Final Activity Report Summary - PI3K/ angiogenesis (The role of p110beta isoform of PI 3-kinase in endothelial cells and angiogenesis)
The objective of the proposal was to study the role of one isoform of PI3K, called p110beta, in angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is the formation of new vessels, which occurs during embryonic development but is also involved in the aetiology of different diseases such as cancer. Vessels are formed by endothelial cells.
We created a new and unique genetically modified mouse, which allowed specific inactivating of p110beta in the cells we wanted to study as well as in the entire organism. Extensive characterisation of the mouse lines was performed. P110beta was inactivated in the endothelial cells of the mouse. This inactivation did not alter the proper embryonic development of the mouse, while we unravelled the crucial role of another isoform of PI3K, p110alpha, in this process. Studying the signal transduction downstream of angiogenic signals, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) input signal, allowed us to understand why one isoform and not the other was important in embryonic angiogenesis. These results were published as two articles in high standard quality peer-reviewed journals, namely Nature and PNAS.