TEACH-SG aims to build on the successes of SPINE (Structural Proteomics IN Europe; FP5 Integrated Project) and other FP6 structural genomics projects to provide a platform for training young scientists and those from smaller laboratories and new EU member states in the state-of-the-art technologies developed in Structural Genomics, particularly in high throughput techniques.
A program of workshops and meetings will provide hands-on technical training in new methods and techniques in high throughput cloning, protein expression, characterisation, structural determination and bioinformatics data handling. The TEACH-SG team has developed key skills within the SPINE project. Partners from new EU member states will host training workshops to reach broad new audiences in Eastern Europe. The main areas of training will be:
i) bioinformatic approaches to target selection and data handling;
ii) high throughput automated methods in cloning and protein expression in prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems;
iii) automated protein characterisation ' a systematic pipeline approach;
iv) high volume crystallogenesis and evaluation;
v) computational structural determination methods.
Intersecting with the methods workshops will be a program of networking meetings and participation in a virtual conference; each will have a specific Structural Genomics/Proteomics theme, presenting recent technological and methodological advances in the field with the aim of fostering a constructive dialog between developers of similar or complementary technologies.
The TEACH-SG programme will be supported by a dedicated website and newsletter to provide a managed forum from which to broadcast cutting edge and innovative technological information and training in structural genomics to a very wide audience. It will help to fulfil the requirements for dissemination of EU-supported advances to the EC and worldwide.'
Fields of science
Call for proposal
See other projects for this call
Funding Scheme
SSA - Specific Support ActionCoordinator
United Kingdom