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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
Contenu archivé le 2024-06-16

Supporting the implementation of FP6 research activities related to waste water use and recycling by using new generation greenhouse systems, adapted to the requirements of the MED partner countries


Mediterranean Countries struggle with serious water problems like rising water competition between agriculture, households and industry, but limited and/or salt-affected water resources, irregular rainfall, escalating dehydration of landscape; and with inefficient wastewater treatment systems leading to pollution of surface- and groundwater.

There are different research activities accomplished under the FP5/FP6, showing very promising approaches to re-use and to recycle conventional and unconventional irrigation water in greenhouses, with the potential to up-grade and to re-use wastewater as non-conventional water resources, to extremely reduce the pressure on freshwater resources and the pollution of surface- and groundwater, to make greenhouse cultivation almost independent from drought and irregular rainfall, to add value to otherwise unproductive land, and to improve the water consumption efficiency and effectiveness in agriculture.

However, these research activities have not been implemented in the Mediterranean Partner Countries so far. Main reasons are too high costs for the special water cycling greenhouse architecture and technology, insufficient studies about MPC's wastewater collection systems and about the socio-economical benefits and risks to upgrade wastewater by greenhouse irrigation, and insufficient studies about the market value of useful crops which can be used in combination with greenhouse internal wastewater treatment.

In this context, the objectives of this project are to collect the missing information by accomplishing a detailed CYCLER-SUPPORT study, to disseminate the existing know-how of accomplished research activities and the completed study results mainly by a final CYCLER-SUPPORT-WORKSHOP, to give a clear view over further needed research activities to related stakeholders, to strengthen the exchange of know-how and co-operation between EU and MPC scientists, and to support the establishment of sustainable business-relations.

Appel à propositions

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Régime de financement

SSA - Specific Support Action


Contribution de l’UE
Aucune donnée
Coût total
Aucune donnée

Participants (5)