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Modular Development Plan of the Pan-European Transmission System 2050

Final Report Summary - E-HIGHWAY2050 (Modular Development Plan of the Pan-European Transmission System 2050)

Executive Summary:
The e-Highway2050 project is a collaborative research and demonstration project supported by the EU Seventh Framework Programme (Grant Agreement N°308908) and aimed at:
- developing a methodology to support the planning of the Pan-European Transmission Net-work, capable of meeting European needs between 2020 and 2050 and in line with the Eu-ropean energy policy pillars, as well as
- illustrating it through the delivery of a Modular Development Plan of the pan-European transmission system at the 2050 time horizon and supporting the planning of a pan-European "Electricity Highway System".

The 40-month research and development e-Highway2050 was launched in September 2012 and has been performed by a consortium of 28 partners including Transmission System Operators (TSO), Research and Development performers, energy agencies, associations and other professionals, under the technical management and coordination of RTE (the French TSO).

The project workflow was developed around five extreme but realistic scenarios at long term hori-zon. The pan-European power system is represented by a consistent set of zones, while system simulations are performed in order to highlight weak points of the transmission grid. This led to identify few grid architectures per scenario, corresponding to technological choices reflecting each a different degree of public acceptance of the deployment of new overhead lines. A Cost-Benefit Analysis was then performed in order to score the architectures and assess the most efficient one, constituting the basis for analysing optimal implementation routes from now up to 2050.

The e-Highway2050 project reached successfully its complementary overarching goals, namely the modular plan at 2050 for the pan-European System and the development of novel planning meth-odologies.

The final results of the research project have been displayed in various forms including the final international conference, presentations to events and workshops, public deliverables, short adver-tising movie, synthetic booklet of results, articles in various conferences. Results of research have also been presented in international conferences and are available through the project website or through the European Electricity Grid Initiative (EEGI) knowledge Sharing Platform
The project has also been labelized Core project by the EEGI in December 2013.

After the project completion, the main results of the e-Highway2050 project are expected to be further developed, used and disseminated. More specifically, the top-down planning methodology organized in modular blocks, the modular plan of pan-European grid architectures at 2050 (including data), and the database of cost and performances of power system technologies are expected to be further used by ENTSOE for the preparation of future TYNDP exercises.

Project Context and Objectives:
The Energy Union policy has fixed ambitious goals for 2020 and 2030, for the climate protection,
where the interconnected European electricity grid with more cross-border interconnections, stor-age
facilities, and smart grids to manage demand should ensure a secure energy supply in a system with
higher shares of variable renewable energy. In this respect the gradual construction of the pan-
European electricity highways should play a key role.
However, the related high investment costs of such infrastructures relating the big consumption centres to the often decentralized location of Renewable Energy Sources generation imply a new methodology of analysis oriented to the very long time horizon and considering the spatial com-plexity of the European continent with regard to the transmission system.

In that context the e-Highway2050 project was launched with two complementary overarching goals:
- the identification of the European grid architectures that could be necessary at that time horizon under five contrasted low-carbon energy scenarios and the related expansion plan for the pan-European electricity transmission network from 2030 to 2050, as well as
- the development of novel planning methodologies of the pan-European electricity trans-mission network, able to address very long-term horizons allowing further implementation of such innovative top-down methodologies in a rigorous and transparent way.

Project Results:
Four main achievements have been reached by the e-Highway2050 project (ended in December 2015):
- Top-down planning methodology organized in modular blocks
- The modular plan of pan-European grid architectures at 2050 (including data)
- A database of cost and performances of power system technologies
- A toolbox for carrying out advanced benefit cost analyses
- Enhanced transmission expansion planning based on optimisation methods.

A detailed exploitation plan (deliverable D9.3.2) has analytically detailed each piece of foreground produced by the project and available for exploitation (30 identified elements), each of these 30 ele-ments being either a methodology, an application of methodology or recommendations for a given class of stakeholder.

The identified foreground was then analyzed with regard to its potential of exploitation according to one of the five identified forms of exploitation, namely:
- A future TYNDP exercise by ENTSO-E;
- New RD&D and services based upon project findings (two-sided, typically bilateral contracts between one TSO and a non-TSO)
- New RD&D and services based upon project findings (multilateral, at the pan-European scale)
- Data sets / data bases created by the project that have a long-term (2050), pan-European dimension (maintenance and exploitation of these databases)
- Data sets / data bases that have a long-term (2050), with a pan-European dimension (use by associations, NGOs, institutions in their missions).

The five achievements consist in a set of the identified foreground (see id code in the box below)
-Achievement 1 includes the identified foreground: 1.1 2.1 2.3 2.5 3.1 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.1
-Achievement 2 includes the identified foreground: P.1 1.2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.7 5.2 6.3
-Achievement 3 includes the identified foreground: 3.2
- Achievement 4 includes the identified foreground: 6.1 6.2
-Achievement 5 includes the identified foreground: 8.1 8.2.

Results were regularly presented to the public and to targeted audiences through dedicated work-shops and consultations. Policy-makers in governments, regulatory agencies and the electricity industry, which have been included in the research process from the outset by the consortium partners, are expected to use the proposed solutions as the groundwork for the subsequent ex-pansion of the pan-European transmission network.
In parallel the network planning methodology is made available to all ENTSO-E members and be-yond in order to serve in future as the basis for further research and innovations in the develop-ment of improved planning tools for the network expansion.
In order to allow an easy access to project public deliverables the following table of correspondence links each individual piece of foreground to the type of support and to the physical location where a potential user could access to the created knowledge.

Potential Impact:
After the project completion, the main results of the e-Highway2050 project are expected to be further developed, used and disseminated as described in the e-Highway2050 Final Exploitation Plan (D9.3.2).

More specifically, the top-down planning methodology organized in modular blocks, the modular plan of pan-European grid architectures at 2050 (including data), and the database of cost and per-formances of power system technologies are expected to be further used by ENTSOE for the prep-aration of future TYNDP exercises. Practical implementation according to the exploitation plan pro-posed by the project are currently under validation by the ENTSOE TYNDP teams.

In parallel some partners intend to continue the development of the enhanced transmission ex-pansion planning based on optimization methods.

Period m1-m12
Scientific publications (peer reviewed)
- "e-HighWay2050: A Modular Development Plan on Pan-European Electricity Highways System for 2050", submitted to CIGRE Lisbon conference, 22-24 April 2013, Portugal
Participation in International Conferences
- CIGRE - Lisbon symposium "Smarts Grids: Next Generation Grids for New Energy Trends", 22-24 April 2013 , Portugal
- Smart Grids Paris, June 2013
- EURELECTRIC Annual Convention & Conference 2013 - Innovative Investments: Re-energising Europe, Bologna, 3-4 June 2013
- Europacable General Assembly, Brussels , 27 June 2013
Participation in public workshops
- EHSP workshop, EC , 9 October 2012, Brussels
- 23rd meeting of the European Electricity Regulatory Forum, Florence Forum, 20 November 2012
- Innogrid2020+, 20-21st February 2013, Brussels
E-Highway2050 communication material
- Project public web site
- Press release
- Brochure; Poster

Period m13-m24
Scientific publications (peer reviewed)
- Future electricity highways for pan-European transmission systems: A GB Transmission System Perspec-tive, G. A. Taylor, A. H. Alikhanzadeh and A. Zobaa, presented at UPEC2014 (Cluj, Romania), 2-5 Sep-tember 2014
- A cost and performance database of power system technologies in support of the development of the pan-European electricity highways system at the 2050 time horizon, E. Peirano et alia, presented at CI-GRE Belgium, Innovation for secure and efficient transmission grid, 12-14 March 2014
- A methodology for the development of the Pan-European Electricity Highways System for 2050, T. An-derski, S. Galant, G. Migliavacca, G. Sanchis, presented at Cigre, Paris (France), 24-29 August 2014
Participation in International Conferences
- UPEC 2013, 2-5 Sept 2013, Dublin (Ireland)
- EWEA Offshore 2013, 19-21 November 2013, Frankfurt (Germany)
- Eurelectric DSO Power Distribution conference, 28 November 2013, Brussels (Belgium)
- 4th International ETP Conference “Underground Cables: High performance transmission - underground”, 30-31 January 2014 (Germany)
- Power Tech 2014 “Advanced Technologies in Power Transmission to Improve Infrastructure Manage-ment”, 12-13 February 2014, Amsterdam (the Netherlands)
- Cigre Belgium, “Innovation for secure and efficient transmission grids”, 12-14 March 2014 Brussels (Bel-gium)
- Innogrid2020+, 25-26 March 2014, Brussels
- European Energy Market 2014 (EEM14), 28-30 May 2014 in Krakow (Poland)
- Cigre Biennial Session, Paris, 24-29 August 2014

Participation in public workshops
- See WP7 on the eHighway2050 workshops

e-Highway2050 communication material
- Posters presented at Innogrid2020+
- Poster presented at CIGRE Belgium conference, March 2014
- Poster presented at EWEA Offshore, November 2013 in Frankfurt
- The REVOLVE booklet

Period m25-m40 and scheduled events beyond project end
Scientific publications (peer reviewed)
- A Novel Methodology to Analyze the Impact of Future ICT Infrastructure on a Planned Pan-European Transmission System. Co-authors: Amir Hessam Alikhanzadeh, Member, IEEE, Ioana Pisica, Member, IEEE, Christopher S. Saunders, Gareth A. Taylor, Senior Member, IEEE, Ahmed F. Zobaa, Senior Member, IEEE, Phillip M. Ashton. Article in the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics special issue. Special issue on ‘Enabling Technologies and Methodologies for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining in Smart Grids’: March 31, 2015.
- The cost-benefit analysis methodology for long term transmission planning developed in the framework of the project e-Highway2050. Article in Energy Policy journal (Elsevier) submitted to the International Journal of Energy Sector in January 2015. Co-authors: S. Rossi, G. Migliavacca, F. Careri (RSE) , L. Olmos, A. Ramos, M. Rivier (Comillas), J. Sijm (ECN), D. Huang, D. Van Hertem (KU Leuven).
- Innovative grid and generation technologies for future European power system. Karel Máslo, Rui Pestana, Kai Strunz, Silvia Moroni, Pablo Centeno, Maciej Wilk. Article presented to the 12th Internation-al conference on the European Energy Market. Lisbon, 20-22 May 2015, Portugal.
- “A fundamental study on the impact of HVDC lines on transient stability of power systems. L. Sigrist, F. Echavarren, L. Rouco, P. Panciatici. Article presented in Powertech conference in Eindhoven, The Nether-lands, 29 June - 2 July 2015
- “The role of spatial correlations in Monte Carlo studies on power system”. B. Seguinot, A. Zani, Power-tech, Eindhoven, Article presented in Powertech conference in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 29 June - 2 July 2015
- Network Partition Based on Critical Branches for Large-Scale Transmission Expansion Planning. S. Lum-breras, A. Ramos, L. Olmos, F. Echavarren, F. Banez-Chicharro, M. Rivier, P. Panciatici, J. Maeght, C. Pache. Article presented in Powertech conference in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 29 June - 2 July 2015
- “Snapshot selection based on statistical clustering for transmission expansion planning. S. Agapoff, C. Pache, P. Panciatici, L. Warland, S. Lumbreras. Article presented in Powertech conference in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 29 June - 2 July 2015
- Enhanced Pan-European Transmission Planning Methodology. C. Pache, J. Maeght, B.Seguinot A. Zani, S. Lumbreras, A. Ramos, S. Agapoff, L.Warland L.Rouco Article presented to the IEEE PES GM conference in Denver, July 26 – July 30, 2015.
- Article to the 14th IAEE European Energy Conference —Sustainable Energy Policy and Strategies for Europe, Rome, 28-31 October 2014, LUISS University of Roma
- e-Highway2050: a research project analyzing very long term investment needs for the pan-European Electricity transmission system. T. Anderski, N. Grisey, E. Momot, D. Orlic, K. Bruninx, D. Couckuyt. Article presented at the CMDM 2015 – Cigre in Bucharest, Romania, 5th to 8th of October 2015.
- e-Highway2050: Planning the European transmission grid for 2050. Grisey, Nathalie; Sanchis, Gérald; Anderski, Thomas; Migliavacca, Gianluigi; Peirano, Eric; Vafeas, Athanase; Pestana, Rui. Article to be pre-sented in ENERGYCON 2016, Leuven, Belgium. 4-8 April 2016
- Cigre Paris 2016: Article “System Development and Economics : New System Solutions and Planning Techniques for Flexible and Robust System Plan” (article under preparation under the coordination of T. Anderski at the project end)

Participation in International Conferences
- UPEC (Universities’ Power Engineering Conference) 2 -5 September 2014, Romania Communication “Im-pacts of ICT on the pan-European Power Systems up to the 2050 Time Horizon” submitted by Brunel on February 21st
- Communication to ENTSOE. Communication to System Operation Committee dated 17th September 2014. Communication to Staff meeting dated 7 July 2014
- 14th IAEE European Energy Conference —Sustainable Energy Policy and Strategies for Europe, Rome, 28-31 October 2014, LUISS University of Roma. Joint paper WP2-WP9-Coordinator on interim results of WP2.
- Utility Week 2014, 4-6 November 2014, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The grid & Renewables integra-tion. e-Highway2050 project. Presentation by Gérald Sanchis, project coordinator
- OVANET Workshop “HVDC Grids for Infrastructure Integration and International Connection“, November 19, 2014, Berlin “HVDC Grids for infrastructures integration and international connection
e-Highway2050 project“. Presentation by Gérald Sanchis, project coordinator
- ENTSO-E Conference: Securing Europe’s Competitive Energy Future, Brussels, 19 November 2014. Oral communication on e-Highway2050 project: “The electricity grid in 2050”, Pierre BORNARD, Chairman of the board, ENTSO-E in Session II- A Design the Power System of tomorrow based on the needs for System Security, Market Integration and Sustainability
- New Technologies for the Future Power Grid 26 November 2014, Leuven, Belgium. “Cost and perfor-mance data base for transmission technologies at the 2050 time horizon”. Presentation by Eric Peirano, Technofi
- New Technologies for the Future Power Grid 26 November 2014, Leuven, Belgium. “Europacable contri-bution to Transmission Technology Scenarios”. Presentation by Volker Wendt
- Kabeldag 2014, Congress Center Elektrum, hosted by DNV GL, 27 Nov 2014, Arnhem (NL) International development in cable technology. Presentation for DNV GL Kabeldag 2014 by Dr. Volker Wendt, Eu-ropacable
- IIR Konferenz Erdkabel, Vienna, Austria, 3 Dec 2014. Communication of Dr. Volker Wendt, Europacable
- 5th International ETP Conference: Underground cables in High-Capacity Transmission, 29-30 January 2015, Berlin, Germany. Communication by Europacable on WP3 findings HVAC and HVDC Cable tech-nologies for the Pan-European Transmission System 2050 “Underground Cables in High-Capacity Transmission” Dr. Volker Wendt, Director Public Affairs, Europacable
- Ewea Offshore 2015, 10 - 12 March 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark. Poster presented by EWEA
- Power Transmission Tech 2015, 25-26 March 2015, Vienna, Austria. G. Migliavacca chairman of the event presented the project available results
- Innogrid2020+, 31March, 1st April 2015. Participation to the poster session and communication by the coordinator on the project available results
- All-Energy 2015, 6-7 May 2015, Glasgow. Topic of ‘Grid and Smart Grid’. Presentation by Gary Keane, Poyry
- 12th International conference on the European Energy Market. Lisbon, 20-22 May 2015, Portugal. Arti-cle submitted: Innovative grid and generation technologies for future European power system. Karel Máslo, Rui Pestana, Kai Strunz, Silvia Moroni, Pablo Centeno, Maciej Wilk
- Borealis & Borouge Jicable Conference, Paris, 22 June 2015. Communication of Gerald Sanchis
- PowerTech, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 29 June - 2 July. Four papers (RTE): The importance of spatial correlations in Monte Carlo adequacy simulations; Network partition based on critical branches for large-scale transmission expansion planning; Snapshot selection based on statistical clustering for transmission expansion planning; A fundamental study on the impact of HVDC lines on transient stabil-ity of power system
- PowerTech, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 1 July 2015. Dedicated event for the e-Highway2050 project within the PowerTech 2015 conference. Participants: RTE, Amprion and RSE
- Workshop of presentation of draft results to ENTSOE: ENTSO-E Board and e-Highway2050 Workshop on Results of Electricity Highways, 7 July 2015, Brussels
- IEEE PES GM, Denver, July 26 – July 30, 2015 General paper on WP8 results
- CIGRE Bucharest, CMDM 2015 (3rd edition) International Conference on Condition Monitoring, Diagno-sis and Maintenance 2015, 5-8 October 2015. Athénée Palace Hilton Hotel, Bucharest. Article: “e-Highway2050: a research project analyzing very long term investment needs for the pan-European Elec-tricity transmission system”
- AEIT annual Conference – October 2015. A Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean Area, Na-ples, 14-16 October 2015. Participation to a panel session : Euromediterranean Supergrid – FP7 eHigh-way2050
- EWEA annual conference 2015 17 November 2015, Paris. Participation to a panel session
- COP21/CMP21 EU side events; 30 Nov-11 December 2015. Presentation of the results of the eHigh-way2050 project
- ENERGYCON 2016 hosted by KUL, 4-8 April 2016. Article: “e-Highway2050: Planning the European transmission grid for 2050”. N. Grisey, G. Sanchis; T. Anderski, G. Migliavacca, E. Peirano, A. Vafeas, R. Pestana
- Cigre Paris 2016: Article to be presented (Study Committee SC1): “e-Highway2050: a research project analysing very long term investment needs for the pan-European transmission system”. T. Anderski, F. Careri, N. Grisey, G.Migliavacca D. Orlic, G. Sanchis

Participation in public workshops
- See D7.3 on the eHighway2050 workshops: WP8 workshop in Madrid 28th–29th May 2015

e-Highway2050 communication material
- Poster on draft results presented at Innogrid2020+
- Short video on project results presented at the final conference
- Booklet on project results (50 pages length) presented at the final conference

- Twitter account: @e_Highway2050
- Project website:
- Knowledge Sharing Platform:

Regarding the exploitation of results the complete analysis is made in D9.3.2. This document details the cross-analysis of the 30 pieces of foreground for each of the five identified form of exploitation. The 30 pieces of foreground include :
- 18 e-Highway2050 “methodology” results,
- 9 e-Highway2050 “application of the methodology” results and the
- 3 e-Highway2050 “set of recommendations” results.

List of Websites:
The public website of the e-Highway2050 project is located at

Other related information platform:
• the EEGI knowledge sharing platform developed by Grid+ project:

Social medias have also been used by the project:

• The project website (news)
• Social media: Twitter account
• YouTube channel