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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Brazil-Europe - MOnitoring and COntrol FRAmeworks

Project description

The manufacturing industry in Europe and Brazil experience an increasing need for flexibility in production activities that must adapt to a continuously changing world-market demand. The key issue to survive the worldwide competition will be the capacity of putting new and innovative products on the market, enhancing systems' flexibility through advanced ICT tools and architectures ensuring efficiency, performance and robustness, with the constraint of high production variability.

BEMO-COFRA aims to improve factories productivity through the adoption and evolution of the service-oriented LinkSmart middleware from the Hydra project and a structured Point to Point (P2P) network architecture that is being pursued in the EBBITS project ensuring a maximum of interoperability between heterogeneous structures and with end-to-end characteristics for production systems. New production processes will be able to adapt quicker to new productive targets and needs with a much lower impact in terms of costs, development, set-up and ramp-up times.

The project targets the following benefits:

the overall increase of flexibility, performance and reconfigurability of new agile manufacturing systems: today the investment cost spent in average for reconfiguring existing production facilities is indicated as nearly to 40% of initial investment;

an optimal operation maintenance despite varying conditions.

an improvement in efficiency of approximately 20%, accompanied by increased equipment up-time (till 90%) in cases of major variations/uncertainties in process parameters and/or in cases of frequent managed changes in production.

The consortium consists of nine organisations from six different countries (Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Italy and Brazil), and a very powerful Brazilian cluster of research and industrial players with a balanced industrial and research focus and is well suited for rapid exploiting the results across Europe and Brazil.

COMAU is a world leader in manufacturing and production optimisation equipment as well as system integration, especially for the automotive and aerospace industry and assures a real professional orientation towards exploitation of the project results.

CNET, IN-JET and IVISION are innovative SME technology providers, who will gain leading technology developments in their respective areas of software, WSAN and control system development in manufacturing.

FIT, ISMB and Fraunhofer represent leading research institutions in Europe that will contribute their expertise in SoA and middleware development (FIT), dependability and management features in large scale WSAN (ISMB) and resource constraint embedded systems and wireless networking technologies for WSANs on hardware and software level (VTT). The internationally well-known Networking and Telecommunications Research Group of UFPE will contribute to smart sensor networks and coordinate the project from Brazilian side and UFAM will support dissemination and exploitation of the project.

BEMO-COFRA aims to develop an innovative distributed framework allowing networked monitoring and control of large-scale complex systems to achieve overall systems' efficiency with respect to energy and raw materials and support holistic management.BEMO-COFRA reuses the results of the well-reputed Hydra, Pobicos and ebbits EU projects featuring a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and a middleware to integrate in the same framework smart WSAN (Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network) objects, legacy devices and sub-systems by means of web services.WSAN devices and legacy sub-systems/devices coexisting in the overall monitoring and control framework will be able to interact and cooperate thanks to syntactic and semantic interoperability and will be orchestrated by a distributed logic.The BEMO-COFRA framework supports large-scale networks of smart objects provided with sensing/actuating capabilities and adopting heterogeneous wireless communication technologies (such as WiFi, BlueTooth, IEEE 802.15.4-based technologies) in order to meet a wide range of monitoring and control requirements in terms of data throughput, quasi- or real-time constraints, etc. These WSAN developed by BEMO-COFRA feature flexibility, reliability, availability and manageability characteristics that are of paramount importance to support dependable operations in harsh environments.The BEMO-COFRA framework will be deployed in a manufacturing plant - where system dependability is of utmost importance and the environment is harsh – to provide accurate monitoring and control of real-time production processes involving a large number of systems and devices.The BEMO-COFRA consortium consists of 9 organisations from 6 different countries (Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Italy and Brazil), representing a wide taste of Europe in terms of population and economic power and a very powerful Brazilian cluster of research and Industry.

Call for proposal

See other projects for this call


EU contribution
€ 231 177,00
80686 Munchen

See on map

Bayern Oberbayern München, Kreisfreie Stadt
Activity type
Research Organisations
Administrative Contact
Markus Eisenhauer (Dr.)
Total cost
No data

Participants (4)