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Content archived on 2023-11-13

Eco public PLAtform for smart green CityzEn living labs

Project description

Smart urban digital services for energy efficiency

The first step in increasing energy efficiency in a building is to increase our understanding of how that building and its occupants use energy. EPLACE aims to provide building managers and occupants with, not only this data, but also an international web based collaborative platform where practical solutions, partnerships and knowledge exchange can be accessed and tailored specifically to their buildings energy profile.The project brings together partners from Spain, Germany, Bulgaria and Ireland and aims to test and validate innovative ICT solutions for metering specific energy sources in 7 pilot public buildings. These buildings have been specifically selected to represent the typical spectrum of public buildings in an urban municipality and include offices, leisure facilities, libraries, health facilities and a cultural centre.-The technical aspect of EPLACE has four components:-Intelligent Energy Saving Account ISEA: An online platform for gathering data and suggesting recommendations.-WeSave: A smart energy monitoring system.-WeLight: Smart outdoor lighting monitoring and control system-WeTalk: A collaborative platform and social networkThe technology will be tested in the pilots in real life conditions for a period of at least twelve months, in parrell to this the building managers of the pilots will be trained in the use of ICT equipment and how this can be used to increase energy efficiency. The data will be displayed in "real time" on ISEA platform and will form the basis of energy saving solutions for that particular building. These will take the form of awareness campaigns for staff, equipment upgrading and feasibility studies for engaging ESCO's and other financial energy performance contracting. It is hoped that through the deployment of ICT building managers can save 15% of the energy consumption of the pilot building.EPLACE will conform to EU2020 goals for saving energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by validating the effectiveness of ICT solutions in public buildings, promoting information, good practice and dialogue among other users of the platform and by creating new business models for energy services based on accurate and verifiable energy data. The availability of accurate energy data and accessibility to a collaborative network of building managers and experts will empower the end user to make correct decisions on what solutions to employ to maximize energy efficiency for their building.

Call for proposal

See other projects for this call

Funding Scheme

PB - Pilot Type B


EU contribution
€ 116 925,00
41092 Sevilla

See on map

Sur Andalucía Sevilla
Activity type
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Total cost
No data

Participants (9)