Final Report Summary - RETEBESKO (Rechargeable Telemetry-Based Electrochemical Sensors: Kidney Oxygenation and health.)
Furthermore we believe that the fellow has used this Marie Curie fellowship very effectively and has been able to successfully transfer relevant research knowledge and skills from New Zealand to the EU in general and the Netherlands in particular. This is exemplified by;
• 3 publications in peer-reviewed journals and 1 manuscript in preparation;
• 9 invitations to speak at international meeting (of which 7 in Europe);
• 8 poster and 1 oral presentations at international conferences;
• 8 collaborations with international research laboratories;
• Establishing oxygen telemetry at UMC Utrecht and Maastricht University;
• Establishing renal nerve recording at UMC Utrecht;
• Supervising an internship of 6 months;
• Receiving 4 extra mural research grants (AMRF project, IRSES, RSNZ, BHF Fellowship) which has a total of just over €1 million;
• Teaching 2 sessions ‘Advanced Integrative Physiology’ (Medsci 734; 2012);
• Teaching a second semester of ‘Regulation & Integrations Physiology’ (GNK 1.7; 2012).