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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Numerical Characterization and Modelling of Syngas Combustion

Final Report Summary - SYNGAS (Numerical Characterization and Modelling of Syngas Combustion)

The project is aimed at numerically characterizing the burning behaviour of premixed syngas and biogas, and developing large-eddy simulation (LES) modelling techniques to facilitate the study and design of practical combustion systems burning syngas and biogas. The main objectives are:
- To carry out numerical investigations using LES on the aforementioned three important phenomena, i.e. development of syngas premixed flames; influence of high-pressure on turbulent burning velocities; and preferential diffusion effects.
- To develop a turbulent reacting flow model that captures the underlying physical and chemical processes in flame development, the pressure and Lewis number effect; and to
- To validate the numerical model with published experimental data.

These objectives have been met in the reporting period through successfully conducting the following work:
- Numerical study of the characteristics of SYNGAS laminar flames incorporating the effects of gas compositions, flame temperature and different chemical kinetic schemes;
- Development of a turbulent reactive flow model and application of the model to SYNGAS jet flames;
- Modifications of the OpenFOAM code to take into account the influence of high-pressure on turbulent burning velocities; and preferential diffusion effects;
- Development of develop a turbulent reacting flow model that captures the underlying physical and chemical processes in flame development and the pressure effect; and
- Verification and validation of the numerical models with published experimental data throughout the above for a range of SYNGAS combustion phenomena including: laminar SYNGAS flames, turbulent SYNGAS jet flames, premixed SYNGAS flames in vented deflagrations; SYNGAS combustion in the flameless combustion mode and SYNGAS fire attacks on gas cylinders.

The research has led to new insight about the characteristics of SYNGAS laminar and turbulent flames will be useful to fellow researchers and inform those who work on design of combustion systems using SYNGAS/BIOGAS as fuels. The SYNGAS turbulent combustion models developed can assist the consequence analysis of accidental releases of SYNGAS during production or utilization as well as help optimisation the performance of combustion systems using SYNGAS. The modified OpenFOAM code for predicting premixed combustion of SYNGAS in vented deflagrations will be useful to aid the design of venting systems in industrial SYNGAS application. The publications already disseminated at various conferences and those to be published in journals will help the results of the research to reach out to wider scientific and industrial community. Finally, as the development is in an open source CFD code, OpenFOAM, it can be readily used by other researchers. The host group will be happy to make the code available to those who are interested in the understanding that no resource is available to provide user support as the project has already completed and the Fellow has moved on to other projects.