Final Report Summary - AERA - PRO (Aeronautics and air transport European Research Agenda - promotion)
Executive summary:
The main focus of the AERA - PRO project was to promote the new 'Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda' (SRIA) for Aviation throughout Europe.
The SRIA is a strategic roadmap paving the way of research and innovation in the aviation sector in the next 40 years. The SRIA describes how to achieve the vision and implement the goals of 'Flightpath 2050' - a forward-looking, consistent and far-reaching view on future challenges and needs of aviation and air transport.
The SRIA was created by the Advisory Council for Aviation Research and innovation in Europe (ACARE), in particular ACARE's five dedicated working groups, with the assistance and support of the European Commission (EC)-funded project NEARS.
The SRIA concentrates on three time frames: short term (2020), medium term (2035) and long term (2050), and is divided in five challenges described in adequately adjusted levels of detail to ensure that the first steps to achieve the goals for European aviation of 2050 are made today.
AERA - PRO's main objective was to ensure that the impact of such an agenda would be as wide as possible throughout the aviation community, as well as towards the European citizens. To this aim, a series of conferences were set up to promote the key messages of the SRIA and disseminate the contents throughout Europe, working towards the future of European air transport.
Project context and objectives:
Flightpath 2050, Europe's vision for aviation beyond 2020, was published on March 2011 at the Aerodays conference. The development of a SRIA based on this vision has been taking place through the involvement and consultation of major aeronautics and air transport stakeholders. The SRIA outlines the main threads of technical, operational and strategic actions to achieve the fulfilment of the vision, and was released during summer 2012.
AERA - PRO provides the opportunity to promote and raise the profile of this research-intensive sector by orchestrating a dissemination campaign matching the expectations of transforming the SRIA into a well-known reference document for all aeronautics and air transport stakeholders and beyond.
The objective is therefore to cover, as extensively as possible, the European Member States and countries associated to the EU Framework Programme (FP), to promote the image of European research in this sector on a global scale and use the very best communication means to address audiences that are usually more difficult to reach.
Tailoring a dissemination campaign around the new agenda to maximise its impact is therefore contributing to this overarching objective.
Project results:
The main result of the AERA - PRO through its dissemination events is to ensure that Europe continues to maintain its leading position at the forefront of the aeronautical research.
Potential Impact:
A plan for use and dissemination of foreground (including socio-economic impact and target groups for the results of the research) shall be established at the end of the project. It should, where appropriate, be an update of the initial plan in annex I for use and dissemination of foreground and be consistent with the report on societal implications on the use and dissemination of foreground (section 4.3 - H). The plan should consist of:
- Section A: This section should describe the dissemination measures, including any scientific publications relating to foreground. Its content will be made available in the public domain thus demonstrating the added-value and positive impact of the project on the European Union (EU).
- Section B: This section should specify the exploitable foreground and provide the plans for exploitation. All this data can be public or confidential; the report must clearly mark non-publishable (confidential) parts that will be treated as such by the Commission. Information under section B that is not marked as confidential will be made available in the public domain thus demonstrating the added-value and positive impact of the project on the EU.
List of websites:
The main focus of the AERA - PRO project was to promote the new 'Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda' (SRIA) for Aviation throughout Europe.
The SRIA is a strategic roadmap paving the way of research and innovation in the aviation sector in the next 40 years. The SRIA describes how to achieve the vision and implement the goals of 'Flightpath 2050' - a forward-looking, consistent and far-reaching view on future challenges and needs of aviation and air transport.
The SRIA was created by the Advisory Council for Aviation Research and innovation in Europe (ACARE), in particular ACARE's five dedicated working groups, with the assistance and support of the European Commission (EC)-funded project NEARS.
The SRIA concentrates on three time frames: short term (2020), medium term (2035) and long term (2050), and is divided in five challenges described in adequately adjusted levels of detail to ensure that the first steps to achieve the goals for European aviation of 2050 are made today.
AERA - PRO's main objective was to ensure that the impact of such an agenda would be as wide as possible throughout the aviation community, as well as towards the European citizens. To this aim, a series of conferences were set up to promote the key messages of the SRIA and disseminate the contents throughout Europe, working towards the future of European air transport.
Project context and objectives:
Flightpath 2050, Europe's vision for aviation beyond 2020, was published on March 2011 at the Aerodays conference. The development of a SRIA based on this vision has been taking place through the involvement and consultation of major aeronautics and air transport stakeholders. The SRIA outlines the main threads of technical, operational and strategic actions to achieve the fulfilment of the vision, and was released during summer 2012.
AERA - PRO provides the opportunity to promote and raise the profile of this research-intensive sector by orchestrating a dissemination campaign matching the expectations of transforming the SRIA into a well-known reference document for all aeronautics and air transport stakeholders and beyond.
The objective is therefore to cover, as extensively as possible, the European Member States and countries associated to the EU Framework Programme (FP), to promote the image of European research in this sector on a global scale and use the very best communication means to address audiences that are usually more difficult to reach.
Tailoring a dissemination campaign around the new agenda to maximise its impact is therefore contributing to this overarching objective.
Project results:
The main result of the AERA - PRO through its dissemination events is to ensure that Europe continues to maintain its leading position at the forefront of the aeronautical research.
Potential Impact:
A plan for use and dissemination of foreground (including socio-economic impact and target groups for the results of the research) shall be established at the end of the project. It should, where appropriate, be an update of the initial plan in annex I for use and dissemination of foreground and be consistent with the report on societal implications on the use and dissemination of foreground (section 4.3 - H). The plan should consist of:
- Section A: This section should describe the dissemination measures, including any scientific publications relating to foreground. Its content will be made available in the public domain thus demonstrating the added-value and positive impact of the project on the European Union (EU).
- Section B: This section should specify the exploitable foreground and provide the plans for exploitation. All this data can be public or confidential; the report must clearly mark non-publishable (confidential) parts that will be treated as such by the Commission. Information under section B that is not marked as confidential will be made available in the public domain thus demonstrating the added-value and positive impact of the project on the EU.
List of websites: