Final Report Summary - SAFECOS 07 (Safety Competition for Students 07)
An international student safety technology design competition was organised during the 'Enhanced safety of vehicles (ESV) conference held in Lyon, France in June 2007. The final competitors were selected within each of the three world regions: Asia / Pacific, Europe, North America. The proposed Specific Support Action SAFECOS 07 aimed at organising and supporting the technical models designed by European student teams presented at the ESV Conference in June 2007.
The competition was organised in three steps:
1. pre-selection of the six more relevant projects based on their written description (including drawings); 2. construction of models of the six selected projects and selection of the three best projects according to presented models; 3. exhibition of the three winner models at the ESV Conference.
The selected projects were:
1. 'Integrated child and adult restraint system', Loughborough University; 2.'System to measure and evaluate the seat belt usage rate in coaches', Institut fur Fahrzeugtechnik Trier; 3. 'Active pedestrian head protection against windscreen', University Louis Pasteur Strasbourg.
SAFECOS 07 supported the travel of two students of each team to Lyon and their projects were exhibited to compete with five other projects (three from North America and two from Asia Pacific region). First place went to Virginai Tech for their project 'A biofiodelic lung surrogate for anthropomorphic text devices to predict pulmonary contusion following motor vehicle crash'. Runner up went to 'System to measure and evaluate the seat belt usage rate in coaches', Institut fur Fahrzeugtechnik Trier.
The competition was organised in three steps:
1. pre-selection of the six more relevant projects based on their written description (including drawings); 2. construction of models of the six selected projects and selection of the three best projects according to presented models; 3. exhibition of the three winner models at the ESV Conference.
The selected projects were:
1. 'Integrated child and adult restraint system', Loughborough University; 2.'System to measure and evaluate the seat belt usage rate in coaches', Institut fur Fahrzeugtechnik Trier; 3. 'Active pedestrian head protection against windscreen', University Louis Pasteur Strasbourg.
SAFECOS 07 supported the travel of two students of each team to Lyon and their projects were exhibited to compete with five other projects (three from North America and two from Asia Pacific region). First place went to Virginai Tech for their project 'A biofiodelic lung surrogate for anthropomorphic text devices to predict pulmonary contusion following motor vehicle crash'. Runner up went to 'System to measure and evaluate the seat belt usage rate in coaches', Institut fur Fahrzeugtechnik Trier.