Final Activity Report Summary - FRAXA MRNP (Characterization and dynamics of ribonucleoprotein complexes containing the Fragile Mental Retardation Protein involved in the Fragile X Syndrome)
First, I have developed in collaboration with my previous post-doc laboratory (Prof. Khandjian, Québec, Canada) a biochemical method to purify RNA granules from mouse brain, an RNP structure involved in the transport of mRNA in the neuronal arborisation. I will now be able to use this method to obtain substantial amounts of mRNA granules necessary to characterise novel mRNA targets of FMRP specific to these structures.
Second, I have contributed to the characterisation of a novel mRNA recognition sequences and/or structures bound by FMRP, the SoSLIP triple stem loop structure present on SOD1 mRNA involved in translation activation via FMRP.
Finally, I have participated to the investigation of the role of well-known proteins interacting with FMRP, the isoforms of its close homologue FXR1P, in the modulation of its interaction with the G-quartet mRNA structure.
This project was developed in Dr Bardoni's laboratory but also partly in close collaboration with a Canadian laboratory (Prof. Khandjian, Univ. Laval, Québec) and has contributed significantly to the understanding of the neuronal alterations induced by the absence of FMRP in FXS patients.
I will continue to develop the study of FMRP in the context of its RNP complexes in brain, in particular in dendritic RNA granules. I recently got a permanent position as a research associate at the CNRS (start Feb 2010) in Dr Bardoni's laboratory in order to pursue the development of this research program, for which I recently received two starting grants: ERG Marie Curie Grant and FRAXA research foundation Grant.