Final Report Summary - INTEGRADE (Integrating Graphene Devices)
The research carried out in InteGraDe has contributed to several breakthroughs. Results on electronic devices include the first experimental demonstration of graphene hot electron transistors, a compact model for graphene field effect transistors and its implementation in an industrial environment and a first systematic comparison of reliability aspects in graphene transistors with silicon technology. Research on optoelectronics has resulted in several hybrid device concepts, utilizing existing silicon photonic technologies. Several challenging shortcomings of graphene technology have been identified and pointed out to the community, such as electrical contacts, dielectric interfaces and contamination issues in CVD grown graphene. These will be further explored in industry-led research. The InteGraDe project has further stimulated and enabled research into nanoelectromechanical sensors and printable electronics based on graphene: The InteGraDe team has demonstrated integrated pressure sensors with highest sensitivity and a new LASER annealing technology for solution-based graphene thin films.