The objective of the intended Specific Support Action (SSA) project is to execute a consultation process which leads to the agreement upon on submitting in a latter step, a proposal for an ERA-Net Coordination Action in the area of Foresight and Society . The implementation of the proposed work is based on the Specific Support Action (SSA) instrument of FP6 and the project bears the acronym-coded title: ForSociety - Laying the foundations for an ERA-NET on Foresight and Society.More specifically the primary objectives of the SSA ForSociety are to: i.Gather intelligence about Foresight and Society participation among the project partners and the rest of Europe; ii.identify a set of strategic and joint activities suitable for the ERA-Net Coordination Actions implementation mode; iii.widen the group of participants for the ForSociety Co-ordination actions in order to reach widest possible participation in the ERA-Net scheme; iv.establish such knowledge and understanding about the competencies and interests of each partner in such a way that that the partners will be able to allocate the management of each task of the ERA-Net Co-operation Action to a suitable participant; The ERA-Net Co-ordination Action envisaged, will support and strengthen the interactions between Foresight, S&T policy making, Society and citizens for the promotion of proactive networking and priority setting for the future; this with the aim of providing effective support on the one hand to European scientific and technological integration - especially in view of the enlarged EU and operational implementation of Article 169- and on the other hand, the emergence or development of a European knowledge-based society. Key-instruments to be applied by the proposed SSA members in order to establish co-operation and synergies, are: workshops/discussion fora; surveys/studies/position papers; working groups; know-how transfer/information dissemination
Call for proposal
See other projects for this call
Funding Scheme
SSA - Specific Support ActionCoordinator