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Content archived on 2024-05-29

IP flows over optical and wireless

Final Activity Report Summary - IP-FLOW (IP flows over optical and wireless)

This was a three-year European project supported in full by Marie Curie Chair Excellent (EXC) Actions and was awarded to Prof. Yoram Ofek who implemented the project successfully at the University of Trento in Italy. All information about the project implementation and results are available on the project web site:; further information could be found in the chair holder personal web-page:

The main IP-FLOW project achievements are:
- IEEE ICC-007 ONS Best Paper Award: D. Agrawal, M. Baldi, M. Corrà, G. Fontana, G. Marchetto, V. T. Nguyen, Y. Ofek, D. Severina, T. H. Truong, O. Zadedyurina, 'Scalable switching testbed not 'stopping' the serial bit stream,' ICC 2007 - The IEEE International Conference on Communications 2007, Glasgow, Scotland, 24-28 June 2007.
- The award of a second EC project called RE-TRUST (Remote EnTrusting by Run-time Software authentication) - see which is an extension and generalisation of the TrustedFlow the focus of IP-FLOW research area 2.
- The RE-TRUST consortium consists of 5 partners. The project is coordinated by Prof. Ofek who organised 3 RE-TRUST related workshops in 2006 and 2007.
- The completion of the ultra scalable switch prototype nine-months ahead of schedule, and currently implementing a wide area testbed with Torino and Milano.
- Ultra scalable switch demonstration (1) during IST 2006, Helsinki, Finland, 21-23 November 2006 and (2) during Communicating European Research - CER 2005, Brussels Exhibition Center (Heysel), 14-15 November 2005.
-Continuing the ultra scalable switch implementation beyond the original project objectives: (1) all-optical implementation and (2) FPGA-base time receiver.
- IP-FLOW publications: 6 in journal/book chapter; 14 in conferences; 1 in magazine; 5 PhD thesis; 6 MSc thesis; and 13 invited seminars.

Research area 1: UTC-based pipeline forwarding for IP flows for solving switch and wireless link bottlenecks
This part is devoted to development and testing of a prototype that includes both switch fabric control and network interfaces. The completed prototype testbed includes two switches with two controllers and the network interface to provide the correct management of the packet according to the global time from GPS.

The original lab switching prototype was extended to a wide area testbed made up of three switch prototypes that are located in three institutions connected through the internet network: (i) University of Trento, (ii) Politecnico di Milano, and (iii) Politecnico di Torino.

Further investigations and hardware realisations that are beyond the project original goals: (i) the use of a real time OS to provide better synchronisation of the network interface and (ii) the use of a monolithic PCMCIA with FPGA that (a) receives GPS signal and provides accurate square waves generation for synchronisation, (b) controls and manage the TDS switches, and (c) laptop network interface. All activities continue with IP-FLOW and local funding.

Research area 2: TrustedFlow / RE-TRUST
This section provides the study of software solution for remotely authenticating codes and protocols during execution, which aims at assuring that the software is not changed prior to and / or during execution. First collaborations started with professors from University of Trento and from Politecnico di Torino to provide first version of prototype of trusted flow protocol in Java virtual machines.

Research area 3: Delivering high fidelity content over Wi-Fi
The focus of the part is scaled down to the use of directional antennas in high fidelity content delivery. Collaborations with professors Bezalel Gavish, George Whitaker, and Renato Lo Cigno allow the studying and testing of wireless network with directional antennas.