Based on previous collaboration, a group of 3 EU research organizations (from Italy, Portugal and Bulgaria) and 2 non-EU research organizations (from USA and Brazil), experienced in the area of research on environmentally friendly (soft) coastal protection methods, decided to bring together their expertise in an IRSES network - the project EnviCOP (Environmentally Friendly Coastal Protection in a Changing Climate).
EnviCOP aims at strengthening research partnerships between the above organizations, primarily through short period staff exchanges of 14 Early stage and 7 Experienced researchers, as well as through various networking activities. Research activities of the project will focus on work-out/improve/coordinate advanced tools (numerical simulation and physical models) that are able to forecast short term and long term phenomena with respect to coastal protection in a changing climate.
The project is expected to provide improved process understanding, new knowledge, methods, new and improved numerical and physical model tools, resulting in introducing new and improved environmentally friendly coastal protection structures.
Project objectives will be pursued by exploring the available experience and scientific potential of all partners, using complementarities and creating synergies, based on existing previous collaboration.
Project output should finally serve decision makers in strengthening emergency planning arrangements, improving co-ordination of coastal erosion and surface water flood risk; managing the investment of significant levels of public funding, and helping coastal communities adapt to climate change.
Fields of science
Call for proposal
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81100 Caserta