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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-06-18

Crete Center for Quantum Complexity and Nanotechnology


The Crete Center for Quantum Complexity and Nanotechnology focuses on theoretical, experimental and computational research in Condensed Matter Physics and applications. The majority of its members are professors of the Department of Physics of the University of Crete, a leading, research oriented Department in Greece. The Center aims at advancing individual and collective research, perform collaborative work in broad areas such as magnetics and magnetic devices, correlated electronic systems, metamaterials, graphene, complex systems, field theory, nanoscience, nanotechnology, etc and transform the unit into a world class establishment for condensed matter physics, the physics of complex systems and materials applications. The Center will upgrade significantly its already good experimental low temperature and micro-nanoelectronics facilities while, additionally, it will establish a state of the art computational facility where competitive computational research work may be performed. The large number of young experienced researchers to be hired will facilitate as well as advance collaborative research work in the focus areas. The interaction and twinning with top European institutions and the strong visitors and conference organization program will enable major advancements in research and turn the facility into a Center of Excellence with long term viability.

Call for proposal

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EU contribution
€ 4 811 000,00
74100 Rethimno

See on map

Νησιά Αιγαίου Κρήτη Ρέθυμνο
Activity type
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Administrative Contact
Panayota Spetsidou (Ms.)
Total cost
No data