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Fusion Technology Transfer Action

Final Report Summary - FUTTA (Fusion Technology Transfer Action)

Executive Summary:
Central to the EURATOM project, are the European Fusion Development Agreement labs and facilities. These principally include JET, the Joint European Torus, at Culham (UK), and facility at Garching (Germany). EFDA continues to drive the development of a range of technologies that will be central to the ultimate goal of power generation from nuclear fusion, namely plasma physics, materials and diagnostics.

EURATOM recognizes the potential of these technologies developed in the fusion programme for use in other industries; a potential, which has hitherto not been realized. The FUTTA project is intended to apply top brokering skills to change this position. For the longer term, this project will support the foundation of a dedicated in house capability based on best practices.

The European Space Agency, using its Technology Transfer Programme Office (ESA TTPO), proposed the FUTTA project as a Support action, which main aim is to increase the amount of technology transfer activity from the EURATOM fusion programme for both industrial and scientific benefit. The similarities between the types of technologies developed for the Fusion and the Space sectors arise from the fact that both have demanding applications where ultimate performances and reliability are required. Often the environment is extremely harsh and technologies for both Fusion and Space must reach a high Technology Readiness Level.

Project Context and Objectives:
Central to the EURATOM project, are the European Fusion Development Agreement labs and facilities. These principally include JET, the Joint European Torus, at Culham (UK), and facility at Garching (Germany). EFDA continues to drive the development of a range of technologies that will be central to the ultimate goal of power generation from nuclear fusion, namely plasma physics, materials and diagnostics.

EURATOM recognizes the potential of these technologies developed in the fusion programme for use in other industries; a potential, which has hitherto not been realized. The FUTTA project is intended to apply top brokering skills to change this position. For the longer term, this project will support the foundation of a dedicated in house capability based on best practices.

The European Space Agency, using its Technology Transfer Programme Office (ESA TTPO), proposed the FUTTA project as a Support action, which main aim is to increase the amount of technology transfer activity from the EURATOM fusion programme for both industrial and scientific benefit. The similarities between the types of technologies developed for the Fusion and the Space sectors arise from the fact that both have demanding applications where ultimate performances and reliability are required. Often the environment is extremely harsh and technologies for both Fusion and Space must reach a high Technology Readiness Level.

The planned methodology for the project follows that of the ESA Technology Transfer Network, therefore taking advantage of a working methodology and infrastructure. The methodology, involves a combination of technology push and market pull. To align the TTPO space activities and the fusion activities, technical synergies between both industries are sought in order to stimulate cross-fertilisation.

The overall objectives of the activity are:

i. To advise the EC on the establishment of a Technology Transfer Programme Office dedicated to enable and incentivize the transfer of the technology resulting from Euratom fusion research activities to industry.
ii. To ensure maximum synergy in technology transfer between EURATOM and EURATOM associated institutions and other EIROFORUM members such as ESA and CERN.
iii. To capture and record as well as promote the new successes of Technology Transfers of EURATOM fusion technology developments that have been created as a consequence of the proposed activity.
iv. To increase the amount of Technology Transfer from EURATOM fusion programme to industry and society in general.

The ESA TTPO used its Network of Brokers to maximize the results of the FUTTA project. Relaying in two brokers of the network in the countries where the selected European Fusion Development Agreement facilities are operative, FUTTA project is: WP 1) identifying technologies, WP 2) supporting in mediation, WP 3) promoting and disseminating and WP 4) supporting in the creation of a fusion TTPO. Furthermore, the ESA technology transfer market place on Internet was extended to include EFDA and EURATOM fusion programme originated technologies. These technologies were promoted through the ESA TT Internet portal as well as through other dissemination tools and events.

Project Results:
The five Work Packages of the project are managed and reported by ESA TTPO. However, major elements of the work to be undertaken for WP 1 to WP 3 are implemented by ESA TT Brokers under a specific contract with ESA. The brokers were selected taking into account the proximity to the EUROfusion Laboratories that were considered in the scope of the project. The selected brokers were cesah (Germany) and STFC (UK).

ESA was responsible of the WP 4 and 5, basically focusing its efforts on the coordination of the different parties (European Commission, EUROfusion, EUROfusion Laboratories and Brokers). ESA introduced the different parties and set meetings with the five selected facilities of EUROfusion: IPP, FZJ and KIT (Germany), and CCFE and JET (UK). These introductions led to first contacts with each of the facilities participating in the FUTTA project.

The diagram shows the general process for the technology transfer followed by the ESA Broker Network. It starts for the identification of fusion technologies with potential non-space applications, then followed by promotion activities (direct contact to potential acquirers, participation in events, publications in websites and social network, etc.), follow-up and mediation with interested organizations/companies, support in the technology transfer and publication of success stories. For the FUTTA project, a similar process has been followed with the difference that, while identifying potential technologies to be transferred, already existing success stories were also identified.

The project suffered some initial delay due to the change of the German Broker from MST to cesah. The process was finished in March 2014, and after the change the project ran as expected. After the kick-off meeting with each of the facilities, the brokers followed up for the work in WP 1, 2 and 3.

Until June 2015 the work performed by the brokers is the following:

- United Kingdom. STFC developed a whole range of activities to identify, mediate and promote technologies of the EUROfusion facilities in the UK.

During the first months of the project an open informal discussion was held with CCFE management regarding the objectives, direction, and methodology of the project. This was in order to create a mutual understanding between both parties meaning that any technical staff could be briefed prior to meetings about the benefits that the project could provide.

Meeting with the technical staff at JET was delayed until September 2014 due to issues with the signing of a non-disclosure agreement. These issues were eventually resolved and STFC was able to move forward at a rapid pace. STFC held a couple of meetings with technical staff at MAST, part of the UK fusion programme. This allowed the project team to get an understanding of the areas of technologies that are involved in a Tokamak machine. It also allowed CCFE to get an understanding of the methodology that would be used in the workplan.

The first meetings relating to JET technologies were held on the 1st and 3rd September 2014. The process used was to get an initial overview of each area of technical expertise and to schedule follow up meetings to delve deeper into specific technologies.

The areas that were investigated during these two days were:
• Remote handling
• In vessel viewing systems (Window shutters, periscope assemblies etc)
• Control and data acquisition system (CODAS)
• High heat flux engineering
• Surface modification analysis
• Cryogenics
• Particle beam technology

A second two days of overview meetings were held on the 23rd and 24th September 2014. The areas covered during this visit were:
• Diagnostics
• Tritium handling
• Codes
• High power electrical systems
• RF protection systems

A number of potentially interesting pieces of technology were identified during this process and warranted further investigation. The table below shows the areas that further information has been requested for, in order to determine whether a technology description should be written up. A few historic success stories were also uncovered and further information about these has also been requested.

The work to gather information, build the technology descriptions and success stories took until January 2015 (all technology were reviewed by the EUROfusion Labs). During the last 5 months of the project (February to June 2015), STFC promoted the technologies to the non-space industry through direct contact and attending to events. The main goals regarding technology descriptions, success stories and mediation have been achieved.

- Germany. cesah developed a whole range of activities to identify, mediate and promote technologies of the EUROfusion facilities in the Germany.

The German broker initiated the work in April 2014, after initial contacts with the EUROfusion Labs in the first months of the project, cesah made great efforts in setting-up meetings and identifying technologies and success stories. Following there is an explanation of the meetings and main outcomes of the meetings.

o FZJ. Teleconference with Dr. W. Biel on 12th May 2014 with the objective to get an appointment for a first face-to-face meeting. cesah has received input concerning available technologies in form of a presentation from FZ Jülich. This presentation was received in preparation of the visit to Jülich. The objective was to identify suitable technologies for transfer with an initial focus on patents. Dr. Biel confirmed his interest in focusing initially on the transfer of patents. Furthermore, a meeting was held with Dr. Wolfgang Biel the 2nd of June 2014 where Dr. W. Biel identified other sectors and technologies of interest for non-fusion applications like the area of hydrogen permeation for waterproof structures, and passivizing Surfaces (contacts exist to the German Space Agency DLR concerning tungsten / tungsten composites). A new technology focus in Jülich is related to "Materials research for fusion energy research”, also concerning hydrogen fuel cell technology.

The 13th and 21st January 2015, preparatory meetings (teleconference) with Prof. Biel from Jülich concerning the preparation of the Round Table on Materials and Simulation, identifying and selecting technologies with transfer potential, preparing a joint invitation letter with technology overview for distribution to potential participants. Round Table in Jülich on 19th February 2015. Participants:

• Johannes Schmidt EurA Consult AG
• Robert Brockmann Viessmann & own Start-Up
• Henno Boomkamp Telespazio VEGA Deutschland
• Arne Jungstand Dornier Consulting GmbH / cesah
• Frank Zimmermann cesah
• Christian Linsmeier Director IEK-4
• Wolfgang Biel IEK-4
• Anne Houben IEK-4
• Andrey Litnovsky IEK-4
• Jan Coenen IEK-4
• Thomas Weber IEK-2
• Juan Du IEK-2
• Jochen Linke IEK-2
• Klaus Hoppstock Technologie transfer Jülich

During the event, inventors from FZ Jülich presented the following technologies:

• Permeation of hydrogen isotopes (A. Houben, IEK-4), limit losses of Tritium to the environment limit amount of Tritium stored in the walls
• Self-passivizing alloys (A. Litnovsky, IEK-4), avoid generation of volatile WO3 in case of accidents
• WfW composites (J. Coenen, IEK-4), suppress propagation of cracks at the surface of wall targets
• Functionally graded materials (Th. Weber, IEK-2), Ensure strong bonding between Wolfram layer and steel
• Thermal simulations (J. Du, IEK-2), precise analysis of stresses in stationary and transient heat load experiments

The event has led to 5 Technology Descriptions that are now available on All presentations held during the event are available on request.

o Meeting with Dr. Engert (GSI/FAIR) on 6th June 2014. Objectives are to get to know each other, to introduce FUTTA to GSI/FAIR, to identify technologies suitable for transfer and to agree the way forward. Part of the meeting was an extensive visit to GSI facilities. During the meeting, also a colleague from ESA/ESOC (Dr. Bertrand) participated. He is responsible for technology evolution at ESOC. It was mutually concluded that a number of synergies exist between GSI and ESA, even in the domain of clean room facilities that are available at GSI. The next step will be to organise a workshop involving GSI, ESA, University of Heidelberg, cesah and others to establish a common understanding of the technology needs and offerings of the stakeholders.

o IPP. Meeting at IPP Garching with Video Conference to Greifswald on 10th October 2014. Objectives are to get to know each other, to introduce FUTTA to IPP, to identify technologies suitable for transfer and to agree the way forward. Participants: W. Dyckhoff, A. Herrmann, G. Lorenz, H. Meister, G. Neu, R. Neu (IPP-GAR), H.-S. Bosch, R. Brakel, H. Laqua, M. Nagel, R. Villbrandt, A. Werner (IPP-HGW), A. Jungstand, F. Zimmermann (cesah).

Dedicated Minutes as agreed with the participants are available on request (in German) as well as the presentations held (by cesah/Zimmermann and IPP/Meister). Following this meeting, an exchange of information material and several teleconferences were held with the former IPP inventor Robert Brockmann (“Ultra Sniffer”).

o KIT. Meeting at KIT on 31st October 2014. Objectives are to get to know each other, to (re)introduce FUTTA to KIT – in particular to the present inventors, to identify technologies suitable for transfer and to agree the way forward. Participants: D. Vössing, A. Wagner, K, Hesch, G. Gantenbein, J. Reiser, S. Fink, S. Pachanyy, W. Krauss, (KIT), H. Boomkamp, F. Zimmermann (cesah). All presentations held (by cesah/Zimmermann, by the inventors from KIT, by Mrs. Vössing and Dr. Hesch) are available on request.

The work to gather information, build the technology descriptions and success stories took until January 2015 (all technology were reviewed by the EUROfusion Labs). During the last months of the project until June, cesah has been promoting the technologies to the non-space industry through direct contact and attending to events. The main goals regarding technology descriptions, success stories and mediations have been achieved.

The main objectives and the results for the work packages are the following:

- WP 1. Technology Identification. At the month 23 of the project (June 2015) it was expected to work on 20 Technology Descriptions. In that month 20 of the project FUTTA project has already identified 24 technologies and have published 22 in the website of the project. The list of technologies is the following:

o IPP - Ultra Sniffer
o KIT - Axial Potential Separator suitable for Cryotechnics
o KIT - Improved Carbon Fibre Composite
o KIT - Metal Pipe as a Structural Component
o KIT - Prevention of Parasitic Oscillations in Electron Beam Tubes
o KIT - Protective Layer on Martensitic Steel
o FZJ - Grating Spectroscopy
o FZJ - Fast Gas Inlet Valve insensitive to Magnetic Fields
o FZJ - Functionally Graded Materials
o FZJ - Hydrogen Permeation Barriers
o FZJ - Numerical Simulation
o FZJ - Self passivating smart tungsten alloys
o FZJ - Tungsten Composite Materials
o EC - Mono-block Cooling Device composite
o CeBr Scintillators
o Diamond Detector Matrix
o ERO Code
o Nanofluids
o Neutral Particle Analyser
o Method & Apparatus for Concentrating Tritiated Water
o Ohmic Heating Network
o Data Processing using CNN
o IBA DataFurnace Code

More information of each of the technologies can be found in the webpage of the project: Three other technology descritions have been identified with potential for future activities:
o IPP - Pore-Free Welding of Aluminum
o IPP - Recovery of Helium Tightness for Aluminum
o IPP - Resilient tungsten for X-ray tubes

- WP2. Mediation. Two main tasks are defined for the Mediation work package: Event Organization and Participation, and Mediation for EUROfusion Technologies. The goal was to achieve 5 mediations close to compleition. Currently

o The FUTTA project has been presented to several forums and to a considerable amount of players in different sector. The application of Fusion technologies to non-fusion sectors is raising interest from several companies and organizations. In each of the countries several communication activities have been developed:

• United Kingdom. STFC has promoted the FUTTA project and its objectives at a variety of events that have been organized and/or attended by the project team. A detailed list can be found here:

Date Event Outcomes/Follow Up
13/11/14 Centre for Earth Observation Instrumentation: Technology Showcase Invited to give a presentation about the ESA Technology Transfer and FUTTA projects to an audience of space technology experts. This helped to define areas of technical synergy but it was mentioned that the technologies were quite far from market but they would keep fusion in mind for knowledge transfer activities.
28/11/14 2nd Meeting with Tech X Corp Revisited Tech X to see if they could utilise any of the codes that are used to simulate plasma within the tokamak. The feedback was that the codes are not particular suited for commercial packaging and application within industry (or that the cost in time and effort would outweigh any added value that could be gained)
11/12/14 Harwell Oxford Business Breakfast Met with a wide range of companies that are working within high-tech industry. Little in the way of feedback was received due to the Christmas holidays beginning the following week.
28/1/15 Space Technology Driving Economic Growth A workshop with a variety of Scottish space companies where I was able to describe the current technological synergies between the space and fusion industries. The predominant feedback was that the FUTTA technologies weighed too much but again the know-how behind them was interesting to keep in mind.
4-6/2/15 Lift Conference Discussed the FUTTA project with a number of companies in Geneva. They were, however, focusing more on the social and ‘soft’ side of innovation.
3-4/3/15 MedTec UK Exhibited and promoted both the ESA and FUTTA projects. There was some initial interest from 3M in composite materials but as these have not yet been approved for medical use, this didn’t progress.
24/3/15 From Formula 1, to Luxury Cars, to advances for a smarter Healthcare system Represented FUTTA at this to show that there are a wide variety of scientific disciplines that can benefit the wider industrial community.
25-27/3/15 ITER Business Forum Use this event as a platform to build awareness of the potential for technology transfer within the nuclear fusion community. B2B meetings were scheduled with a few companies and these will be reviewed later in the document.
13-16/4/15 Hannover Messe The main event that was targeted to highlight the benefits offered by technologies from the nuclear fusion industry. A number of B2B meetings were set up and these will be reviewed slightly later in the report.
21/4/15 Forensics and Counter Terrorism Expo Attended to see the latest in diagnostic equipment and to identify areas where space or fusion technologies could be applied. A number of follow up discussions are taking place and STFC has been directed to an online ‘Innovation Challenges Database’ that details a wide range of technical challenges that need to be solved within the forensics industry.
22/4/15 Samsung visit Presented the FUTTA and ESA technologies to Samsung in order to initiate further discussions. They have agreed to review the technology descriptions and will provide follow up and feedback in due course.
22/4/15 Unlocking Innovation in Rail Workshop Met with a variety of companies from within the rail industry who have challenges that are looking for innovative solutions. Follow up discussions are ongoing.
29-30/4/15 Med-Tech Innovation Expo Similar to previous medical technology events that have been attended/exhibited at. STFC will try to focus on the composite materials and potential know-how from the fusion domain.
7/5/15 Sensing in Extreme Environments An even that details challenges being faced by a variety of industries when it comes to sensing in extreme environments. Should be useful for attracting interest in FUTTA.
12-14/5/15 Railtex Exhibition Exhibited at Railtex, an event for innovative technologies looking to be adopted into the rail industry.

Table 4. Events with participation of STFC and representation of FUTTA

• Germany. Cesah participated in the following events:

Title Where When Objectives Actions/Outcome
European Enterprise Network Aeronautics & Space Sector Group Meeting (ASSG) Airport Berlin-Schönefeld 19th May 2014 Present ESA TTN Network on behalf of ESA Presented ESA TTN/FUTTA and BIC Network
Business matching ILA Berlin 20 & 21 May 2014 Present ESA TTN Network on behalf of ESA Established Technology Transfer Contacts
ESA BICs presentation ILA Berlin 22 May 2014 Present ESA BIC and ESA TTN Network on behalf of ESA 3 incubatees (Bavaria and Darmstadt) presented
Cesah presented overall ESA BIC network and ESA TTN/FUTTA
European Enterprise Network Technology Brokerage event of IHK AReutlingen in Tailfingen (Germany) 3rd July 2014 Present ESA TTN Network on behalf of ESA, promote ESA patents on 3D printing Presented ESA TTN/FUTTA and BIC Network, meeting with potential ESA BIC candidate
50 years of European Cooperation in Space ESA/ESOC, Darmstadt 28 August 2014 Present ESA BIC network as well as ESA TTN Approx. 350 VIP participants, Presentation was held as part of podium discussion, received very good feedback, high visibility amongst decision makers (ESA, DLR, Industry), Politics and Media
Eurisy conference ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands 15 Sep 2014 Participate in 2nd podium discussion and provide relevant experience with working as ESA BIC and ESA TTN Lively discussion, positive feedback amongst technology brokers from all over Europe
The Climate Conference 2014 Congress Centre “Darmstadtium”, Darmstadt 13-16 Oct 2014 Promote ESA BIC and Technology Transfer Sponsored on behalf of ESA TTP the young scientist competition, high visibility and opportunity for short speech during plenary session, had stand with ESA BIC and incubatee promotion material
Engineering Fair, organised by Chamber of Commerce Stuttgart 23 Jan 2015 Promote fusion technologies and proactively invite to Round Table in Jülich The following contacts with particular interest in the Round Table Jülich were established:
IBF 15
(ITER Business Forum, F4E) Palais du Pharo, Marseille 25-27 Mar 2015 Present FUTTA and network with potential partners (technology providers and users) Received positive feedback and were contacted by interested potential partners (see dedicated reporting in RD.12 and presentation RD.13)
Hannover Messe Hannover 13-17 Apr 2015 Identify and contact potential technology users Networking at European Enterprise Network (EEN) stand by means of business matching (see dedicated reporting)
Global Navigation meets Geoinformation 2015 ESOC. Darmstadt 23 Apr 2015 Present ESA BIC Network and Technology Transfer Network Public Relations and Networking, contact to multipliers and entrepreneurs

Table 5. Events with participation of CESAH and representation of FUTTA

ESA also participated in several presentations and events to represent the FUTTA project and present the technologies that are part of the project:

Title Where When Objectives Actions/Outcome
SOFT Symposium San Sebastian 29th of September to 1st October 2014 Present ESA TTPO and FUTTA project Presented ESA TTPO and FUTTA project
JRC Technology Transfer Group Meeting Brussels 25th February 2015 Present ESA TTPO and FUTTA project Presented ESA TTPO and FUTTA project
IBF 15
(ITER Business Forum, F4E) Palais du Pharo, Marseille 25-27 Mar 2015 Present FUTTA and network with potential partners (technology providers and users) Received positive feedback and were contacted by interested potential partners (see dedicated reporting in RD.12 and presentation RD.13)
Hannover Messe Hannover 13-17 Apr 2015 Identify and contact potential technology users Networking at European Enterprise Network (EEN) stand by means of business matching (see dedicated reporting)
MPD Tampere Tampere 8th to 10th of June 2015 Presentation of FUTTA project and relevant technologies for manufacturing Presentation of FUTTA project and relevant technologies for manufacturing
Le Bourget Paris 17th of June Presentation of FUTTA project and relevant technologies for aeronautics Presentation of FUTTA project and relevant technologies for aeronautics

Table 6. Events with participation of ESA and representation of FUTTA

o It was expected for the end of the project to achieve 5 mediations close to successful transfer. At the end of the project in June 2015 the status per brokers is the following:

• In the UK:

# Technology name Company and person Feedback
1 Improved carbon fibre composite Axson Technologies – Michael Rauh (Poject Manager) We typically work with far lower temperatures than those in the fusion sector – maybe 100 to 200 ° C – and so the innovative aspects of the technology are not necessarily what would appeal to us. We would be interested in factors such as cost and weight.
2 Improved carbon fibre composite KVB – Uwe Lauschke (Managing Director) We are not looking at high heat flux as the most important parameter of CFCs. For us there are four main advantageous parameters of CFCs, which are:
• lightweight
• strong
• expensive appearance
• temperature resistance
These characteristics are the reason for CFC being used in sports equipment, consumer goods, and for housing expensive measuring instruments (which must look expensive as they cost so much).

The cost of CFCs is an important parameter to include, as they are typically expensive in comparison to alternatives
3 Axial Potential Separator ALSTOM – Konrad Priebe (Sales Engineer) The technology description states that 10 kV is high voltage but it is actually medium voltage. We do use the potential separator technology in our transformers, however I would be concerned when using helium as the coolant as it has issues with leakage for this type of application.
4 Improved carbon fibre composite ALSTOM – Konrad Priebe (Sales Engineer) I am interested in how the innovative aspect of the technology is achieved, whether it is simply the alignment of the fibres or if it is the composition of the composite itself. The erosion figures are very impressive and this could prove very useful in a number of applications, such as gas turbines or other high heat flux areas.
5 Nanofluids for improved heat transfer Proton Onsite – David Bow (Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing) We are very interested in nano technologies and are currently exploring nano membranes for our PEM fuel cells. We are hoping to reduce the amount of platinum used in our fuel cells, thus reducing the cost of production and the reliance on precious metals
We currently work with NASA as well as with the US Departments of Energy and Defence and the British and French Navies. We supply oxygen generation units for use aboard submarines and PEMFCs for UAV power generation.
6 Fast Gas Inlet Valve insensitive to magnetic fields Staiger GmbH – Roland Grounmaier We produce both standard products and made-to-order valves and we are the leading supplier of solenoid valves to the automotive industry.
We are currently working on a European space research project, where we have been tasked with producing valves for a pressure controller for satellite positioning. One of the criteria of the valves is that it must withstand magnetic fields.
7 Axial Potential Separator Citel Electronics GmbH – Mirko Harbott (Product Manager) This technology is much more complex than would be required in the consumer market, and is surely therefore much more expensive than a standard product. While it performs the same function as our own product it would be better suited to a unique installation rather than replacing a standard product.
8 Axial Potential Separator Gebr. Kunz GmbH - We produce high current (20,000 A) electrical components but we don’t use components like this one.
9 Project Fisola - Tiago Silva Fisola are looking to innovate in the field of electrical infrastructure such as pylons and masts. They are looking for new materials/composites that can give them a competitive advantage. Tiago will take a look through the technologies on the website and we will schedule a follow up discussion in the coming weeks.
10 Project Luxembourg Institute of Science & Technology – Emmanuel Bidaine LIST are innovators within the materials and composites field and are interested in technologies that are related to this. There was also interest in the adoption of nano-particle technologies and analysis techniques. Initial discussions are ongoing.
11 Project Akselos – Thomas Leurent Spin-out company from MIT that are now based in Switzerland. They develop advanced Finite Element Modelling codes that can be run much quicker than the state of the art. The FUTTA codes didn’t appear to interest them much but will request feedback.
12 Project Kolektor Sisteh – Ladislav Kolednik General interest in the adoption of new technologies for automotive, building and energy sectors. They wanted to hear more about the FUTTA project and we are having initial email correspondence.
13 Project HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS UK Ltd – Robin Smith (Application Engineer) We are involved in large-scale scientific research facilities, as we supply the photo-detectors used at CERN, and are always interested in innovation opportunities. There is not much detail given in the technology descriptions, which makes it hard to give detailed feedback on the potential of the tech though we welcome further discussion.
14 Project Plextek Consulting – Andrew Ashby (Automotive & Transport Business Development) There is a lack of communication between different industrial sectors and also a disparity between their rates of advancement of technology. For these reasons it is worth examining the areas where one sector has advanced a technology that another sector has overlooked. My company is working to create consortiums to identify these mutually beneficial opportunities for technology transfer, and the FUTTA strategy seems to be another promising method for addressing the communication boundaries between different sectors.
15 Materials Technologies Sandvik Materials – Paul Evans Develop piping and tubing for large industrial applications. Paul said that it is a very hard field to innovate within due to the high amount of regulation and risk averse nature.
16 Project Alter Technologies – Julian Gallego A company that works both within the space and nuclear fusion industries providing testing and accreditation. They have not found much in the way of overlap in these technical areas – which is not entirely surprising.
17 Project Anglo-Belgian Corporation – Bernardo Crespo Develop diesel & other generators for a variety of applications including fusion. They mentioned that the technology going into generators for fusion cannot be new or innovative due to the amount of regulations. The only differentiator is the size of the generator and this is not really desired in other markets.
18 Composite Materials Aluminium Metal Knowledge – Ellen Vaders Interested in hearing more about the different metal composite technologies and associated know how. Follow up discussions are going to be had but these are more suited to being led by Cesah.
19 Project GMV – Juan Carlos Llorente Very interested in looking into further synergies between he space and fusion industries. He believes that there is great potential for the intelligent data management from Earth Observation satellites to be utilised in fusion – even if just the know-how or methodology.
20 Project CCI Pau Bearn – Babette Schily Interested in developing and enhancing the innovation activities in south-west France. Particularly interested in how novel technologies can be used to disrupt traditionally conservative industries. Having initial conversations via email and will hopefully lead to full discussions and technology feedback.
21 Nanofluids MTU – Peter Riegger We are looking for ways to improve our existing hybrid ICEs. Nanofluids are of great interest in terms of reducing the weight of cooling systems that would be required. Weight reduction is a main area of focus for us.
Working with MTU to assess what their specific requirements are and how this can be formed into questions to ask inventors.
22 Nanofluids TU Delft – Pascal Lauffer Looking for a fluid that can be used within Borehole Heat Exchangers which are used for shallow heat extraction. The important properties of such a fluid are the heat capacity of the fluid, the weight of the fluid, the viscosity, the heat transfer coefficients and thermal conductivity. With the ideal circumstances be, a low viscosity, low weight, high heat capacity, high heat transfer and thermal conductivity. The fluid needs to be cycled through kilometres of piping going diagonally into the ground and up again.
Put into contact with Tom Barrett / Joe Milnes to see if any of know how developed within fusion could be applied.

Table 7. Main interactions with non-fusion environment for STFC

• In Germany:

11 promising mediations between fusion technology providers and non-fusion companies might evolve to further successful spin-offs. Further 17 companies have expressed interest and are clarifying the technology offer at date June 2015. Part of this activity has been developed by cesah with the support of EurA Consult (based in Germany).

TDF0003 Ultra Sniffer – New leak detection method (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics)

1. Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum GmbH,
Armin Bertsch
Bonner Straße 498, Köln
Phone: +49 (0)221 347 1324, Email:

As a pioneer of vacuum technology, Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum offers a wide range of vacuum components, standardized and fully customized vacuum solutions, complemented by vacuum technology accessories and instrumentation. Areas of application are to be found in the everyday-life processes such as air conditioning, TV-tubes and automotive applications, heavy-duty applications in metallurgy and furnace, but also in high technological processes like coating of microchips, CDs and DVDs, as well as in the manufacturing of optical glass or analytical instruments.

Mr. Bertsch is interested in further technical information about the technology.
Mr. Bertsch has discussed the technology with the inventor and a meeting has been settled in August 2015.
Mr. Bertsch has not yet expressed any thoughts about an application of the technology in his company, but is willing to discuss it during the meeting.

TDF0006: Improved Carbon Fibre Composite (KIT-Karlsruhe Institute for Technology)

2. KSF - Kompetenzzentrum für Schleiftechnologie und Feinstbearbeitung at the Furtwangen University
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Juergen Struss (Project employee)
Jakob-Kienzle-Strasse 17, 78054 VS-Schwenningen
Phone: +49 7720 307 4294, Email:

The KSF mainly deals with the process development and optimization in the field of precision machining, and here mainly of grinding. The KSF would be interested in developing optimized process parameters in order to produce high-precision parts for the described material. Nevertheless, as it is a Higher Education Institution, the KSF has no direct possibility of marketing or buying the technology. Together with an interested company, the KSF would be able to act as a partner in the technology transfer.

3. Promeos GmbH
Dr. Jochen Volkert (CEO)
Gießener Straße 14, 90427 Nürnberg
Tel.: +49 911 377 367 – 0, E-Mail:

Promeos® is a specialist for fully premixing flameless gas burner technology. The burner technology is used in both existing as well as newly developed plants for industrial thermal processes. promeos® also offers to the individual development and manufacture of heating systems and industrial furnaces with energy-efficient, environmentally-friendly and economical gas burner technology.

An application of the technology would be in the field of mobile combustion systems. In this area, high-temperature technology is in question. The company already uses carbon-fibre-reinforced plastic (CFRP). Therefore, it would be important to know with which materials this technology can be used and up to which temperature.

Dr Volkert has offered the possibility to meet the technology provider at the GIFA-Fair (Foundry Trade Fair). EurA (cesah partner in the project) has forwarded this offer to the technology provider and the organization of a possible meeting is in progress.

4. Vereinigte Filzfabriken AG – VFG
Hans-Jürgen Willing, (Product Manager)
Giengener Weg 66, 89537 Giengen
Phone:+49 7322 144-147, Email:

VFG is a producer of basic materials aimed at being processed to carbon.
VFG is interested in developing the adaptation process of the described material into other application fields.
EurA (cesah partner in the project) has exchanged contact details between the technology provider and Mr. Willing. EurA (cesah partner in the project) has tried several times to contact Mr. Willing in order to ask the status of the technology transfer, but has been until now unsuccessful.

5. Gerster GmbH Co KG
Mr. Marcus Janßen (company management)
Memminger Straße 18, 88400 Biberach/Riss
Phone: +49 7351 / 586 – 170,

Gustav Gerster GmbH & Co. KG designs, produces, and markets window decorations for a worldwide market. Gerster is the largest trimmings, tieback and tassel producer in Germany. Its range of products includes printed, woven and embroidered fabrics. The company has a modern in-house production of fabric weaving and tieback/tassel.

The company would be interested in an application of the described technology in the production of carbon textile from pitch fibres, in the first stage of the value chain. Negotiation with the technology provider is still in process.

6. Dilo Systems GmbH
Mr. J.P. Dilo (CEO)
P. O. Box 1551, 69405 EBERBACH
Tel. +49 6271 940-117, E-Mail: Website:

Dilo Systems GmbH is a manufacturer of nonwovens for numerous industrial applications including: automotive for filters, insulation material, interior decoration, also based on natural fibres for mouldings, high-tech applications of carbon fibres for brake discs or body maker. An important area of expertise is the paper-machine felts sector.

The company has informed us that in view of the specification of carbon fibre composites as a heat shield, vertically disposed support fibres are expected to be made by needle punctures in the non-woven fabric, but also by other technologies. Thereby, the company has offered the possibility to work on the solidification of carbon fibre material by needling. Mr. Dilo is willing to meet the technology provider in order to discuss it.

Mr. Dilo has offered the possibility to meet the technology provider. EurA (cesah partner in the project) has forwarded this offer to the technology provider. A phone conference between Mr. Dilo and the KIT took place. Mr. Dilo has offered the KIT to work on the development of a machine for CFRP that integrates components of the described FUTTA technology. Mr. Dilo will receive a patent of the technology in order to examine the technology specifications.

7. Airbus Defence and Space GmbH, Mr. Jesus Gomez,
Airbus-Allee 1, 28199 Bremen, Phone: +49 (0) 421 539 0
Dr. Pfeiffer, CEO of company HPS GmbH (please see below in section “interrupted technology provider – receiver negotiations”) has directly connected the technology provider with his business partner, Mr. Gomez from the Airbus company, knowing that the use of carbon fibre composites for high temperature applications is also an area of interest for the company.
A phone conference has been conducted between the technology provider, the inventor and Mr. Gomez. Mr. Gomez has received the patent of the technology, is currently checking the technology internally and will contact the technology provider if interest is present.

8. A global company (for the time being confidential) in the energy sector develops and builds, among others, components and systems made of CFRP for high-tech sectors in the nuclear energy technology. Interest on the company’s side is present for the technology: Improved Carbon Fibre Composite (TDF0006).
A meeting for the presentation of this and other FUTTA-technologies with company representatives will take place on 29.06.2015.

TDF0015: Hydrogen Permeation Barriers (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)

9. Schott AG
Dr Martin Lotze (Technical Services – Engineering)
Hattenbergstraße 10, 55122 Mainz
Telefon: +49 (0)6131/66-2976 cc to:

Schott (15,400 people in 35 countries, sales 1.87 billion euros) is a leading international technology group in the areas of specialty glass and glass-ceramics. The company has more than 130 years of outstanding development, materials and technology expertise and offers a broad portfolio of high-quality products and intelligent solutions. SCHOTT is an innovative enabler for many industries, including the home appliance, pharmaceutical, electronics, optics, automotive and aviation industries.

Due to the excellent properties of platinum, Schott uses platinum elements in the production of glass. Through chemical processes, hydrogen enters across the platinum elements through diffusion processes in the melted glass where they cause the formation of bubbles. These bubbles are spread throughout the melted glass and lead to deterioration of the glass, affecting approximately 60% of total glass production at Schott. Discussions are currently in progress, whether the technology "Hydrogen Permeation Barriers" could offer a solution.

10. Promeos GmbH
Dr Jochen Volkert (CEO)
Gießener Straße 14, 90427 Nürnberg
Tel.: +49 911 377 367 – 0, E-Mail:

Promeos® is a specialist for fully premixing flameless gas burner technology. The burner technology is used in both existing as well as newly developed plants for industrial thermal processes. promeos® also offers to the individual development and manufacture of heating systems and industrial furnaces with energy-efficient, environmentally-friendly and economical gas burner technology.

Dr Volkert has offered the possibility to meet the technology provider at the GIFA-Fair (Foundry Trade Fair) in June. EurA (cesah partner in the project) has forwarded this offer to the technology provider and the organization of a possible meeting is in progress.

11. A global company (for the time being confidential) in the energy sector develops and builds, among others, components and systems made of CFRP for high-tech sectors in the nuclear energy technology. In addition, a new business in the field of development and production of (high pressure) vessels for the storage of hydrogen is currently being constructed. Interest on the company’s part is also present for the technology: Hydrogen Permeation Barriers (TDF0015).
A meeting for the presentation of this and other FUTTA-technologies with company representatives will take place on 29.06.2015.

• ESA Global actions:

ESA from a global perspective has also been promoting FUTTA project to companies. The main activities developed are listed:

1. Visit and collaboration activities with Fusion 4 Energy in Barcelona to identify potential collaboration between ESA and Fusion Industry. The goal was to broaden the collaboration and identify potential use of EUROfusion technologies by industry working for fusion.

2. Presentation of the technologies to the Italian company Media Lario, specialized in the production of high-precision reflective optical components and systems. Company was finally directly interested in any of the technologies but is looking to see further outcome of the collaboration space-fusion.

3. Participation in the ITER Business Forum in Marseille. Jointly with the brokers, ESA invited some technical representatives of several space domains to discuss with specialists and companies in ITER Business forum. Again, the goal was to broaden the collaboration and identify potential use of EUROfusion technologies by industry working for fusion.

4. ESA TTPO has been presenting the results of the project and all technology descriptions the Incubatees and Alumnis of the ESA BIC. A total of 50 start-ups have now information of fusion technology and are looking at potential use. The following centers were visited and technologies presented:
a. ESA BIC Harwell in the United Kingdom. With more than 20 current incubatees and more than 50 alumnis.
b. ESA BIC Lazio. With more than 20 current incubatees and more than 50 alumnis.
c. ESA BIC Darmstadt. With more than 18 current incubatees and more than 60 alumnis.
d. ESA BIC Barcelona. With 5 incubatees.

5. ESA TTPO also presented the results of the work in a workshop with European Southern Observatory in Garching, Germany, in November 2014.

- WP 3. Promotion and Dissemination.

The goal in WP3 was to identify or achieve 5 success stories published at the end of the project. Currently three success cases have been identified and are being analyzed:

- STFC identified the following success stories:

• Aerospace-Fusion synergies in high heat flux engineering. A collaborative partnership has been set up between CCFE and Osney Thermofluids Laboratory in order to develop enhanced high-heat flux cooling elements and a bespoke high-heat flux testing facility has been jointly funded by CCFE and Rolls-Royce for the purpose of testing prototypes. It is hoped that these can be used for fusion as well as in the aerospace field.

• GS2 code for astrophysics applications. The GS2 code has been developed into a variant used for simulation of turbulence in astrophysical plasmas, called AstroGK. GS2 is a tokamak gyro-kinetic turbulence code that has had all of the tokamak geometry removed to form AstroGK. It has now been used to study the fundamental turbulence properties of magnetised plasma, such as the solar wind.

• Fusion to Space. Ptolemy is an instrument on board the Philae Lander or ESA’s Rosetta Mission. It consists of a miniaturized gas chromatograph and mass spectrometer that is designed to determine the chemical composition of the comet. The connecting pipework and fittings were designed and manufactured using techniques developed as part of the fusion energy programme.

• A further success story has been uncovered during more in depth talks with one of the technology providers. The IBA Datafurnace Code was used to analyze damaged parts of Hubble Space Telescope that were returned to Earth. We will work with the provider to get further information.

- Cesah in Germany identified three potential success stories:

• Optimum grating parameters for a VUV spectrometer (FZ Jülich): provide manufacturing parameters for a holographic diffraction grating on a concave or toroidal surface (proprietary software code which uses various numerical methods to determine optimal grating parameters that are made available through licensing)

• Resilient tungsten for X-ray tubes (MPI IPP): Inventor investigated properties of resilient tungsten (divertor), which could also be used for industrial applications such as Anodes in X-ray devices, which are also made of materials based on tungsten.

• Self-passivating “smart” alloys (FZ Jülich): Development and characterization of smart self-passivating alloys preventing the WO3 generation in case of accidents. A first cooperation is planned with the space domain (DLR) to make use of the know-how at Jülich for the production of other smart alloys suitable for use in receivers of solar thermic power plants.

It is expected that the target of five success stories will be achieved. Furthermore, ESA, with the brokers, produced a Brochure with the main results of the project and four success stories.

- WP 4. Support for the creation of a fusion TTPO.

Progress has been made in the establishment of a Technology Transfer Programme Office dedicated to enable and incentivize the transfer of the technology resulting from EUROfusion activities to the industry. During all project close collaboration between EUROfusion, EC, ESA and the brokers was established and exchange on good practices was boosted. ESA, EC and EUROfusion are organized a final event in JET for the 10th of June in which the results of the project were presented and a workshop on how a Technology Transfer Coordination Unit could be implemented in EUROfusion, in order to support all EUROfusion centers. The work was developed using the CANVAS Model, a model that supports in the identification of the value proposition, stakeholders, partners, resources, and revenue streams, with the participation of all parties.

ESA has prepared a set of recommendations for setting up a Technology Transfer Coordination Unit (TTCU) for EUROfusion Labs. The proposed model is mirroring in the model that ESA TTPO is following, with the difference in the case of the ESA TTPO the Space Industry is the main client and for the Technology Transfer Coordination Unit of EUROfusion the main clients would be the EUROfusion Labs. The main guidelines for the creation of the unit are the following:

- Value Proposition. From an ESA perspective the EUROfusion TTCU should be delivering complementary services to the capabilities of some of the EUROfusion Labs and play the role of coordinator of TT activities that can impact all the EUROfusion Labs. By offering complementary tools to all the EUROfusion centers economy of scale are achieved and more results can be achieved. The main activities that would be proposed are:

o Provide General Tools for External Awareness:

• Broker Network. The FUTTA project has been basically supported by the work done by the brokers. The role of outreach of the brokers allows reaching out to more industry with fewer resources. The brokers are experience and are currently doing technology transfer activities for ESA and for other of their clients, thus allowing facilitating connections that generate successful transfers. To achieve the same impact using internal resources would be much more expensive and would need a longer term.

• Website. Joint technology transfer website of all EUROfusion centers with information on Technology Descriptions and Success Stories that facilitates the awareness activities. The website with Technology Descriptions from all centers will have enough critical mass to be attractive for the non-fusion industry.

• Events. Participation in brokerage activities in non-fusion events representing the EUROfusion centers. Again, creating economy of scale.

• Demonstrators/Proof of concept projects to which all EUROfusion centers will be competing for. The main goal will be to proof the potential use of a fusion technology in non-fusion applications.

o Organize activities for internal awareness:

• Organize training sessions on technology transfer, IP and innovation for all EUROfusion Labs in coordination with the TTOs of the Labs. That could be supported also with activities linking the creation of new ventures.
• Organize competitions to prize the best ideas of applications of fusion technologies

- Key Partners. From an ESA perspective and in order to generate more critical mass, it would be interesting to establish a strong relationship with Fusion 4 Energy. At the same time it is necessary to build an ecosystem that works with the EUROfusion TTCU:

o Similar organizations like ESA and other EIROforum partners.
o Identify potential new sources of funding for technology transfer projects (investors)
o Strengthen the relationship with non-fusion enterprise associations
o EUROfusion Labs and their ecosystems

- Resources: For the unit to be successful it is necessary to have enough resources to maintain the activity. Thus, investment will be necessary. The following list is just an orientation of costs items ESA is currently facing (not in the same amounts)

o 1 EUROfusion TTCU manager/Coordinator (Full Time – 1 m/y). Experienced technical profile with knowledge on technology transfer and business.
o Administrative and organization support from EUROfusion (0,2m/y). Admin profile.
o Use a broker network to support in the outreach and commercialization of technology (Technology Description identification, Success Story Identification and Mediation). The brokers would be also supporting in the events organized by EUROfusion TTCU.
o Set up a Demonstrator call to fund at least between 2 and 4 projects per year.
o Expenses for travel and promotion (events).

From and ESA perspective and experience, the total investment needed for a meaningful initiative would be between 550.000 and 700.000 euros a year.

- WP 5. Management

ESA did all the work related to this work package, which are fundamentally:

- Legal, ethical, financial and administrative work required for the successful completion of the project. ESA did all the necessary technical and financial reporting.
- Arrange of contracts to be placed with ESA Brokers to ensure the efficient completion of WPs 1 to 4. ESA placed the contracts with the brokers and is managing the relationship to achieve the goals set.

ESA Participated in the following coordination and management meetings with the EUROfusion Laboratories, with the brokers and with the European Commission:

- KO Meeting in Brussels in 2013.
- Coordination meeting with STFC the 16th and 17th of June 2014.
- Meeting with cesah in June 2014.
- Visit MPI between the 29th of September and the 2nd of October 2014.
- Periodic report with cesah the 19th and 20th of October of 2014.
- Periodic report with cesah the 3th and the 20th of October of 2014.
- Mid-Term review between ESA and the EC the 24th of February 2015 in Brussels.
- Periodic report with cesah the 7th of May 2015.
- Final review meeting in JET, Culham (UK), the 10th and 11th of June 2015.

Potential Impact:
The project had a considerable delay because ESA was in a process to select a new German broker and the selection process terminated only in January 2014. The negotiation of the FUTTA sub-contract with the new broker initiated immediately after, however the start of the contract for the German and United Kingdom brokers was set to the 1st of May of 2014. In addition, the TTPO faced some staff changes between April and July 2014.

However, all the parties involved in the project made a strong effort to achieve the goals of the projects and in April 2015, most of the goals related to technology descriptions, success stories and mediations have been achieved or outperformed. Unfortunately, no transfer has been achieved so far. However, the work of the next 2 months of the project will be focused mainly in the mediation and commercialization actions of the project.

ESA TTPO, with the support of the brokers and EUROfusion, met most of the targets that were set in the project. Even if most of the goals have been achieved, ESA TTPO expected to achieve at least one transfer by the end of the project. However, the project has already raised a lot of interest from the non-fusion community. The project and results achieved so far have been presented in more than 30 different events and forums, more than 900 companies have been contacted and a continuous presence on-line and on social networks have been promoted. Furthermore, it is expected that the mediations initiated and the on-line repository of information in will keep generating leads that will consequently lead to transfer in the longer term.

If we analyse the main goals of the activity and the impact:

- Identification of technologies with non-fusion potential. FUTTA raised internal awareness in EUROfusion labs and researchers.
- Identification of Success Stories and Awareness. Now materials for promotion are available to be shared with stakeholders and industry (website and brochure). FUTTA reached out to non-fusion industry: companies contacted directly and participation in events to promote fusion.
- Knowledge Exchange. Model of ESA has been used and ESA is proposing to keep supporting and collaborating.
- Technology transfer. Still work to do, but first steps are done.

The lessons learnt:

- The low TRL level of the technologies identified has an impact on tech transfer potential and interest from the industry.
- Tools to promote and put in value fusion technology are fundamental (as the ones proposed in the WP 4 of this report)
- Need to share good practices of tech transfer with researchers and managers to strengthen capabilities in innovation.
- Keep in mind why EUROfusion wants to do technology transfer: Awareness vs ROI.

Conclusions of the project:

- After the investment from the European Commission, ESA and all parties, and with the good results achieved, it is recommended not to miss the chance and take advantage of the momentum and continue the work of technology transfer in fusion.
- Establishing not expensive tools like demonstrators projects/proof of concept similar to the ESA demo call ( will help bring the fusion technologies closer to the market.
- Develop internal tranings on innovation and technology transfer will help support the generation of technologies with more market potential
- Organize competitions on technology transfer and innovation will boost internal interest
- Identify need of non-fusion industry will broaden the network (contacts with industry) and increase the possibilities of transfer.

A side of the current on-going mediations that will be directly managed by the EUROfusion Labs involved, in the Final Workshop of the 10th of the June all participants worked in the definition of a model for a future EUROfusion TTCU.

The collaboration between fusion and space is already being strengthened through direct contact between ESA and EUROfuison and Fusion 4 Energy. A specific continued work has been established with both organizations in different forums. The collaboration will continue and it is expected to generate successful transfers in the long-term.

List of Websites: