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SUstainable PREdictive Maintenance for manufacturing Equipment

Final Report Summary - SUPREME (SUstainable PREdictive Maintenance for manufacturing Equipment)

Executive Summary:
Productivity improvements have major impact on EU economy and competitiveness. Industrial maintenance contributes largely to this competitiveness through reliability and availability of production equipment. The EU market of industrial maintenance can be estimated at 32 Bn€/year, in which outsourced maintenance represents 1/3. In continuous production industries (energy, chemical, food, cement or paper sectors) the ratio “maintenance costs/added value product” is even higher than 25%. In these industries, default component or process failure stop the whole production, therefore predictive maintenance is a critical issue.
In addition, a lot of EU industries are facing a new challenge with the rising cost of energy, which is impacting dramatically the production costs and so the competitiveness.
In this context, SUPREME project has developed new tools to adapt dynamically the maintenance and operation strategies to the current condition of the critical components in production equipment.
It also proposes an integrated approach to optimize the production process and its energy consumption.
To reach these objectives, the SUPREME project has :
- developed and used most advanced signal and data processing dedicated to predictive maintenance and energy consumption reduction,
- enhanced and developed new maintenance tools,
- implemented all these tools in an industrial demonstrator (paper industry),

SUPREME’s main challenging R&D activities developed were:
-Innovative reference models for residual life prediction and optimal predictive maintenance of deteriorating system,
-Embedded advanced signal acquisition and features extractions for varying operating conditions machines,
-Real time data fusion (vibrations, acoustic emission, motor current, torque,…),
-Off line data mining and self-learning failure mode pattern,
-Automated loop for monitoring optimal machine stabilization,
-Dynamically updated condition monitoring software module,
-Specific dissemination tools including e-learning modules.
The project impact is the proof of predictive maintenance efficiency, reduction of down-time and energy consumption in manufacturing industry, demonstrated in a coated paper mill.
The SUPREME project (“SUstainable PREdictive Maintenance for manufacturing Equipment”) is funded by the European Commission in FP7 Programme, under the Factories of the Future PPP.
Started in September 2012, the SUPREME consortium integrates key technical players on maintenance added value chain, gathering technology and service providing SMEs.
The consortium gathers ten partners. Three of them are SMEs with RTD capacities (EC Systems, Loy & Hutz and Optimitive), to make possible the development of three modules which will be integrated to set-up the complete approach (ECMS (Embedded Condition Monitoring System), Reliability and Maintainability Module and Intelligent Control Module). The research work is conducted by teams from Grenoble-INP, CETIM, Fraunhofer IPA and CVUT. The application case in the paper industry is driven by Orloga (SME) and Condat (Lecta group). While the experience of Cofely Endel in maintenance will ensure that the new developments are applicable for various industrial fields.

Project Context and Objectives:
The SUPREME project contractually started on September 1st 2012. The project ended on August 31st, 2015. The final review was organized on September 17th, 2015.
The objectives of the project were:
- To develop the SUPREME Reference Model which is very important for the project because it is the foundation for the whole
SUPREME System and the SUPREME Modules. It structures and explains the major concepts, semantics and relationships within the SUPREME System.
- To prepare the State of the Art related to the scientific topics of SUPREME
- To develop a Reliabilty and Maintenability module, which will at first enable to identify the critical component to focus on for monitoring, and then once the monitoring is set-up, will enable a dynamic adaptation of the maintenance activities based on the estimated remaining life of the components,
- To develop an Embedded Condition Monitoring System (ECMS), which is one of the SUPREME modules and provides data to the other modules
- To develop the Intelligent Control and Data mining Module, which deal with the process optimization and the failure prediction
- To define the specification of the test platform (identify the critical equipment, define the requirements for the different work packages, specify the instrumentation and the tests to be conducted)
- To install the developed modules at Condat to test and evaluate them in real industrial application
- To disseminate the results and plan further exploitation.

Project Results:
The main results of the project have been:
o Development of the SUPREME reference model, including the definition of the requirements for the development of the SUPREME Modules. This model structures the content of the different modules and the interactions between them.
o Delivery of the state of the art in the scientific fields related to SUPREME.
o Definition of the test platform specification, with a good involvement of the paper industry partners to select the most critical equipment and the pertinent one to demonstrate the future development.
o Early setting of the instrumentation of the test platform, to start gathering data from the machine, to enable the development of the SUPREME tools.
o Enhancement and development of the methodologies and tools for the Reliability and Maintainability module, including :
• Basic Risk Assessment tool,
• Enhanced High End Risk Assessment tool integrating a failure cost model,
• Enhanced Risk Management method and tool (based on Damage Mode and Effectiveness Analysis),
• Deterioration models and Remaining Useful Lifetime estimation based on :
- Wöhler characteristics and load real-time measurement
- stochastic modelling with the development of Multi Branch Hidden Markov Model and Jump Markov Linear System
• Dynamic adaptation of maintenance strategies method,
• Dynamic maintenance planning assistant considering the condition, production plan and worker availability,
• Integration of all these tools in L&H CMMS.
o Development of the Embedded Condition Monitoring System (ECMS) including:
• Hardware (multi-sensor acquisition system),
• Software part,
• Development of Advanced Signal Processing tools for automatic analysis of the signals and extraction of more pertinent features,
• Development of Multi-Sensor approach for a more robust, reliable and earlier diagnosis,
• Integration in EC_Systems ECMS of advanced signal processing (Astrion, cyclostationnarity) and multi-sensor approach (vibration, electrical signals, Acoustic Emission and Torque)
o Development of the Intelligent Control and Data Mining module, including:
• The hybrid process identification sub module, to predict energy consumption effects of hypothetical actuations, to enable energy-efficiency optimisation,
• The feature-relevance analysis to define which failure are useful for paper breakage prediction, the paper breakage density prediction,
• The process optimization,
• Integration of all these tools in Optimitive software.
o Installation of all the developed modules (R&M, ECMS, ICDMM) at Condat, testing and evaluation
o Creation of the tools for project dissemination (Web-site, brochure, poster)
o Development of five e-learning modules
o Exploitation plan
o Development of a transfer methodology to further enable applying SUPREME tools to another user case.

Potential Impact:
The SUPREME Solution enables with its method and the corresponding tools to find systematically the best maintenance strategy to maximise the availability of a machine and minimize maintenance cost. With the SUPREME Predictive Maintenance method the remaining risk can be reduced significantly, so that the overall saving can reach 20% per year, compared to the preventive maintenance strategy.
At the same time, the SUPREME Solution is focused on the paper making process. It saves energy producing with the same quality for the required parameters. This strategy is based on an artificial intelligent network that recommends always the best solution for the same production quality. The simulation of the potential savings gives us a potential saving of around 5% in energy consumption.

Dissemination tools
- Logo
- All dissemination materials, press releases or other publications as well as all deliverables, milestones and reports produced during the lifetime of the project will be clearly marked by the SUPREME logo. In compliance with the Grant Agreement, the European Union is always mentioned as co-funder and the European logo is added to indicate that SUPREME is a part of the European group of project.
- Project presentation
A Powerpoint template has been created to be used by all project partners for project presentation. This template presents:
• The industrial situation
• The SUPREME project as an solution for industries
• The objectives
• The challenges
• The implementation method
• The user case in Condat
• The main dissemination tools

This presentation is available on the website :
A Newsletter has been created for external communication.
The contents cover the main project achievements, the latest press releases, the latest events where SUPREME has been represented and the agenda of forthcoming events.
The newsletter is accessible to the public on the SUPREME website by a free subscription.
The newsletter has been published when an important achievement will be reach or when a major event will take place, but at least, a three-monthly publication is planned.

A Brochure has been created to be use by all project partners for external communication.
This brochure is available in the SUPREME website.
A first printing of 500 copies has been made to be sent to all the partners. If more copies are required, each partner is responsible for printing the number of brochure they want for their own use.

Poster and flyer
A poster / flyer has been created to be used by all project partners for external communication.
This poster / flyer is available on the collaborative platform.
All the partners have been responsible for printing the poster / flyer for their own use.

A Kakemono has been created to be used by all project partners for internal and external communication.
This Kakemono were used during each PMB meeting and each event.

The e-learnings are presented in the deliverable D7.2 “E-learning modules”.

Collaborative platform
The goal of the collaborative platform is to offer to project partners access to all documentation and deliverables produced in the course of the project.
This platform is password protected and restricted to SUPREME consortium members.
It give access to all documents (Grant Agreement, reporting templates and guidelines, agendas, meeting minutes, presentation, dissemination templates, etc.), milestones and deliverables produced in the course of the project and provides contact information of all partners, especially the WP leaders.
WP1 leader, CETIM, has been responsible for the administration of the platform. All the partners have been responsible for uploading the documentation regarding their activities on the platform.

External communication
Press releases
Press releases have been published targeting various media (paper industries magazines, maintenance magazines,…) to inform about the SUPREME project.
The press releases have been archived in the Media column of the SUPREME project website and accessible by any website visitor.
A list of the press release can be found in the chapter 4.4 “Dissemination carried so far – Press releases” of this document.

Events, seminars and conferences
Other important methods of disseminating the project results are international fairs, seminars and conferences organized in European countries.
The list of events during which partners has presented or will present the SUPREME project is published on the “News” columns of the project website and on the SUPREME newsletter.
This list also can be found on the chapter 4.4.2 “Dissemination carried so far – Events, seminars and conferences” of this document.

List of Websites:
Contact :
