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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Achieve QUieter Oceans by shipping noise footprint reduction

Exploitable results

Result description

An algorithm has been studied and tested on real signals from ship on-board accelerometers, allowing to detect in real time the appearance of cavitation effects on a ship propeller. If installed on a ship this system would allow the crew to drive the ship in order to avoid cavitation, allowing significant underwater noise reduction. In order to be commercially available, this system would need more development effort.

Result type

* prototype

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Result description

A procedure is proposed for the accurate measurement of ship underwater radiated noise. The improvements by comparison to previously existing procedures are that it is applicable in both deep and shallow waters. Furthermore an assessment of the uncertainty and repeatability has been given. Exploitation is foreseen in the scope of international standardization committees.

Result type

* guidelines/standards

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AQUO reports: Deliverable 3.1

Result description

Controlled bio-acoustic experiments have been conducted, improving the current knowledge on the sensitivty of marine life to underwater sound. However, only three particular species have been adressed, and a lot a work remains to be done on that research topic.

Result type

* Report

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AQUO reports: Deliverables 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5

Result description

The methods developed can be used at the design stage of a propeller to predict its underwater radiated noise level and the conditions where propeller cavitation phenomena appear. Most of the work was carried out on CPP (controlled pitch propeller), which is more difficult than for FPP (fixed pitch propeller). The prediction was succesful mainly regarding low frequency tonals (blade rate frequencies). Further research would be necessary to cover all the noise phenomena.

Result type

* software/modelling tools

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AQUO reports: Deliverable 2.3

Result description

Experiments on two vessels (a coastal tanker and a research vessel) allowed to observe directly the propeller cavitation phenomena, and a cross-analysis with underwater radiated noise.

Result type

* exploitable scientific result

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AQUO reports: Deliverables 3.3 and 2.5

Result description

A laboratory technique to study the interaction between a ship hull and a propeller using a scale model has been defined and used sucessfully in the scope of the project.

Result type

* RTD protocol/technical manual

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AQUO reports: Deliverable 2.5

Result description

Different facilities have been used successfully to predict underwater noise radiated from a propeller using a scale model, with comparison to scale one. One important result is that an adequate setting of pitch/rotation speed on a CPP (controlled pitch propeller) allows reducing radiated noise with almost suppression of cavitation.

Result type

* software/modelling tools

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AQUO reports: Deliverable 2.5

Result description

The feasibility of prediction of ship underwater radiated noise due to internal machinery using computer vibro-acoustic softwares (FEM-BEM - compount Finite and Boundary Element Model - and SEA -Statistical Energy Analysis - methods) has been demonstrated. However, the vessel studied is of small size, and further work would be needed for larger vessels.

Result type

* exploitable scientific result

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AQUO reports: Deliverable 2.8

Result description

A methodology for defining a regulation regarding the control of underwater noise due to shipping in a given maritime area for protection of marine life has been developed and applied in the scope of the project to derive practical guidelines. The methodology is now ready to be actually implemented, provided actual deployment in some test maritime areas.

Result type

* RTD protocol/technical manual

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AQUO reports: Deliverable 5.8

Result description

A software tool has been developped, able to run either in real time, either for simulation, allowing the prediction of underwater noise and impact on marine life related to shipping (through AIS data). The tool is validated and calibrated using long-term in-situ recording of underwater noise.

Result type

* software/modelling tools

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AQUO reports: Deliverables 4.5 and 1.6

Result description

Underwater radiated noise levels of six different vessels (including two commercial vessels) and related on-board noise and vibration recordings has been obtained through experiments at sea. Few accurate data of this type is available from now, so the experiments from the project contributes to increase the knowledge and to populate a database on that topic.

Result type

* exploitable scientific result

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AQUO reports: Deliverable 3.3

Result description

A practical guide of recommended solutions for the mitigation of underwater noise from shipping, in order to protect life, is provided. The core solution is regulatory, consisting of a real-time assessment of underwater noise in a maritime area of interest using a predictive model, combined with ship traffic contral measures in order to match good environmental status criteria. By comparison to previous guidelines on this topic, the guidelines proposed by AQUO project are more accurate and practical. Furthermore, they are justified using the technical results from the different tasks of the project.

Result type

* Report

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AQUO reports: Deliverables 5.7, 5.8 and R5.9

Result description

The noise emission of a ship into water, according to its type, size, is represented by a noise level in a parametric form along frequency and speed. These models are key inputs for the "Ocean underwater shipping noise footprint" predictive models. The models developped in AQUO projet achieved significant improvement with respects to the ones previously available. However there could be further improvements, provided availability of experimental data from a larger number of vessels. Therefore more research on that topic would be necessary.

Result type

* software/modelling tools

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AQUO reports: Deliverables 2.9 and R2.8

Result description

The project has proposed a clear definition of the "Ocean shipping noise footprint" allowing to characterize the Good Environmental Status in a maritime area, regarding underwater noise.

Result type

* guidelines/standards

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AQUO reports: Deliverables 1.2 and 1.6

Result description

An autonomous buoy has been developped, realized and installed at sea during long periods of time and different maritime areas, allowing real-time information acquisition and transmission (data for both ship traffic and underwater noise). The system was fully demonstrated at sea and some results are shown in the reports.

Result type

* exploitable scientific result

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AQUO reports: Deliverable 3.6

Result description

A practical guide of recommended solution for the mitigation of underwater noise emission from ships, in order to protect life, is provided. The solutions address either the design of future vessels, either the operational settings or retrofit issues for existing vessels. The consistency of the noise control measures with fuel efficiency is also taken into account. By comparison to previous guidelines on this topic, the guidelines proposed by AQUO project are more accurate and pratical. Furthermore, they are quantified and justified using the technical results from the different tasks of the project.

Result type

* guidelines/standards

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AQUO reports: Deliverables 5.3, 5.5 and 5.8 and R5.9

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