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Content archived on 2024-05-30

"Belgian Presidency Conference related to ""Conditions for Achieving Excellence in Universities and other Research Organisations"""

Final Report Summary - BELPRESCONF (Belgian Presidency Conference related to "Conditions for Achieving Excellence in Universities and other Research Organisations")

As part of the Belgian Presidency of the Competitiveness EU Council, the Brussels capital region organised the conference 'Conditions for achieving excellence in universities and other research organisations' on 14 October and 15, 2010. During these two days 250 preeminent specialists in research, innovation and higher education gathered to tackle the most important issues in relation to excellence in research in the European Union.

This conference aimed at creating a discussion forum for all the stakeholders in order to debate about the best ways and tools to reach excellence and to identify examples of 'best practices' which could serve as successful models for other research organisations.

The conference could not tackle all the questions linked to excellence, as a consequence five themes were chosen:

- partnerships between research and industry;
- autonomy and excellence;
cooperation, clustering and excellence-based competition;
- sustainable research funding towards common principles;
- research training for innovation - towards a framework for doctoral training in Europe.

Moreover the issue of universities ranking was also discussed with the presentation of the U-multirank initiative which consists in the elaboration of a new mechanism of ranking.

The conference lasted two days. During these two days three plenary sessions and five parallel sessions were organised.
The speakers had been chosen for their expertise of the topic or for the innovative, original or successful character of their projects and initiatives. Thus, in each session was done an analysis of the topic and of the problems, some proposals of solutions and successful examples of good practices. The panels were composed of specialists coming from various backgrounds: academic (university professors, rectors or presidents...) but also industrial or commercial (head of companies, projects officer...) from 17 Member States. During the two days of the conference those speakers crossed their experiences and shared with all the participants.

The discussions were, according to all, fruitful and interesting and allowed the participants to leave with new ideas and new examples of successful practices ready to be adapted and transposed in other countries.

Seven rapporteurs attended the sessions, followed the discussions and elaborated jointly a conclusion report.

These conclusions are hereunder summarised to give an overlook of the main points and ideas raised during the conference.

On a technical and logistical scale, no major problem marred the conference. The participants benefited from a pleasant settings and of a complete and optimal support (catering...).

The reactions which followed this event were all positive regarding the content as well as the practical organisation. An efficient collaboration between the various actors involved in the organisation (Minister Cerexhe's Cabinet, IRSIB, RIB and the European Commission) allowed to put in place interesting sessions for a carefully targeted audience, and a good logistics.