prepared with the Project title; Context/Description; Relevant country/region; Relevant institutions; Expected impact for LAC and EU; and Anteriority in FP7.

T3.2 LAC-UE knowledge sharing and RTD joint project identification
This task was oriented to support the development of networks on specific RTD issues where there were activities already underway both in LAC and the EU and where there would have been a mutual benefit to link the different groups and institutions involved.
A second group of activities under T.3.2 was originally oriented to the organization of two workshops in the EU region on key research and technology areas aimed at identifying possible topics for joint project development.
A ‘European Union-Latin America and Caribbean (EU-LAC) Matchmaking Event on Biorefineries’ was held in Toulouse, France (June 4-6, 2012) as a satellite meeting to the 8th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries (RRB8; This Matchmaking Event was co-coordinated with two other LAC-EU projects ASBEST II and EULARINET, with participation of ALCUE-LAC KBBE experts. The goal was to match EU- and LAC actors from both industry (SME) and public sector experts on biorefineries and biobased renewable resources in order to facilitate R&D cooperation on topics and opportunities previously identified and deemed relevant. The objectives were (a) to form consortia focused on the calls of the European Commission’s FP7 work program 2013 and (b) the construction of project profiles.
A Science-Industry matchmaking event was organized between Latin-American, Caribbean and European actors of biorefineries, bio-based products and bioenergy in Antwerp, Belgium on June 7, 2013 to further support matchmaking and networking opportunities for improved KBBE business and trade development between the EU and LAC. This matchmaking event was part of a larger program (3-7 June 2013) that included site visits to businesses and knowledge centers involved in different sectors of the bioeconomy in Belgium as well as participation in the 9th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries (RRB9; This offered the LAC participants opportunities for networking with a wide range of international, especially European, stakeholders involved in bioeconomy related R&D and commercial activities.
The actual matchmaking event on June 7, 2013 took place as a satellite meeting to the RRB9. During the matchmaking, selected key initiatives from the public and private sector from the LAC region, including investment groups, that are involved in biorefineries or renewable biomass based resources were presented, after which candidate partners could discuss opportunities for collaborations.
The event included a panel discussion with bio-economy experts from the EU and LAC region where future directions and options to enhance cooperation between public and private sector actors in the bio-economy in a bi-regional context were discussed.
In addition, a Symposium on the Bioeconomy in Tropical America was organized in San José (Costa Rica) on October 9-10, 2013. The Symposium was also organized in the framework of the ALCUE NET project and brought together experts from different countries from Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union presenting topics on Biomass Production, Biomass Transformation, and Biovalorization. The two final sessions covered Bioregional S&T Cooperation on the Bioeconomy and Opportunities and Policy Needs. The Symposium was followed on October 10 by a session on the EULAC Bioeconomy Working Group of the Senior Officials Meeting (SOM)
We previously reported ON the development of a EU bioeconomy R&D project database under T.1.2 with inputs from UGent. This database has been further updated/expanded jointly with team members of the SAYHOG project (Strengthening Networking on Biomass Research and Biowaste Conversion – Biotechnology for Europe India Integration) ( This database will serve as a basis for a publication presenting an overview and analysis of bioeconomy related R&D projects in the EU (manuscript in preparation). The database lists a wide range of R&D topics (2004-2016) related to the KBBE that have recently or are being researched or developed in the EU by a broad range of disciplines, at different scales and by different organisations/consortia, both public and private. The database includes a significant number of assessment or feasibility studies, which are of particular interest for R&D agenda and policy priority setting under ALCUE-KBBE. Notably, several projects in the database involve a collaboration between the EU and LAC region (see also previous technical report).

T3.3 Building a LAC-UE KBBE cooperation agenda
The aim of this task was to bring together the information and perspectives developed in WP1 and WP2, to support broadly attended bi-regional dialogues at integrating individual components into a coherent agenda for action that can move into implementation through specific networks concentrating on key issues such as international cooperation, harmonization of policy and regulatory aspects, science-industry relations, RTD needs.
The information and perspectives of WP1 and WP2 were collected and served as input for the discussions during the workshops of the previous tasks. This resulted in the formulation of recommendations that will be taken into account at the SOM and to formulate a coherent agenda of actions in cooperation with ALCUE NET and EUCARINET (Connecting Caribbean and European Researchers, Policy Makers and Stakeholders in Joint research Actions; ), as an extension to the ALCUE-KBBE platform.
The Symposium in San José was followed by a workshop on ‘Construction of ALCUE Bioeconomy Strategy’ on October 11, 2013 that was hosted by the Inter American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), San José. A draft of a biregional cooperation on bioeconomy was presented by Dr E. Trigo. The proposed cooperation agenda comprises a S&T and a capacity building component that will consider current and past bi-regional EU-LAC programs and whereby the SOM will function as a tool for implementation. Details of the two components were further worked out in a group discussion. It was agreed that a proposal would be written and submitted to the SOM for their meeting to be held in Costa Rica, 2014. This write up would include the recommendations from the Antwerp Science-Industry Meeting (see Deliverable D8).

WP4- Achievements

T4.1: Development of the project communication and dissemination strategy
A first proposal of communication and dissemination strategy has been developed since the month of July 2011. It defines a set of information products, tools and events for a number of target audiences. This roadmap has been updated as new communication opportunities.

T4.2 : Design, development and maintenance of the project intranet and website
Caramba design, Colombian enterprise of web design was subcontracted. The Internet based project management platform was created: This platform houses internal and external project documents (by WP), Project Working Papers, Library, Publications, WP email boxes, Project News, Publicity materials, Partners contact lists, Events, etc. Some internal information is only accessible for project partners (using a password).
The Internet based project management platform, were updated weekly with new internal and external project documents such as: Project Working Papers, Publications, Project News, Publicity materials, Partners contact lists, Events, etc.

T4.3: Data base management
A stakeholders list was constructed. It is consultable on the website ( Several filters are available to search KBBE R&D actors: Country, Institution, Main Scientific Field, Secondary Scientific Field(s), Web page, Type of Organization.

T4.4: KBBE newsletter
The communication strategy planned to publish a Bi-annual newsletter. The first issue was published in April 2012. In October, 2012, the second KBBE Newsletter was published. The section “ALCUE-KBBE at a glance” focused on four benchmarking studies of the bioeconomy in LAC. A third issue was published in April, 2013 and focused on two subjects: “Bioeconomy Research and Policy agendas for LAC” and “Biotechnology at the service of agriculture generates efficient plants”. Both issues were distributed by email to a wide list of stakeholders (more than 200) from EU and LAC giving an update on the project past and upcoming activities. They can be found at :
The Newsletters gave an update on the project past and upcoming activities, with one page focused on one activity (ALCUE KBBE at a glance).It provided the agenda of BE related event in EU and LAC region for the six coming months, stressed relevant news (publications, projects launching, private sector, etc) related to the BE activities in both LAC and EU region.

To promote the discussion of key KBBE issues and development: Two sections were dedicated to focused topics, one on a BE issue, one on a BE related success story in the LAC region.
The newsletter was distributed by email to a wide list of stakeholders (more than 200) from EU and LAC. A

T4.5: Project publications
• Project working paper 18/11 – Henry, G., Trigo, E., 2011. “Policy note No. 2011-01, A bioeconomy for Latin America and the Caribbean: opportunities and challenges from a policy perspective”
• LAC regional IAAE Inter-conference Symposium on the Bio-economy, 2011 “Symposium Concept Note: The Bioeconomy in Latin America and the Caribbean: Towards a socioeconomic research agenda”.
• Poster presented at the RRB8 conference in Toulouse, France, June 4-6th 2012, Ingelbrecht, Dulce De Oliveira, Sylvia Burssens1 Marc Van Montagu, Eduardo J. Trigo and Guy Henry, 2012, “Towards a Latin-American and Caribbean bio-economy in partnership with Europe”
• 1st year Project brochure (pictured below), with the basic project information and contacts, was distributed at several major international policy events in 2011 and 2012. An English and Spanish version have been edited
• ALCUE KBBE Newsletter issue # 1 – April 2012
• International Innovation Magazine, Euro Focus, February 2012, Article A Latin American bioeconomy?
• Bioeconomy Working Paper No.2013-01 - Trigo E.J. Henry G., Sanders J., Schurr U. , Ingelbrecht I., Revel C., Santana C., Rocha P., 2013. “Towards bioeconomy development in Latin America and the Caribbean”
• Bioeconomy Working Paper No.2013-02 - Hodson de Jaramillo E., Chavarriaga-Aguirre P., 2013. “Natural resources in Latin America and the Caribbean from a bioeconomy perspective and policy recommendations”
• Bioeconomy Working Paper No. 2013-03 - Gonzales, C., Trigo, E., Herrera Estrella, L., Farias, A., 2013. “Current status and future potential of knowledge based bio-economy related research & innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean and policy recommendations”
• Bioeconomy Working Paper No.2013-04 - Pedro J.Rocha S., 2013. “Policy and institutional framework for the development of bioeconomy in Latin America and the Caribbean”
• ALCUE KBBE Newsletter issue # 2 – October 2012
• ALCUE KBBE Newsletter issue # 3 – April 2013
• Henry, G., Trigo, E. and E. Hodson (editors). LAC Bioeconomies: Towards a Knowledge Based Bioeconomy in Latin America and the Caribbean (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota, Colombia (in press)

T4.6: Workshops and platform meetings’ support
Workshops and meetings support was provided by CIRAD to the following events:
• Workshop “Construction of a Bioeconomy roadmap and RTD agenda for Latin America and Caribbean”, Cali, Colombia, November 5-6, 2012
• Forum :“El potencial de la Bioeconomía para Colombia” 7 November 2012, CIAT, CALI, Colombia
• Annual meeting #2. Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 22, 2013
• Workshop “Sciences-Industry Matchmaking Event between Latin American, Caribbean and European actors of biorefineries, biobased products and bioenergy”, Anvers, Belgium, June 3-7, 2013
• Symposium on the Bioeconomy in Tropical America. San Jose, Costa Rica, October 9-10, 2013

Potential Impact:
Project impact (intermediate term) :
• Impacts on competitiveness and bioregional trade in both LAC and the EU will be enhanced due to improved performance of key drivers, including: This project is contributing to sharing technical assistance, capacity-building and technology transfer to allow Latin America countries to participate in negotiating and implementing international agreements and standards, notably on risk governance, and to safely develop and apply these new technologies.
• Best practices for policy development and implementation. The project was also meant to share common best policies practices regarding KBBE development. The best policies exchange between EU and LAC will help Latin American countries increase efficiency and facilitate program development, while it will also provide additional information for future European policies, for example on GMOs.
• Better public information and a pro-active policy environment to facilitate investments. By generating more information concerning the impacts and benefits of the bioeconomy, both in Europe and around the world the project will also contribute to the achievements of one of the goals of the EC strategy in the area of biotechnology which focus on the need to address ethical and societal implications and concerns, as an essential element to develop the necessary public support for Europe to take full advantage of the potential benefits of the new technologies
• Help bring together EU and LAC views in a number of key international instruments and fora. By proving an organized institutional space for the discussion and exchange of views between stakeholders from both regions - researchers, policy makers, private sector representatives, including farmers – the project contributes to develop common positions about the implementations of key international instruments related to biotechnology development and applications.
• Improved synergy with other program and project initiatives. The ALCUE-KBBE cooperation platform project is in line with several other S&T co-operation initiatives between the EU and LAC countries and will contribute to reinforce and integrate them.

Main Dissemination Activities :

Project Website :
This platform houses internal and external project documents (by WP), Project Working Papers, Library, Publications, WP email boxes, Project News, Publicity materials, Partners contact lists, Events, etc.
The Internet based project management platform, were updated weekly with new internal and external project documents such as: Project Working Papers, Publications, Project News, Publicity materials, Partners contact lists, Events, etc.

Project publications :
• Project working paper 18/11 – Henry, G., Trigo, E., 2011. “Policy note No. 2011-01, A bioeconomy for Latin America and the Caribbean: opportunities and challenges from a policy perspective”
• LAC regional IAAE Inter-conference Symposium on the Bio-economy, 2011 “Symposium Concept Note: The Bioeconomy in Latin America and the Caribbean: Towards a socioeconomic research agenda”.
• Poster presented at the RRB8 conference in Toulouse, France, June 4-6th 2012, Ingelbrecht, Dulce De Oliveira, Sylvia Burssens1 Marc Van Montagu, Eduardo J. Trigo and Guy Henry, 2012, “Towards a Latin-American and Caribbean bio-economy in partnership with Europe”
• 1st year Project brochure (pictured below), with the basic project information and contacts, was distributed at several major international policy events in 2011 and 2012. An English and Spanish version have been edited
• ALCUE KBBE Newsletter issue # 1 – April 2012
• International Innovation Magazine, Euro Focus, February 2012, Article A Latin American bioeconomy?
• Bioeconomy Working Paper No.2013-01 - Trigo E.J. Henry G., Sanders J., Schurr U. , Ingelbrecht I., Revel C., Santana C., Rocha P., 2013. “Towards bioeconomy development in Latin America and the Caribbean”
• Bioeconomy Working Paper No.2013-02 - Hodson de Jaramillo E., Chavarriaga-Aguirre P., 2013. “Natural resources in Latin America and the Caribbean from a bioeconomy perspective and policy recommendations”
• Bioeconomy Working Paper No. 2013-03 - Gonzales, C., Trigo, E., Herrera Estrella, L., Farias, A., 2013. “Current status and future potential of knowledge based bio-economy related research & innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean and policy recommendations”
• Bioeconomy Working Paper No.2013-04 - Pedro J.Rocha S., 2013. “Policy and institutional framework for the development of bioeconomy in Latin America and the Caribbean”
• ALCUE KBBE Newsletter issue # 2 – October 2012
• ALCUE KBBE Newsletter issue # 3 – April 2013
• Henry, G., Trigo, E. and E. Hodson (editors). LAC Bioeconomies: Towards a Knowledge Based Bioeconomy in Latin America and the Caribbean (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota, Colombia (in press)

Workshops and meetings :
• Workshop “Construction of a Bioeconomy roadmap and RTD agenda for Latin America and Caribbean”, Cali, Colombia, November 5-6, 2012
• Forum :“El potencial de la Bioeconomía para Colombia” 7 November 2012, CIAT, CALI, Colombia
• Annual meeting #2. Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 22, 2013
• Workshop “Sciences-Industry Matchmaking Event between Latin American, Caribbean and European actors of biorefineries, biobased products and bioenergy”, Anvers, Belgium, June 3-7, 2013
• Symposium on the Bioeconomy in Tropical America. San Jose, Costa Rica, October 9-10, 2013
List of Websites:
Website address :

Revelant contact details : Dr. Guy Henry
A.A. 6713, CIAT, Cali, Colombia
Tel: ++57 2 445 0124