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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-05-29

Integrative genomics and chronic disease phenotypes: modelling and simulation tools for clinicians


The omics revolution of recent years has led to an explosion of data. This information however is currently difficult to integrate and makes improving knowledge on the complexities of biological events a difficult task. A major constraint for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the biotechnology field of data integration is the lack of appropriate tools for generation and analyses of dynamic models. BioBridge proposes to tackle this problem with the production of the Biobridge portal, an environment,where: 1)structured databases including genomic, proteomic, metabolomic information of metabolic pathways affected by disease will be 2)integrated to reconstruct the underlying metabolic pathways which, in turn, will enter in 3)a simulation environment for simultaneous analysis of multilevel data able to improve existing knowledge on complex metabolic processes.
The consortium brings together selected SMEs with complementary skills in the domains of semantic interoperability, heterogeneous data integration and simulation technologies to develop innovative tools to facilitate the interplay between omics data and clinical information.Synergies are ensured between SMEs and academic teams, as well as product quality assurance through generation of experimental data for model refinement and validation.Thus BioBridge academics and SMEs together facilitate a translational analysis of the test case: nitrosoredox imbalance of the cardiovascular system.The nitrosoredox disequilibrium governs O2 transport O2 utilization mismatching at tissue level in highly prevalent chronic disorders (chronic heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and diabetes). It has been identified as a common pathway leading to the systemic effects, which are associated with poor prognosis and high use of healthcare resources.The produced simulation tools may help to identify appropriate biomarkers for non-invasive monitoring and offer a new state-of-the-art tool for clinicians.

Call for proposal

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EU contribution
No data

Participants (6)