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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Content archived on 2024-06-18

"Larval quality in oyster hatcheries: Effects of ocean acidification, temperature change and food availability on reproductive success and survival of the European flat oyster"


"The proposed research will investigate the effects of biological and physicochemical conditions on growth and development of the European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis) throughout its life cycle.
Specific research objectives for this project are:
1. determine current causes of hatchery instability in broodstock conditioning and larval productivity, including potential effects of ocean acidification and temperature change on larval development in O. edulis;
2. optimize ecophysiological conditions for O. edulis larval development in a commercial-scale hatchery to allow sufficient production of spat for expansion of the flat oyster aquaculture industry;
3. identify coastal grow-out sites on the Bohusian coast (at least 3) that are suitable for aquaculture operations in order to optimize the growth of O. edulis to marketable size.
The research links together multiple research groups and industry partners in optimizing the cultivation of flat oysters. Studies will utilize established infrastructure at the Sven Lovén Marine Sciences Center of Gothenburg University, the Danish Shellfish Centre, and the commercial hatchery Ostrea Sverige. The Applicant will be working with researchers at these institutions to apply interdisciplinary expertise to the project objectives.
This proposal combines aspects of developmental biology, marine ecology, chemical and physical oceanography, and geography, and the application of these fields to answering key questions about oyster larval development and improvement of aquaculture processes. A lack of understanding of factors affecting larval and juvenile survival currently curtails hatchery production of O. edulis in Sweden, thereby impeding expansion of a European flat oyster aquaculture industry in northern waters. Data derived from the project will be relevant to the effects of ocean acidification on natural populations, while also ensuring successful hatchery production to meet European market demand for high-quality cultured shellfish."

Call for proposal

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EU contribution
€ 193 266,40
405 30 Goeteborg

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Södra Sverige Västsverige Västra Götalands län
Activity type
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Administrative Contact
Annika Bergman (Dr.)
Total cost
No data