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Content archived on 2024-06-16

A customisable Middleware for building complex global computing Systems

Final Activity Report Summary - CM-GCS (A Customizable Middleware for Building Complex Global Computing Systems)

The objective of this project was the design, implementation and evaluation of a middleware that enabled the construction of complex self-managing distributed systems.

The main output of this project was this middleware for global computing called Kompics. Kompics was a framework for building distributed systems, peer-to-peer systems in particular, as message-passing components. Kompics provided support for managing complexity through support for component composition and support of self-management using an event-based execution model. Kompics components communicated using message passing, allowing the provision of an execution model that scaled on multi-core hardware. This made Kompics ideally suited for building systems software that scaled as more processing cores were added to systems.

Kompics was developed by both Prof. Seif Haridi and his Phd student, Cosmin Arad. Kompics was used in the software engineering of distributed systems (SEDS) MSc program at the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), as well as by which is a small-medium enterprise (SME) in Stockholm that developed video streaming software. It was also used for research projects at the Swedish Insitute of Computer Science (SICS) and it was our intention to build systems software using Kompics, as well as to increase its adoption by the industry. The Kompics framework was available as open-source software at

I also published a number of documents, including a book chapter, journal articles and conference papers, during the Marie Curie scholarship, which were mostly related to basic research that fed into design features provided in Kompics.