The grand challenge of this project is to 1) develop integrated multi-point surfaces that include multiple touch points, multiple haptic feedback on fingers (and tangible objects on the surface) and reconfigurable ‘true-3D’ content for a ‘walk-up and use’ scenario; 2) identify interaction design principles and visualization techniques to support users around such surfaces and 3) demonstrate the added value of this multi-point surface by integrating this within the workflow of stem-cell researchers to demonstrate that better visual and mechanical characterization of biological processes is achievable with our system.
The knowledge generated can be applied to a wide range of applications from entertainment and education to medical and life-sciences. For example, with our proposed system students can collaborate around an interactive table to feel plant textures and human organs while visualizing them in 3D while discussing with fellow students to allow for a very rich learning experience.
Call for proposal
See other projects for this call
Funding Scheme
ERC-SG - ERC Starting GrantHost institution
BN1 9RH Brighton
United Kingdom