European RTD convergence is one of the most of the FP. Participation of SME especially from Eastern European as well as Candidate countries is far from being satisfactory. In response to this, Don Q Air intends to increase awareness of Polish, Romanian, and Turkish aeronautic SMEs about EU activities within the sector and raise their participation in the next FP.
The target group: SMEs or clusters of companies with sufficient RTD capacity and experience in international environment ready to collaborate in European projects. Scope: Poland as a new EU member, and Romania and Turkey as candidate countries. The three of them show RTD potentials and capabilities in the aeronautical sector worthy to be fostered. The donor entity is CARSA, which has previously carried out similar projects. The methodology: Don Q method elaborated by CARSA and successfully implemented in several European regions.
Basic steps are:
- Analysis of barriers to innovation and major potentials,
- Selection and Clustering of SM Es,
- Technological Diagnosis and Intensive Training in RTD FP7, and
- Dissemination of successful stories.
Specific objectives of Don Q Air are:
- 170 SMEs will receive training seminars about the FP
- 50 SMEs will benefit from tutoring activities and technological diagnosis
- 30 ideas will be identified and further prepared
- 15 Project Dossiers for participating in the FP
- 10 SMEs participation in at least 5 project proposals for FP7
Call for proposal
See other projects for this call
Funding Scheme
SSA - Specific Support ActionCoordinator