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Jordan Europe Wide Enhanced research Links in ICT

Final Report Summary - JEWEL (Jordan Europe Wide Enhanced research Links in ICT)

Executive Summary:

The JEWEL project lays the foundation for enhanced EU- Jordan collaboration in the field of Information and Communication Technology, ICT.

The European Union and Jordan share common concerns in Information and Communication Technology, which create a favorable environment for strategic R&D collaboration and help to respond to the broader societal challenges faced by both these continents.

The DG CONNECT Unit “ERA-WIDE” supported the JEWEL project during the period of November 2010 – October 2013 with the aim of stimulating EU-Jordan cooperation in Information and Communication Technology.

Over this period of Three years, the JEWEL project team – Jordan University of Science and Technology, Aristoteli University of Thessaloniki, and inno, supported by a dedicated expert group drawn from leading academic and industrial experts from European Union, and USA – developed a range of recommendations and concrete project initiatives. The project team also mobilized 50+ members of the European and Jordan R&D community with the goal to promote, support and lay the foundations for future EU-Jordan R&D cooperation in Information and Communication Technology.

The major project achievements include:

 Raised visibility of EU-based activities in Jordan, including insights into European Networks and Platforms regarding key research and technological challenges toward Horizon 2020.

 Mapping of 50+ Jordanians R&D Information and Communication Technology teams from 20+ organizations, and preparation of a promotional guide with an overview of their core competences.

 Overview of societal and industrial needs in Jordan for ICT, with focus on Modeling, Simulation, Nanoscale Effect, tools for Transistor Design.

 10 EU-Jordan collaborative events with participation of 500+ specialists:

 Strategy and Action Report “EU-Jordan collaboration in Information and Communication Technology: next steps”, summarizing expectations from the EU-Jordan community.

 Proposal for themes “Low Power Design Methedologies at Nanoscale Technology” for a Coordinated ICT Call EU-Jordan, resulting from consultation process.

 Initiation of concrete R&D EU-Jordan collaboration activities and projects - the technical discussions have been started and some initiatives are well advanced.

 Organization of training and individual support to increase the skills of the Jordanian researchers

 Scientific achievements research papers more than 30 publications have been published and two honors and awards have been awarded thanks ofJEWEL.

In addition, JEWEL has generated many indirect, but nevertheless, important outcomes laying the foundations for long term collaboration and enhancing the competitiveness of actors in both communities, such as contribution to initiation and execution of Jordanian-based projects in different ICT thematic research areas, helping European specialists to understand the “way R&D works in Jordan” as a basis for future R&D collaborations, and contributing to raise awareness regarding the topic in academic and industry organizations in Jordan due to the growth of new fields linking monitoring and control with communications and computing.

Project Context and Objectives:

JEWEL is a support Action project aimed at stimulating cooperation in the Information and Communication technologies between Europe and Jordan, in order to support Europe’s leading position in ICT while ensuring mutual benefits for both Europe and Jordan. Consequently, JEWEL aimed to develop cooperation in ICT and it is applications that are relevant to the research priorities identified in the FP7 ICT Work Program 2009 and that ensured mutual benefits. These research priorities included the following:

- Lower Power Design Methodologies: to develop novel methods and techniques for next generation of transistor design.
- Modeling Transistor at Nanoscale: Create new models fit for nanoscale transistor design;
- Modeling Carbon Nanotube Transistor: Create Models for Carbon Nanotube recent technology as well as Graphine Transistor in order to keep Jordan on the edge of Technology.

In order to stimulate the monitoring and control cooperation, JEWEL ’s mission was threefold:

(i) Map Jordan organizations involved in research relevant to the EU’s priorities concerning ICT application’s methods and tools, assess the potential for ICT-monitoring and ICT-control collaboration between Jordan and Europe, and propose recommendations with a roadmap;
(ii) Organize combined awareness-raising, networking & brokerage and training events in Jordan and in Europe concerning relevant monitoring and control calls under FP7 ICT, and a delegation tour of European specialists to Jordanian organizations, and reinforce the attendance of Jordanian experts at key monitoring and control events in Europe;
(iii) Provide ‘hands-on’ support to Indian monitoring and control organizations to strengthen Jordanian participation in the European research and training: joining European consortia preparing FP ICT proposals, facilitating secondment of Jordanian researchers to European organizations.

Project Results:

The implementation of the JEWEL project provided a substantial added value to the activities enhancing the EU-Jordan ICT research cooperation. This includes many exploitable results, such as the knowledge that has been acquired on the collaboration schemes between Jordan and European researchers in the field of ICT. Deliverables produced during the project lifetime included recommendations, feedbacks, and summary of project meetings, events, finding and other elements prepare a good ground for further potential initiatives of EU-Jordan collaboration.

The major project achievements include:

- Raised visibility of EU-based activities in Jordan, including insights into European Networks and Platforms regarding key research and technological challenges for 2020.
- Mapping of 50+ Jordanian R&D ICT teams from 20 organizations, and preparation of a promotional guide with an overview of their core competences.
- Overview of societal and industrial needs in Jordan for ICT, with focus on ICT in Environment, ICT in Energy, ICT in Water, and ICT in Health.
- 6 EU-Jordan collaborative events with participation of 100+ specialists:

• “FP7-Info-day in ICT,” Budapest, Hungary (May 18, 2011);
• “Info-day - FP7 Research on ICT for Sustainable Growth Brussels, March 2011;
• “FP7-Info-day in ICT, Budapest,” Hungary (May 18, 2011)
• Info-day in ICT, Warsaw, Poland,
• INCO Conference, Strengthening International Cooperation in Research & Innovation, Marseille, France, 17-19 June, 2013;
• Participation in the AENEAS/CATRENE brokerage event 2012 at Paris, France.
• “Modern circuits and system technologies,” workshop, Thessaloniki, Greece, Feb. 2011.
• “Modern circuits and system technologies,” workshop, Thessaloniki, Greece, Feb. 2012.
• “Strengthening International Cooperation in Research & Innovation,” Marseille, France,

17-19 June, 2013.

- Strategy and Action Report “EU-Jordan collaboration in Information and Communication Technology systems technologies: next steps”, summarizing expectations from the EU-Jordanian community.
- Proposal for a theme “Smart components and systems for sustainable development and inclusion” for a Coordinated ICT Call EU-Jordanian, resulting from consultation process.
- Initiation of concrete R&D EU-Jordan collaboration activities and projects - the technical discussions have been started and some initiatives are well advanced.
- Organisation of training and individual support to increase the skills of the Jordanian research community in European opportunities, partner search, and FP7 project set up.

N° 266507 JEWEL Final report

International collaboration plays an important part in driving forward research excellence and the competiveness of industrial actors. It is also a long term process but JEWEL has already prepared the way forward and a number of important next steps have been identified. These include:

- Launching a joint funding scheme between EU and Jordan.
- Creating technology platform in ICT – Jordan, new project will run Jan. 2014 and JEWEL Coordinator will coordinate it too
- Linking European and Jordan R&D knowledge networks working on similar topics, and encourage local consortia with industrial participation
- Reinforcing two-way collaboration, young researcher mobility and co-supervision of thesis, and attract EU young specialists to Jordan
- Making visible the community in the EU-Jordan ICT policy dialogue
- Building on the work of JEWEL and continuing to jointly support EU-Jordanian initiatives encouraging EU-Jordanian R&D collaboration

1.3. The expected impact and the main dissemination activities and exploitation of results

Potential Impact:

JEWEL is support action project has significantly contributed to improving European and Jordanian research collaboration in the field of Information and Communication Technology, and the difficulties the project team encountered along the way have only increased the value of the unique experience conducted within the JEWEL framework.

The key project outcomes – compendium, recommendations, support to research centers interested in EU-Jordanian cooperation, training activities and defining Strategy and Action Report.

“EU-Jordan collaboration in Information and Communication Technologies: next steps ” - reaffirmed the interest to explore new collaboration opportunities in order to create a new dynamic for the EU-Jordanian ICT policies rapprochement. The openness principle that has been pushed forward by JEWEL will ensure for European research organizations the access to Jordanian sources and, per consequences, will increase international collaboration projects rate.

In addition, JEWEL has generated many indirect, but nevertheless, important outcomes laying the foundations for long term collaboration and enhancing the competitiveness of actors in both communities.

Firstly, the project contributed to initiation and execution of Jordanian-based projects in ICT.

Secondly, JEWEL helped European specialists to understand the “way R&D works in Jordan” as a basis for future R&D collaborations and created an atmosphere of trust between future collaboration partners. The project also highlighted the strong match of R&D interests in Europe and Jordan in monitoring and control of complex systems.

Thirdly, the project contributed to raise awareness regarding the topic in academic and industry organizations in Jordan due to the growth of new fields linking monitoring and control with communications and computing.

N° 266507 JEWEL Final report

And last but not least, the project created an atmosphere of trust between future collaboration partners themselves.


The project team proposed a topic on Information and Communication Technology for an EU -Jordan ICT coordinated call: ICT for Environment including water, and suggested that projects may address topics such as clean water, health care, transportation system, protection of the environment, efficient and sustainable food production, sustainable energy etc..


R&D industrial specialists from Int@j-Jordan as well as from Jordan-Telecom took part in the project events. Follow up activities include, for example, a visit of a representative of an Int@j and representative of Orange from Jordan welcomed more than two times people from France Telecom and inno to continue collaboration discussions with different research groups.


Following the EU-Jordanian collaboration meeting organized by JEWEL, an initiative has been started between Jordan (JUST) and Greece (AUTH University) towards the creation of an International Research Team “ICT - Nanoelectronics”. After the first meeting, the idea was brought up, and in October 2013, after consultation with the funding institutions, detailed technical discussions will be taken place.


During the delegation tour in Jordan, the idea of a joint R&D project on decision support for faculty members in Jordan that are willing to participate in future cooperation and communication with EU people. The project is planned to create teams from Jordan and Greece to face the next calls and prepare for it in the area of Medical Health.


There are on-going efforts in developing large scale networks to function as experimental test beds in two broad market areas: ICT-Health, ICT-Environment and ICT-Energy. It is expected that these test beds can serve to validate current theoretical concepts in monitoring and control using ICT tools, as well as provide a platform for developing new products.


“I regret I did not come to Jordan ten years ago. It’s a great group here, we could have done good work together earlier”” (EU Professor).


“Major source of cooperation are graduate students: Jordan needs to gain from the process. The only option is joint co-supervision of thesis. It should be an exchange in both directions; it should be two-ways collaboration” (Jordanian Professor). Two ways collaboration was promoted throughout all JEWEL project activities.

N° 266507 JEWEL Final report


During the European visits to Jordan, the most master students who attended the event asked the Europeans keynote speakers their business cards and asked them questions regarding the requirements of the admission in the master and Ph. D. studies in Europe. Opportunities and facilities in the graduate studies were offered from the EU visitors.

List of Websites:


JEWEL dissemination activities concerned the following subjects:

• Dissemination of information about project activities, via various channels, and involvement of R&D community in the project work;

• Awareness raising about EU-Jordan collaboration opportunities in the ICT fields (e.g. FP7 calls for proposals, or bilateral calls, especially relevant for Greece and Spain);

• Provision of information about knowledge networks in Europe – covering Networked Monitoring and Control systems topic (e.g. European Technology Platforms Information);

• Competence mapping of Jordanian organizations and dissemination of this information to the EU specialists;

• Interactions with other relevant projects, funded by EC and targeting Jordan in specific and MEAN in general;

The dissemination tools included partners’ meetings, web portal, communication events, delegation meetings, newsletters, training, round table, workshop and other relevant events, as hardcopy folders include all materials related to the JEWEL project.

The dissemination process was declined into two distinctive parts which were closely interlinked at the same time, according to Awareness Raising and Dissemination Strategy developed by the consortium:

• Dissemination campaign aimed at disseminating of information on project progress regarding to the project’s activities, results and lessons learned during implementation and on the ICT Work Program of FP7 in ICT in Health, ICT-Environment, ICT-in Energy. An important aspect was to build a positive image for the project in order to federate a significant synergy and mobilization among the EU-Jordan ICT community. Development of a project website, including Jordan ICT organizations database – all these tools worked to achieve this objective.

• Awareness raising campaign was focused on the mobilization of the R&D units in Europe and Jordan as well as the governmental organizations responsible for international cooperation in the ICT domain. This campaign targeted specific audience such as relevant research centers, ICT National contact points and coordinators of technology based projects running under FP7.Continuous dissemination activities focusing on ICT community have been implemented by all partners. The activities included networking events, training sessions, round tables and project presentations at the other events, such as water management day, ICT-2010 or EU-Jordan S&T Cooperation Day.
