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Content archived on 2024-06-16

Waste in social environment

Final Activity Report Summary - WISE (Waste in social environment)

The Institute of Processing and Recycling of Solid Waste (I.A.R.) of RWTH Aachen University, Germany in co-operation with an extensive network of supporting universities and experts developed and successfully completed the WISE integrated programme of training courses in sustainable waste management. The WISE programme started on Jan 2007 and ended in Dec 2009. This Marie Curie funded Series of Events comprised of 6 training courses all following the same structure but with different training modules in different European locations. The 6 courses were divided in 3 phases. 1st Phase: Key concepts/Key technologies:
Course 1: Core theme: Substance cycle waste management 1.
Course 1: Core theme: Substance cycle waste management 2.
Phase 2: Problem case studies.
Course 3: Core theme: Environmental impacts.
Course 4: Core theme: Secondary raw materials/Landfill.
The 3rd Phase: Advanced integrated waste management complexes.
Course 5: Core themes: Biogas, Energy supply.
Course 6: Core themes: Human - producer of waste and decision-maker for recycling systems.

The 1st phase taught the basics of waste management and technologies giving the participants information and access to innovative key European technologies. Training courses 1 and 2 both took place in Aachen, Germany close to the university laboratory facilities. The researchers got direct hands-on experience of the basics of advanced technologies and the 3 R's (Recycle, reuse and reduce). Both these foundation courses contained a Basic level and an Advanced level. TC1 Monschau, GermanyLeading academics and experts in waste management and representatives from industries gave presentations and in-team training. The 3 technical visits were a highlight of this course to: Leppe Landfill, Con Therm plant with pyrolysis of waste and to Bochum Éco City.TC2 Monschau, GermanyThis course managed to gather leading academics and major industrialists in waste management in different areas of activities. The 3 technical visits were to ART (advanced waste sorting facility with sensor sorting); large metal recycling companies; incinerator for hazardous waste; Aachen Klinikum showing specialized hospital systems.TC3 Poland/DresdenThis course gave a profound insight into the challenges faced by accession countries such as Poland.

The choice of location on the border of Germany and Poland with technical visits on both sides of Görlitz gave an extraordinary chance to compare what happens in Poland and over the border in East Germany. Detailed experience and actual case studies of diverse accession countries were presented by a range of experts.TC4 MaltaMalta is a classic example of an accession country with sensitive eco issues as a hot Mediterranean island. All aspects of the integrated problems surrounding the issues of waste, water, environmental protection and implementation of EU legislation were covered in this course with detailed field work and technical visits.

The 3rd Phase examined 2 examples of advanced integrated waste management complexes in different EU countries of Austria and Spain.TC5 LinzAustria shows diversification of waste management including district heating based on small biomass plants as well as the use of SRF use in major industry. Participants were able to understand how closing the energy loop can be achieved whilst reaching EU targets. Technical visits included Voest Alpine, Processing of Shredder Light Fraction (TBS); Biomass Small power plants; Bio Gas and composting, Pellets, Landfill' and construction recycling. TC6 Madrid is the only large European city with 4 large Eco waste parks where all the waste treatment and disposal routes can be seen. These Eco Parks have some of the highest efficiency rates in Europe reaching up to 98% processing rates. Advanced technologies such as the Titech Sensor sorting modules were seen working in different plants dealing with MSW as well as packaging waste. Six WISE newsletters are available at