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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Coordinating the cooperation of the ESFRI project Infrafrontier with the International Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC)

Final Report Summary - INFRACOMP (Coordinating the cooperation of the ESFRI project Infrafrontier with the International Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC))

The aim of the InfraCoMP project is to provide a coordination mechanism between the pan-European ESFRI research infrastructure INFRAFRONTIER and the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC). InfraCoMP is coordinated by Prof. Martin Hrabé de Angelis from the Helmholtz Zentrum München, Germany. The Helmholtz Zentrum München is also the seat of the INFRAFRONTIER GmbH, Prof. Hrabé de Angelis is one of its Directors.

The INFRAFRONTIER Research Infrastructure ( offers access to resources and services related to mouse models to study human diseases. In particular, INFRAFRONTIER offers access to the comprehensive analysis of gene mutations on the whole organism (the so-called systemic phenotyping) in the INFRAFRONTIER mouse clinics, and to the archiving and distribution of scientifically valuable mouse lines in EMMA - the European Mouse Mutant Archive.

The IMPC ( is a global project to carry out systemic phenotyping of knockout mutants for each of the approximately 20,000 protein coding mouse genes. This will allow to create a the first comprehensive catalogue of gene function in health and disease.

Both, INFRAFRONTIER and the IMPC are rooted in successful European initiatives funded by the EC framework programmes, specifically EUMORPHIA, EUMODIC, EUCOMM and EMMA. The scope of INFRAFRONTIER and IMPC is different, yet complementary: INFRAFRONTIER aims to provide a sustainable research infrastructure that provides the biomedical research community with access to systemic phenotyping, archiving and distribution of mouse models; The IMPC proposes an ambitious project plan, utilising the research infrastructure provided by INFRAFRONTIER in Europe and similar resources around the globe.

INFRAFRONTIER and the IMPC have many common issues and face similar challenges; InfraCoMP provides an effective coordination mechanism between the two, building on the fact that many INFRAFRONTIER partners are also members of the IMPC.

To do so, InfraCoMP brings together all the relevant players in INFRAFRONTIER and the IMPC in regular workshops to discuss common approaches and strategies in four main areas:

Topic 1 - Mouse phenotyping
Topic 2 - Mouse production, archiving and distribution
Topic 3 - Access to phenotyping data, and
Topic 4 - Community Engagement

The discussions in these workshops aid to accommodate the requirements of the European biomedical research community addressed by INFRAFRONTIER with the objectives of the IMPC, to ensure an effective cooperation and to avoid duplication of efforts. The workshop results are put on record in dedicated meeting reports, which are being made available through the INFRAFRONTIER website.

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