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Contenu archivé le 2024-06-20

Network for the exchange of methodologies and expertise on sustainable water management and land husbandry in the Mediterranean


The global objective of SOWAMED proposal is to establish a methodology exchange network and build an expertise capacity between partners in several research projects (STREP and/or CA) of the INCO-MED Program under the 4th, 5th, and 6th PCRD in the domain of sustainable land and water resource management and the prevention of risks on cultivated and inhabited watersheds.

The first step will be to identify and analyse, data, models and DSS available for soil and water management in the semi arid Mediterranean areas. It will base on the results produced by the INCO MED projects during the ten last years. The second step will be to test and discuss the availability of data, models or DSS set for particular conditions.

The definition of their areas of competence and limits will help to make available to all users the range of methods and available tools for proposing solutions to questions of sustainable water management and land husbandry. The third step consists in reinforcing capacities of expertise and dissemination of data and methods.

These objectives will be achieved through regional workshops focusing on three specific issues the management of cultivated watersheds in mountains and hills (water conservation management and land husbandry) the management of traditional irrigated perimeters (small and medium hydraulic works SMH) and intensive irrigation systems and the management of water and land uses especially in peri-urban agricultural perimeters (competition for land and the use of non-conventional water resources). The project will associate 3 EU and 5 MPC partners for duration of 24 months.

Appel à propositions

Voir d’autres projets de cet appel

Régime de financement

SSA - Specific Support Action


Contribution de l’UE
Aucune donnée
44 boulevard de Dunkerque - CS 90009

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Coût total
Aucune donnée

Participants (7)