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Contenu archivé le 2024-06-18

Modular CMOS Photonic Integrated Micro-Gyroscope

Final Report Summary - MERMIG (Modular CMOS Photonic Integrated Micro-Gyroscope)

Executive Summary:
The aim of the MERMIG project (Modular CMOS Photonic Integrated Micro-Gyroscope) is to build an optical micro-gyroscope prototype based on the latest innovations in nanotechnology, more specifically silicon nanophotonics. Taking advantage of the proposed technological breakthroughs to achieve significantly reduced dimensions, the main sensor specifications are as follows:
- Volume: < 5 cm3
- Power consumption: < 5 W
- ARW (gyro noise measurement): < 0.1°/√h
- Bias stability: < 1°/h
- Scale factor error: < 500 ppm
This technology-intensive project has achieved significant advances in the modelling of guided-wave optical components, which are at the heart of the technology. A complete multiphysics approach to silicon optical nanostructure, considering non-linear optics, thermal and stress effects, was carried out to outline the fundamental design rules and achieve an efficient gyrochip, able to meet industrial needs.
A specific gyro chip packaging process has been developed, with specific attention paid to the optical feedthrough and thermal dissipation, in order to assure the gyrochip’s performance over the lifetime of a space mission.
The seven European project partners* have designed, built and integrated the different modules (Laser, Gyro Chip and Readout modules) in a first breadboard.
Such technology enables the development of a new line of micro-gyroscopes capable of withstanding the harsh environments of telecommunications missions in geostationary orbit, as well as the mass constraints typical of rovers used in robotic exploration.

For more information, visit the project public website
*Constelex Technology Enablers (Greece), Airbus Defence and Space (France), DAS Photonics (Spain), Modulight (Finland), IHP Microelectronics (Germany), the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain) and the Polytechnic University of Bari (Italy)

Project Context and Objectives:
MERMIG is a technology-intensive project that aims to exploit silicon photonic integration on CMOS and Nano-Imprint Lithography used in telecoms, and provide a modular, compact and low cost optical gyroscope that meets the requirements of new generation micro-sensors for space robotics, micro-payloads and power/cost-efficient satellite systems.

Objective 1: Silicon Gyroscope Photonic Integrated Circuit (SGPIC)

MERMIG will exploit advances in silicon photonics heavily invested in R&D for terrestrial applications and develop a silicon gyroscope photonic integrated circuit (SGPIC) using CMOS-compatible fabrication. The SGPIC will comprise: an integrated racetrack cavity, PIN
junctions and a cascaded phase decoder circuit. This will be the first integrated gyroscope which exploits an active cavity based on stimulated Raman scattering effect. The SGPIC will be integrated as a module using a smart packaging technique that will allow efficient optical pumping and hermetic shielding.

Objective 2: High performance Gyroscope Laser Module (GLM)

MERMIG will exploit and develop cost-effective Nano-Imprint lithography technology currently being adopted for high performance telecom lasers for the development of the MERMIG optical pumping source. A high-power 1550 nm gyroscope laser module (GLM) will be developed for pumping the SGPIC. The laser component will exhibit record high (150 mW) fibre-coupled optical power to enable a modular system for space missions and will be integrated as a module together with current driver and temperature controller electronics focusing on low-power and small footprint designs.

Objective 3: Fully-functional Gyroscope System (MGS)

MERMIG will develop the fully functional, compact optoelectronic gyroscope system (MGS). The MGS will integrate the SGPIC and GLM modules in an optoelectronic board with driving and read-out electronic circuits, meeting the power and space requirements set by the space system vendor AIRBUS DS.

Objective 4: Experimental performance evaluation

MERMIG will validate the MGS system through inertial system tests and verify performance in space environments. The tests will follow the detailed test plan outlined by AIRBUS DS. Specific focus will be paid to radiation tests on the SGPIC in order to verify radiation hardness against fiber optic gyroscopes (FOGs) that employ radiation-sensitive doped fibres.

Project Results:
The aim of the MERMIG project is to build an optical micro-gyroscope prototype based on the latest innovations in nanotechnology, more specifically silicon nanophotonics.
This technology-intensive project has achieved significant advances in the modelling of guided-wave optical components, which are at the heart of the technology. A complete multiphysics approach to silicon optical nanostructure, considering non-linear optics, thermal and stress effects, was carried out to outline the fundamental design rules and achieve an efficient gyrochip, able to meet industrial needs.
A packaged silicon gyroscope photonic integrated circuit (SGPIC) has been developed and integrated as a module together with current driver and temperature controller electronics. A specific packaging process has been developed, with specific attention paid to the optical feedthrough and thermal dissipation, in order to assure the SGPIC performance over the lifetime of a space mission.
The different modules (Laser, Gyro Chip and Readout modules) have been designed, built and integrated in a first gyroscope system breadboard. Taking advantage of the proposed technological breakthroughs to achieve significantly reduced dimensions, the sensor features few Watts of power consumption, < 1 kg of mass, and a potential volume of few cm3, thus meeting the requirements set by the space system vendor AIRBUS DS.
Such technology enables the development of a new line of micro-gyroscopes capable of withstanding the harsh environments of telecommunications missions in geostationary orbit, as well as the mass constraints typical of rovers used in robotic exploration.

Potential Impact:
As every gramme and centimetre matters when launching satellites into orbit, MERMIG has worked on minimising the size and weight of their attitude control systems.
MERMIG has made way for extra satellite payload by replacing the bulky and heavy fibre optic gyroscope (FOG). Specifically in satellites, the gyroscope is required for critical sensing functionalities such as measurement of the angular velocity and satellite altitude control. Practical
issues of prime concern are proving to be the considerable space and electrical power that FOGs require as well as their high cost.
At the moment the operative space qualified gyroscopes include the ASTRIX family of European space FOGs employed in several space missions including Planck, Galileo and Pleiades.
The MERMIG project has built a modular micro-gyroscope system which uses the peculiarity of photonic integrated technologies. The gyroscope weights less than 1 kg, consumes a few Watts of electrical power, and has the potential to be as small as a few centimetres cubed to take the place of FOGs.
For this new generation of micro-gyroscopes for space sensor systems, MERMIG has exploited the latest advances in silicon photonics integration on complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) and nano-imprint lithography. All the key functionalities of an optical sensor have been integrated into a silicon photonic chip of 9.3 mm × 3.7 mm.
Such technology enables the development of a new line of micro-gyroscopes capable of withstanding the harsh environment of telecommunications missions in geostationary orbit, as well as the mass constraints typical of rovers used in robotic exploration. The photonic gyroscope circuits can be fabricated in high volumes at low cost with exciting prospects for the European space industry.

The achievement of MERMIG goals contributes to a significant progress beyond the state-of-the-art in gyroscope technology for space missions, improving the figures of size, power consumption, and cost, whereas MERMIG offers the possibility of further miniaturization due to photonic integrated processes which is not possible with fibre optics used in FOGs. MERMIG achieves the call objectives, as it applies photonic integration technologies from terrestrial applications for the development of new generation micro-sensors for space. Terrestrial SMEs have been brought together under the guidance of the space prime AIRBUS DS for applying their know-how to space and provide innovative solutions otherwise not possible with alternative technologies.

List of Websites:

Project Coordinator:

Caterina Calatayud Noguera
Universitat Politècnica de València
Nanophotonics Technology Center
Camino de Vera, s/n. Edificio 8F- Planta 2ª. Valencia 46022. Spain

Technical Coordinator:

Dr. Marta Beltrán
DAS Photonics S.L.
Camino de Vera, s/n. Edificio 8F- Planta 2ª. Valencia 46022. Spain