Final Report Summary - IMPRESS (IMPRoved food safety monitoring through Enhanced imaging nanoplaSmonicS)
Although (approved) changes were made in timing and type of secondment and recruitments, the project has achieved its objectives and technical goals with the newly developed IMPRESSOR. This prototype is affordable (estimated production price of 10 k€ (in mass production)), portable ((thick) laptop format), multiplexing (up to 1000 spots), based on Nanoplasmonic SPR in which multiple assays can be performed simultaneously within 15 min. The coated (spotted) biosensor chips are reusable for over 50 times, which reduces the costs of the consumables, and the sensitivities are in the ranges of the requirements (ppb for the mycotoxin and antibiotic and ppm for the allergens). The synthetic epitope-containing peptides (SEPs) improved the biosensor immunoassay for milk proteins. Other identified SEPs were tested with soy mAbs and with pAbs against egg white, egg yolk, lupine and wheat and were proven to be specific in an array format. Combined applications with mycotoxin and antibiotic assays could be performed which is promising for the future application.
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