InnoMatNet aims to advance the goal of an innovation society by developing a flexible approach that establishes teams of innovators, which link materials labs with industry, (particularly the creative industry) as well as other innovation actors providing support to help them bring new products and processes to market. Through conducting a needs assessment and mapping support required against support available an understanding of the support different actors would benefit from will be obtained and best practices identified. This will allow the design and implementation of support actions that will promote open innovation approaches and the use of new innovative support tools. The networking activities and interactive approach will allow the creation of the new alliances required for improving the coordination of high quality research. To achieve these goals the project has gathered organizations that allow it access to different actors in the innovation process. Access to materials labs and expertise is gained through the European Materials Research Society, two Knowledge Transfer Networks (KTNs), and technology centre CETEMMSA. Access to industry is also gained through the two KTNs mentioned as well as the European Business Innovation Centre Network (EBN), in particular creative industries and product designers are included through the European Architecture Foundation, EBN, Transplant (design) and the Materials KTN (has a network of 2000 product designers). Expertise in innovation support (particularly open innovation) and other diverse relevant areas such as metrology, IPR, and sustainability, innovation processes is brought to the proposed work through Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovacao, for which innovation is at the heart of its mission, through the two KTNs, BIBA (expertise in process efficiency/ innovation tools), EBN and the European Network of Living Labs.
Call for proposal
See other projects for this call
Funding Scheme
CSA-CA - Coordination (or networking) actionsCoordinator
4150 356 Porto