Final Report Summary - MEDAL (Mediterranean conservation alliance)
1. Development of a public Anglo-Arabic website that would act as an integrated information system allowing communication, control and exchange of information amongst partners, European and Mediterranean museum and conservation institutions.
2. Development and updating of a database dedicated to:
- the description of degradation cases, as well as to the literature information concerning the conservation materials and methods and to the exhibition, and the management and storage long-term safe conditions;
- description of standardised protocols for the conservation, management, storage and exhibition of metal ancient artefacts with the guidelines and requirements of the preventive conservation that consider the temperature, the particulate and the micro-climate control inside them able to maintain safe conditions and to exclude the presence of aggressive agents.
3. Organisation of thematic workshops, successively recorded in videos and put at disposal on the website.
4. Organisation of training activities for young Mediterranean researchers and post-graduate students concerning the traditional reliable and innovative conservation methods and materials, as well as the advanced diagnostic techniques including portable instruments in order to perform in situ analysis of metal cultural heritage artefacts.
5. Constitution of a permanent conservation alliance that would last after the end of the MEDAL project and would also provide and promote opportunity to other countries to participate in scientific exchanges at an international level.