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Design of Enhanced Reliable GNSS/UWB Personal Navigation Devices (EIGER)

Final Report Summary - EIGER (Design of Enhanced Reliable GNSS/UWB Personal Navigation Devices (EIGER))

Executive Summary:
The project focuses on the design of a propagation environment-independent hybrid GNSS/UWB-based standalone Personal Navigation Device (PND) that is able to meet the today’s most stringent Location Based Services (LBS) requirements in both outdoor and indoor situations. The envisaged PND exploits tightly coupled GNSS and UWB positioning techniques to efficiently act in both outdoor and indoor situations. This virtually eliminates the problem of the handover when the PND moves from one environment to another, making itself intrinsically adaptive to the propagation environments. The EIGER project proposes a global approach to resolve this issue by focusing on the exploitation of the efficient joint use of GNSS signals and UWB positioning in order to allow permanent and reliable outdoor/indoor localization. The PND software and hardware design will be jointly optimized, allowing manufacturing of small and low-power PNDs. The EIGER consortium will resolve a set of complex and multidisciplinary issues to successfully design the envisaged PND. The main application of this device is dedicated, but not limited, to situations where transitioning from indoor to outdoor, are frequent and unavoidable such as: shopping malls, warehouses, large scale metropolitan events (including museums, institutional buildings and points of interest), ports and airports. The related market segments will be immediately explored by the consortium SMEs through the establishment of efficient and feasible business models and exploitation plans.
Project Context and Objectives:
The EIGER project focuses on the exploitation of the efficient joint use of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) signals and Ultrawideband (UWB) positioning in order to allow permanent and reliable outdoor/indoor localization in order to design a hybrid and propagation environment-independent GNSS/UWB-based standalone Personal Navigation Device (PND) that is able to meet the today’s most stringent Location Based Services (LBS) requirements in both outdoor and indoor situations. As the EIGER targeted PND virtually eliminates the problem of the handover when it moves from one environment to another, it becomes perfectly suited to situations where transitioning from indoor to outdoor are frequent and unavoidable. This will open the door to an immediate exploitation by the EIGER consortium SMEs of niche LBS related market segments (outdoor-indoor location aware services) such as LBS in: shopping mole, warehouses, ports, airports...
The key idea of the project is to investigate, design and implement an optimized hybrid GNSS/UWB standalone PND that is capable of supporting both the outdoor (when the GNSS signals are present) and the indoor (when the GNSS signals are not available) localization functionalities. This hybrid GNSS/UWB PND exploits tightly coupled GNSS and UWB positioning techniques to efficiently act in both outdoor and indoor situations through its intrinsic capability to compute its position using almost indistinctly range/pseudorange measurements based on the received GNSS and UWB signals and making itself intrinsically adaptive to the propagation environment.
As the EIGER PND will be dedicated to an immediate exploitation by the consortium SMEs in their targeted LBS market segments, several constraints will be fulfilled in its development including: the derivation of hybrid GNSS/UWB efficient positioning algorithms, the software and hardware design joint optimization in order to allow manufacturing of small and low-power implementation of PNDs, the development of a low effective cost UWB infrastructure suitable to be commercially exploited and that is compliant with the UWB ETSI constraints and the validation of the whole developed EIGER system (PND and UWB infrastructure) through real-field measurements.
The EIGER project will have an impact on the positioning technologies intended for indoor/outdoor positioning. It introduces innovations in the area of hybrid positioning algorithms and UWB reception techniques. Until now the technological solution proposed within the project has not been commercially implemented. The project creates opportunities for experimental investigation of its viability.

Project Results:
Description of the main S&T results/foregrounds work

The EIGER performed work and obtained results reporting can be described as follows:

a. Investigation of the EIGER related State of The Art and derivation of technological roadmaps:
after that the GNSS domain, the UWB and the joint GNSS/UWB positioning one were investigated by the consortium partners, a comparison of the results of the works that are dealing with UWB/GNSS approaches for localization in mixed indoor/outdoor scenarios with what is envisaged for the EIGER UWB/GNSS localization solution, was performed. Furthermore, the regulation issues that are related to the EIGER solution were studied. In addition, the technological roadmaps that are pertinent to the EIGER context (including the GNSS technology roadmap, the UWB positioning one and an outdoor/indoor localization roadmap) were given, which is of importance for the EIGER solution future exploitation.

b. Analysis of the targeted EIGER market, description of application scenarios and use cases:
The EIGER market opportunities that can be explored by the EIGER solution were investigated. This analysis process started with a general description of candidate market segments and associated applications. It then explained the consortium strategy and vision towards the EIGER concept, reviewing the targeted market that was originally evocated into the EIGER Description of Work (DoW). A detailed description of targeted application scenarios was given. Considering those scenarios, a competitive offering analysis was described (competitive technologies, key competitors, SWOT analysis, risks and success factors), use cases were identified and user requirements were defined.

c. Description of the EIGER system architecture and specifications of its subsystems and interfaces:
The EIGER consortium partners described the envisaged EIGER solution architecture and then focused on the EIGER infrastructure specification (anchor node architecture, anchor node entities, anchor node interfaces and other EIGER infrastructure solutions). Furthermore, they specified the EIGER PND, its related subsystems and their interfaces.

d. Specifications of the EIGER localization and control algorithms:
The EIGER consortium partners focused on the specification of algorithms and procedures that are controlling the UWB infrastructure and the PND operation. To do so, the UWB infrastructure procedures were detailed in terms of infrastructure operation modes and anchor node control procedures and calibration procedures including the calibration of system devices and the UWB infrastructure calibration, were derived.

e. Elaboration of the architecture of the targeted EIGER solution:
Following a long activity of architectural study and comparative analysis aiming at selecting the best system components, the project partners started developing the candidate for the final product. The hybridization of the two localization systems, namely GNSS and UWB ranging, was realized at the hardware level. This hardware hybridization uses the fact that the GNSS and UWB blocks are implemented using the same hardware board, namely the Teseo II. The motivation for this hardware hybridization is to save hardware resources through the use of a Teseo II board to support the UWB processing. As such, a single PCB (anchor node and ranging mouse) approach will be used as a hardware hybridization architecture for the EIGER solution, which allows to reduce costs and reduce complexity during the production and assembly phase.

f. Derivation of the EIGER efficient localization algorithms:
The algorithms, based on the Bancroft’s methods, are recast in a form most suitable for the intended EIGER framework. Results for numerical simulations where the effect of the presence of clock errors is calculated were critically discussed. The possible means to reduce the effects of clock drift by exploiting mutual communications among the anchors are also introduced and justified. The precision levels achievable both in systems based on free-running clocks and in architectures where additional synchronization means exist are finally reported and commented, with recommendations on the design of UWB-based localizers. A special focus was dedicated to the EIGER hybridization approaches, indoor/outdoor transitions, perspectives of the combination with Bluetooth Low Energy based positioning, design and prototyping strategy and the envisaged interfaces with the smartphone that was to be used as a part of the EIGER solution.

g. Development of the application layer:
The developed application layer enables communication with the Personal Navigation Device (PND) and anchor nodes. It provides basic functions for configuration of devices and result processing. Functions and data structures defined in the application layer can be used for development of Location Based Services (LBS) applications but also for software supporting system deployment. Examples of such applications developed within the project were gathered.

h. Integration of the overall EIGER system and validation of its functionalities:
The EIGER solution was integrated and its performance was evaluated in several situation representative of condition most likely encountered in the planned use in the field. There were two experimental campaigns carried out at two Research and Technological Development (RTD) partners, namely: Saphyrion and WUT to validation the EIGER system functionalities. Issues encountered in the evaluation of UWB localization system performance and ways to mitigate them were highlighted and the practical viability of the EIGER system was analyzed and confirmed. The localization precision achievable has been investigated and some of the issues still open for optimization (e.g. multipath disturbances) have been explored in detail. Comments from possible end-users performing preliminary evaluation of EIGER behavior have been collected and analyzed, in view of field trials to be performed at stakeholders’ premises.

i. Elaboration of a business plan for the EIGER solution exploration:
A significant effort was dedicated for identifying the market framework, competence, present barriers and opportunities; and planning the necessary tools to make the EOGER solution fruitful and profitable, according to the business case defined. In addition, exploitation plans for the SMEs partners were introduced to demonstrate the viability and validity of the results obtained. In this regard, a set of steps were followed for a full understanding of the project environment, a market study has been prepared, covering key aspects as Localization Based Services (LBS), barriers and existing competence. Once completed the current framework analysis, different business models were elaborated, completely aligned with the desired EIGER business case. The last step, in order to close the loop of making the project profitable, has been the confection of an optimal exploitation plan for the variety of EIGER products and services.

The WPs specific main S&T results/foregrounds can be described as follows.

WP1: Management
- WP1 Activity Type: MGT
- WP1 Leader: EXYS
- WP1 Total Effort: 10PM
- WP1 Starting Date: M01
- WP1 Ending Date: M24
- WP1 main S&T results/foregrounds: The EIGER management objectives can be enumerated as follows:
- Organise the consortium meeting (phone conferences, physical meeting...) according to what was agreed in the project DoW;
- Define and follow-up procedures for internal acceptance of deliverables, publications, etc;
- Set-up the EIGER handbook for day-to-day follow-up of the project;
- Elaborate, update and maintain the project website;
- Maintain the measurements of success factors and risk factors;
- Deliver the reports as contractual obligated.
- Lead the dissemination activities for the EIGER project.

The management achievements in the first reporting project period can be summarized as follows:
- In terms of administrative management, the activities during the fifth three months of implementation have mainly involved the work needed to finish the reporting to the Research Executive Agency (REA) and also the performing of the following activities:
* Overall Management of the EIGER project
* Provision of strategic guidance mechanism to EIGER
* Provision of the structure for efficient and effective technical decision-making and progression of EIGER
* Monitor and maintain the awareness of project progress of partners
* Perform the administrative coordination of EIGER(secretariat and financial coordination)
* Assure the communication inside and outside the consortium
* Documentation management
* Progress monitoring and promotion
* Completion of EC requirements.
* The project website ( was continuously updated and maintained during this second period of the EIGER project.
* All the WP1 management deliverables were submitted in time to the EC REA.
* All the consortium partners received their advance payment as originally scheduled.
* Quarterly Management Meetings, Project Steering Committee (PSC) meetings and workpackage meetings took place. The PSC approved the minutes from all meetings.
* Maintain the relation with the REA.

On the technical part, EXYS has mainly performed the activities needed to maintain coherence over the developments being carried out in WP4 and WP5 and the rescheduling of its activities due to the fact that further time was necessary in order to perform its work. In terms of elaborated deliverables, the following ones were realized:
- D1.1 “EIGER website”,
- D1.2 “Project handbook”
- D1.3 “Consortium Agreement”.

- WP1 Use of Resources: from a spent effort point of view, the use of resources by the consortium partners for WP1 respected what was planned originally by the EIGER Description of Work (DoW): EXYS dedicated to the WP1 work at least what he planned in the DoW.

WP2: State of the Art, Market Analysis and Application
- WP2 Activity Type: RTD
- WP2 Leader: PSTAR
- WP2 Total Effort: 9PM
- WP2 Starting Date: M01
- WP2 Ending Date: M03
- WP2 main S&T results/foregrounds: For WP2, activities essentially involved the first three months of the project, and have been closed at the beginning of the 2nd quarterly period. During these first three months of the project, the activities performed in the frame of WP2 focused on market analysis, target applications and technological state of the art. The technical work started with a main challenge: the original market that was implicitly addressed by the EIGER project into the DoW had to be further investigated. Several phone meetings have been organized to discuss about the strategy of the consortium concerning market targeting. After an agreement was found on the targeted applications, the technical work, described into the two deliverables, made important progresses. The WP2 has been achieved by delivering two deliverable documents that were slightly delayed (with two weeks) in order to completely address the necessary aspects for them.
The deliverables documents of WP2 have been completed and issued during the 2nd week of February.

In terms of elaborated deliverables, the following ones were realized:
- D2.1 “State of the art and technological roadmaps”,
- D2.2 “Use cases and application scenarios and system requirements”.

In terms of fulfilled milestones, the following ones were reached:
- M1 “Market and product Strategy”.

- WP2 Use of Resources: from a spent effort point of view, the use of resources by the consortium partners for WP2 respected what was planned originally by the EIGER Description of Work (DoW): each partners dedicated to the WP2 work at least what he planned in the DoW. The same keeps valid for the equipment, consumables and travel.

WP3: EIGER System specification and architecture
- WP3 Activity Type: RTD
- WP3 Leader: WUT
- WP3 Total Effort: 16PM
- WP3 Starting Date: M03
- WP3 Ending Date: M07
- WP3 main S&T results/foregrounds: The EIGER WP3 started its activities during the second quarterly period of the EIGER project. Since then, the covered activities concerned the preparation of three deliverables dedicated to system specification and architecture:
- D3.1 EIGER system architecture
- D3.2 Specifications of EIGER subsystems and interfaces
- D3.3 Specifications of localization and control algorithms

WUT proposed tables of contents for these documents and organised a few Skype teleconferences dedicated to preparation of deliverables. Teleconferences were mainly focused on the review and approval of the document sections delivered by the consortium partners. Another important aim of these meetings was discussion on details of the EIGER system architecture. During the reporting period WUT performed investigation on application of a Decawave DW1000 chip in EIGER UWB subsystems. The chip integrates physical layer of 802.15.4a standard. The standard specifies an UWB network with ranging functionality. The chip was announced by the Decawave company a few years ago, but finally appeared on the market in January 2014. The chip creates opportunity for a more compact PND solution. The investigations consisted in testing of functions crucial for EIGER application. The evaluation kit from Decawave as well as own experimental boards were used for this purpose.
The most important result of the WP3 activity is the architecture of the system and its particular components. It provides a solid basis for WP4 activities focused at system development.

In terms of elaborated deliverables, the following ones were realized:
- D3.1 “EIGER system architecture”,
- D3.2 “Specifications of EIGER subsystems and interfaces”,
- D3.3 “Specifications of localization and control algorithms”.

In terms of fulfilled milestones, the following ones were reached:
- M2 “System requirements definition”,
- M3 “System’s architecture and algorithm validation”.

- WP3 Use of Resources: from a spent effort point of view, the use of resources by the consortium partners for WP3 respected what was planned originally by the EIGER DoW: each partners dedicated to the WP3 work at least what he planned in the DoW. The same keeps valid for the equipment, consumables and travel.

WP4: EIGER design and development
- WP4 Activity Type: RTD
- WP4 Leader: SPH
- WP4 Total Effort: 50PM
- WP4 Starting Date: M07
- WP4 Ending Date: M16
- WP4 main S&T results/foregrounds: The EIGER design and development phase entered its initial stage. From the architectural specifications come out from WP3 activities, the technical partners started to design, develop the modules and subcomponents and the electronic circuits, related in particular to the PND and to the UWB anchors subsystem, as well as to test the first receiver prototype.
Prototype boards of anchor nodes were designed, produced and assembled. Development of a set of boards at this stage of project enables parallel work on the EIGER system. They will be used for development of anchor node and PND’s UWB receiver software. The modules allow for experimental verification of TDOA measurement concept. They will be implemented in first version of the UWB infrastructure. Gathered results of measurements will be used for development of positioning algorithms. Another planned anchor node modules application is the use of the module for infrastructure operation monitoring, necessary during system installation and tests.
During the ninth month the investigation of prototypes of reflector UWB antennas intended for anchor nodes started. It covers measurements of antenna patterns and properties of emitted pulses (spectrum, shape).
During the Project Second Period (from month 10 to month 24) the following main S&T results/foregrounds were obtained:

- Investigation of the anchor node antennas:
The investigations of UWB ceramic antennas allowed for their comparison to patch antennas implemented on the PCB substrate. In order to perform the measurements test boards with ceramic antennas AH 086M555003 (Taiyo Yuden) and 3100AT51A7200 (Johanson Technology) were built. Antenna matching and radiation patterns were investigated. The anchor node antennas in majority of cases will be mounted on the room walls. Therefore directional radiation patterns are preferred. The developed test boards were equipped with flat reflectors. Antenna patterns and matching were tested for different distances between the antennas and reflectors. Further an UWB elliptic monopole antennas for 6-8GHz frequency range, was designed. The antennas were produced on the microwave substrate, assembled and tested. They provide omnidirectional radiation pattern and good matching ( |S11| < -14 dB)

- Development of the anchor nodes prototypes:
Four the anchor node prototype boards that were designed during the project third quarterly period were assembled (boards include: Decawave’s DW1000chips, TM4C123FH6PM microcontroller, flash memory, power supply section) and the development of software controlling board operation was started (so far software controlling basic DW1000 functions was prepared and tested). After investigation of the anchors prototypes the second version of anchor node boards was designed, produced, assembled and tested. The boards are designed on the 4-layer PCBs. A microcontroller software that is controlling anchor boards operation was also developed. The software allows for consecutive triggering of anchors. The software operation was tested in laboratory conditions.

- Development of the UWB PND software:
The PND UWB receiver software was also developed and is able to sniff UWB signals in the areas not covered by the infrastructure. The receiver processes information sent by anchor nodes, measures time of packets arrival and basic RF signal parameters.

- Development of the UWB test receiver:
Efficient investigation of the EIGER system UWB infrastructure requires a specialized test receiver collecting not only time information necessary for position calculation but also delivering information on UWB radio link quality. Therefore two test receivers were developed during the reported period. Both solutions are based on the UWB chip also used in the EIGER's PND. The first one is equipped with USB interface allowing for direct transmission of received data to the PC. The second one has XBee WiFi module on board. Results of measurements are sent over WiFi link to the computer for further processing.

- Development of the EIGER positioning application:
Development of a Windows application for presenting and recording of results has started (the first version of user’s interface was designed and implemented with Visual Studio tools). The application receives measurement results from the test receiver, calculates TDOAs, and calculates test receiver position with Extended Kalman Filter algorithm. The results are presented on the building plan.

- Development of the anchor nodes programming application:
An application for anchor nodes configuration over USB interface was developed. The application supports programming node identifiers, delays, coordinates. Entered data are stored in the anchor node flash memory. Parts of them are transmitted during normal node operation.

- Development of the software supporting system deployment:
The UWB system deployment requires a software that is able to record and analyze signals transmitted by the UWB infrastructure. An application was developed and supports UWB radio interface monitoring. The application receives measurement results from the test receiver. It presents levels of received signals (first path power and total received power), enables raw results recording. It also supports infrastructure calibration process by evaluation of anchor nodes delays.

In terms of elaborated deliverables, the following ones were realized:
- D4.1 “Hybrid GNSS/UWB architecture study”,
- D4.2 “Algorithms for GNSS receivers”,
- D4.3 “Efficient baseband processing for GNSS/UWB Localization”,
- D4.4 “Enhanced localization Analysis”.

In terms of fulfilled milestones, the following ones were reached:
- M4 “Subsystem’s verification”,
- M5 “Integrated System Prototype”,
- M9 “Critical evaluation of reached results”.

- WP4 Use of Resources: from a spent effort point of view, the use of resources by the consortium partners for WP4 respected what was planned originally by the EIGER Description of Work (DoW): each partners dedicated to the WP4 work at least what he planned in the DoW. The same keeps valid for the equipment, consumables and travel.

WP5: Business application, integration, validation & demonstration
- WP5 Activity Type: RTD/DEM/OTH
- WP5 Leader: LNAV
- WP5 Total Effort: 26PM
- WP5 Starting Date: M07
- WP5 Ending Date: M24
- WP5 Progress Description: During the third quarterly period of the EIGER project, all the consortium partners began the WP5 activities. In particular they performed initial work towards the implementation of the” Objective 3” that was planned for this first project period, which is the “Initial investigations of the EIGER market exploitation”. As such, a significant effort was dedicated to analyse the attractiveness of the identified EIGER core location services for a set of market segments in order for the consortium SMEs to start establishing their suitable business models (selling channels, pricing approaches, estimated investment...). In this context, the following deliverables were finalized and delivered: Deliverable D5.1 “Updated market study”, Deliverable D5.7 “Economic impact on the SMEs – market study” and Deliverable D5.8 “Interim Plan for the Use and Dissemination of the Knowledge”.
The WP5 main S&T results/foregrounds were that were done during the Project Second Period (from month 10 to month 24) can be described at the following levels:

- EIGER system integration and validation activities:
* Investigation of DW1000 features: this issue includes the development of the microcontroller software supporting testing of DW1000 chip functions that are related to measurement of packet time of arrival. The software was used for the computation of the TDOA encountered errors in two versions of anchor nodes: nodes equipped with TCXOs generators and nodes with quartz crystal based oscillators. Further, MATLAB procedures for result analysis were addressed and measurements of influence of signal level on the TDOA errors were studied. In order to make this test a test arrangement with screened boxes and attenuators was developed. It provided separation from external interfering signals and removed multipath propagation influence.
* Carrying out UWB infrastructure tests: several tests of developed UWB infrastructure were performed at the Saphyrion and WUT permises. The gathered data was processed by Saphyrion and WUT and the obtained results were compared and related conclusions were deduced.
* Processing of collected results: a dedicated Matlab software was developed for the analysis of results gathered during system validation sessions. This software calculates position estimates, evaluates measures describing positioning accuracy and precision. Cumulative Distribution Functions (CDFs) and Circular Error Probabilities (CEPs) were used as the measures of positioning results precision.
* Application layer development: The EIGER developed application layer allows communication with the Personal Navigation Device (PND) and anchor nodes. Further, it provides essentialfunctions for configuration of devices and result processing. Functions and data structures defined in the application layer can be used for development of Location Based Services (LBS) applications but also for software supporting system deployment.

- EIGER market-oriented activities: this included the elaboration of an efficient approach for the market exploitation of the EIGER solution. This exploitation strategy was elaborated at the level of a joint business plan approach that the EIGER consortium SMES can follow and individual business plans that each SME can implement.
- EIGER dissemination-oriented activities: dissemination is a horizontal activity and concentrates on the awareness of the results of EIGER project by a wide range of existing or potential stakeholders. Further, regular publishing activities of the EIGER project outcomes (with the agreement of the project consortium SMEs) were performed in the form of publications in the frame of several important and prestigious events and conferences in Europe:
* The EIGER project was presented at Seminar of Radiocommunications Division, Institute of Radioelectronics, Warsaw University of Technology, January 21, 2015.
* The EIGER topics were presented during XV National Conference on Radiocommunications and Broadcasting KKRRiT 2015 that took place in Lodz, Poland, April, 8-10, 2015.
* WUT initiated project results dissemination process with the paper on TDOAs measurements performed in EIGER UWB subsystem: Jerzy Kolakowski, Angelo Consoli, Vitomir Djaja-Josko, Jaouhar Ayadi, Lorenzo Morrigia, Francesco Piazza, "UWB localization in EIGER indoor/outdoor positioning system". This paper that was prepared with EIGER partners was submitted to the 8th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS’2015). The paper was published and presented during the conference.

In terms of elaborated deliverables, the following ones were realized:
- D5.1 “Updated market study”,
- D5.2 “Preliminary market study”,
- D5.3 “Development of the prototype receiver. LT&FT”,
- D5.4 “Development of the application layer. LT&FT”,
- D5.5 “Prototype system integration & validation”,
- D5.6 “Performance evaluation of the system behaviour”,
- D5.7 “Business plan”,
- D5.8 “Economic impact on the SMEs - market study”,
- D5.9 “Interim Plan for the Use and Dissemination of the Knowledge”,
- D5.10 “Final Plan for the Use and Dissemination of the Knowledge”.

In terms of fulfilled milestones, the following ones were reached:
- M6 “Full System Verification”,
- M7 “System Validation”,
- M8 “Project Closing Action”..

- WP5 Use of Resources: from a spent effort point of view, the use of resources by the consortium partners for WP5 respected what was planned originally by the EIGER DoW: each partners dedicated to the WP5 work at least what he planned in the DoW. The same keeps valid for the equipment, consumables and travel.

Potential Impact:
It is expected that in some aspects the EIGER proposed solution will outperform the existing related commercial ones. It will provide better accuracy than offered GPS/WLAN localization systems. Cost of indoor infrastructure is expected to be significantly lower than in UWB commercial positioning systems. The system architecture and the principle of system operation do not limit system deployment in many, even distant, locations. The infrastructure could be used by PNDs offered by different vendors or LBS providers.
At the impact level, the EIGER system will definitely influence the Location Based Services (LBS) market segment. Due to provision of very good positioning accuracy in both indoor and outdoor environments it creates a space for development of new services and applications. Furthermore, the EIGER project has also impact on the competitiveness of RTDs and SMEs. The outcome of the project will increase the technological knowledge of each partner belonging to the consortium. Their competences were matured during the project and the competitiveness of their solutions and application on the market was improved.
The project will create a forum for efficient collaboration between researchers in the area of positioning. The high level of communication between project participants will increase the quality of the research. The organized meetings will provide opportunity for exchange of ideas. The project will extend cooperation between project participants creating a basis for development of LBS products in the future.
In summary, the EIGER project will strategically impact the future LBS market by:
- generating new industrial/service LBS opportunities in Europe,
- reinforcing European industrial leadership in the future LBS domain,
- fostering the consortium SMEs roadmaps to LBS PND mass market commercialisation,
- opening the door for the consortium SMEs to new and future applications.
As a conclusion the EIGER solution targets an adequate market that is addressed in a timely fashion and the envisaged product covers a defined market need which will also be evolving through time, thus allowing for business maintenance at least in the mid to long term. The business figures that are drown are promising and open a door for the consortium SMEs to have a significant share, important profit and advanced and good position in the LBS market.
More specifically the following potential impacts can be cited:
• Potential areas & markets of application
Potential areas and markets of EIGER system applications are connected with the requirement of precise localization in outdoor and indoor environments, which was the main feature differing the EIGER system from other commercial solutions. Nowadays, finding of a killer application for positioning system is a very difficult task. However the potential users readily accept services fulfilling their needs especially concerning entertainment, contacts with other people, or their relatives’ security. Location based services can play important role in all these areas.
The positioning system proposed within the EIGER project has a potential to significantly improve existing applications and be a basis for new ones, examples of potential services are described in Section B1 of this proposal.
• Potential advantages to technologies that are available today
The EIGER system relies on the tight coupling of two technologies GNSS and UWB. Although cooperation of both technologies was investigated before, up to now no attempts have been taken to integrate them in one portable device. The most advanced approach presented in AGAVE project implements different system architecture and different principle of UWB subsystem operation. In comparison to other indoor/outdoor systems mainly based on GNNS/WLAN or GNSS/INS technologies the proposed system has the following main advantages:
- the system preserves GNSS accuracy outdoors , provides better accuracy indoors,
- indoor system infrastructure is simpler, cheaper and easier to maintenance,
- the hybrid positioning algorithm based on ranges to GNSS satellites and UWB transmitters is simpler, its implementation has lower power requirements.
• Market uptake of the project results
The likelihood of market uptake of the EIGER project results can be increased by presenting results of system validation proving attractiveness of the proposed concept. Moreover the technical parameters concerning developed GNSS and UWB subsystems (e.g. receivers’ sensitivities) and parameters describing the whole system operation (e.g. accuracy, range of operation, rate of position determination, power consumption) should be provided. The reliability of obtained test results will depend on test arrangements and procedures. RTD performers taking part in the project have at their disposal a laboratory base equipped with instrumentation necessary to perform reliable measurements of system radio parameters.
The commercial success of the EIGER system will also depend on results of its tests in real operating conditions. The system was validated in the typical environment, the performed tests were developed taking into account application scenarios specified in WP1.The performed experiments focused on evaluation of developed hardware and software solutions. They will provide information on system advantages and drawbacks.
Another aspect influencing launching the system in the market is the compliance with existing regulations. The developed devices is in accordance with decisions of European Commission concerning introduction of UWB equipment to the market. The equipment was tested according to ETSI standards concerning measurements of UWB localization and tracking equipment.
SMEs, who are participating in the EIGER project, successfully operate in the segment of market covering location based services, systems and devices. They have strong relations with numerous customers. Their experience in contacts with consumers, guarantee the proper identification of potential users’ needs and expectations. It will also help in Identifying potential partners and sources of finance for further product development and commercialization.
List of Websites:
The Internet is probably the best dissemination channel as the media is instantaneous, reaches potentially everyone everywhere, and its target audience is increasing quickly.
During the first quarter of the EIGER project, the EIGER’s web site was successfully built. It includes all relevant information about the project, such as achievements, events, and so on, hence stimulating contacts with potential users and industrial sectors. Furthermore, it is also used as a communication and information exchange environment between the different partners, helping them out in their daily work to make EIGER’s objectives a reality.
In addition, the aim of the EIGER’s website is to inform the customers about the scientific aspects, the techniques, the main achievements of the project success and to refer to the future pertinent events.
The main objective of the EIGER Web site ( is to diffuse the EIGER results as wider as possible throughout the community and over. The EIGER server provides the updated view on EIGER, including objectives and achievements, public deliverables, key persons and contacts, announcement of public events and activities of the EIGER consortium. Links to the EIGER contractor’s web sites are established as well. Constant updates and maintenance will be performed.
It should also be noticed that the text included in the EIGER Web site is chosen adequately in order to point a research done on the Internet (e.g. using words such UWB, GNSS, interconnectivity, ubiquitous...) using any research engine (such as Google...) to the project website. This will contribute to generate a significant flow of connected persons on the EIGER Web site, which contributes to disseminate widely its results.

Name, title and organisation of the scientific representative of the project's coordinator: Angelo Consoli, Founder, ECLEXYS SAGL, Switzerland.
Email contact: