"The “GMES and Africa” initiative establishes a long term partnership between European and African stakeholders, accordingly to the Lisbon Declaration, to work together on the development and implementation of Earth Observation (EO) applications based on African requirements. The process is implemented in the wide context of the Africa-EU partnership aiming for sustainable development and increment of scientific cooperation. “GMES and Africa” strengthens Africa’s capacity and ownership of EO activities and acknowledges the importance of past and present programmes, recognising the need to coordinate actions to avoid duplication, increase synergies and enhance complementarities.
“Bridging Actions for GMES & Africa” (BRAGMA) will support and facilitate the necessary dialogue to implement the process, through improved coordination and adequate information flow and dissemination strengthening the partnership via the following actions:
Keep building momentum for “GMES and Africa Action Plan” (GAAP) through validation and reviewing processes;
Reinforcing the coordination group of stakeholders and entities responsible for leading the initiative and contributing to in-loco support aligned with the implementation mechanisms agreed in the GAAP;
Supporting the role of the Expert Team (defined by the “GMES and Africa Strategic Document” at Hammamet, November 2010) on a sustainable basis;
Promoting and creating wider international awareness of results and likely impact of relevant FP7 projects and current and planned ""GMES and Africa"" related activities;
Facilitate the capacity for selected African experts to attend key coordination events and conferences;
Organise ""GMES and Africa"" major awareness events in Africa;
Provide reviews of how GMES services could contribute to needs identified in the GAAP."
Call for proposal
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Funding Scheme
CSA-SA - Support actionsCoordinator
1349 007 LISBOA