OPEN TTT aims to be a pilot project with three main objectives to explore new ways of growth through transnational technology transfer. The first objective is to adapt and provide ad-hoc TTT services to a growing sector not covered by traditional networks of technology brokers and notably the Innovation Relay Centres network ; the open source software. This sector has a huge growth potential in the near future, but it follows a specific economical model - the open standard model - which is considered as an innovation driver. Another objective is to create a methodology of setting up transnational clubs of SMEs of the same sector, sharing the same needs and constraints. Clustering is indeed recognized as an efficient tool to serve the development of small and medium companies today, by sharing together competences. Up to now, most of the so-called 'transnational clustering' activities was carried out bringing together similar or complementary clusters from several countries or regions. OPEN TTT will create tra nsnational clubs of SMEs (e.g. groups of SMEs from different regions in Europe but operating in the same sector of industry or service) with similar IT needs. Finally, the third objective is to promote a new kind of TTT - the transfer of organisational or non-(purely) technological innovations, which is in fact today the largest part of innovation in SMEs has not been addressed by the other TTT initiatives so far. As a result, OPEN TTT will provide a methodology with a pilot application: - to create growth sharing know-how through the open-source software example, - to establish transnational clubs of SMEs to help them solving their common sector specific needs using software needs as an example - to promote TTT of service or organisation-based innovations notably using service oriented open source software.
Call for proposal
See other projects for this call
Funding Scheme
SSA - Specific Support ActionCoordinator