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Open SYstems RevISited: From Brownian motion to quantum simulators
Final Report Summary - OSYRIS (Open SYstems RevISited: From Brownian motion to quantum simulators)
ERC Advanced Grant OSYRIS was devoted to the studies of, what scientist call, open systems i.e. systems interacting with their environment. In practice, all systems are open, and if they can be considered to be closed and isolated, it is always an approximation. OSYRIS revisited several paradigmatic problems in the theory of open systems: A) classical Brownian motion, i.e. random motion of a particle colliding with surrounding her particles of environment. Such processes play important role in biology, where enzymes/receptors undergo anomalous random motion, indicating their biological function; B) microscopic models of anomalous Brownian motion, where we looked at the role of the specific forms of particle-environment particles interactions. All these studies have potential future applications in medicine and biology, associated with targeted local deposition of single particles/nano-medicines on demand; C) quantum open systems, where external driving, modulated forces applied to, say, system of ultra-cold atoms or ions may lead to novel states of matter, such as, so called, topological insulates and superconductors. Understanding of such materials is essential for developing them in solid state and condensed matter with the aim to create novel era of electronics, spin-tronics (electronic that uses spin of electrons) , and more; D) quantum Brownian motion, i.e. quantum random motion of an impurity particle in an ultracold environment. The studies open path toward future application for precise measurement of temperature, and other physical quantities.