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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-06-25

Effects of fluxes in string compactifications


The research topic of this proposal is String Theory compactifications and the emergence of Einstein gravity and the Standard Model in the low-energy limit. The specific aspect we will address is the possibility to ton on non-zero fluxes on the compact manifold. Fluxes have the following interesting and not fully explored features: they fix some of the continuous parameters of the vacuum (module), they can induce super symmetry breaking, and they allow for a non-trivial warp factor which may account for the hierarchy between the Planck and the electro weak scales. The research objectives are:
(i) find general conditions for the existence of supersyrnmetric solutions with given fluxes,
(ii) study the resulting potential for the module,
(iii) derive the effective theory on intersecting D-brines carrying the Standard Model fields, in a flux background, and
(iv) study implications for super symmetry breaking and the vacuum stability. The theoretical tools employed are those of quantum field theory, general relativity, and certain branches of modern mathematics. Specifically methods from gauged super gravity, boundary conformal field theory and D- brines, string dualities and the Ads/CFT correspondence, and the recently developed techniques of matrix models will be used. The young researcher will benefit from the presence of experts on these topics in the host laboratory. The proposed research can create synergies among different branches of physics and of mathematics, and could be relevant to the future experimental activities in particle physics (especially at the European Large Hadrons Collier in CERN) and in cosmology.

Call for proposal

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EU contribution
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3 rue Michel-Ange

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Total cost
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