The present project is centred on the development of a new concept for solar photovoltaic installations connected to the grid, capable of obtaining the maximum possible amount of electrical energy from a conventional PV module, optimising the relation between energy production and the investment necessary by means of dual axis tracker, concentrator mirrors and optimiser systems to make it economically profitable for individual and private investors.
Combining sun tracking and reflectors, the total energy (kWh) obtained will be increase in a 116% in comparison with a static PV installation. In order to compare this project with the traditional unit is necessary to introduce the new concept of Wp equivalent (Wp eq ). The "Wp equivalent" is the installed Wp in a static installation that produces the same energy (kWh grid input) as one installed Wp in the SOLAR-PLOT system (with reflectors and tracking). Here, the rate is: 1 Wp in SOLAR-PLOT = 2.16 Wpeq.
Call for proposal
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Funding Scheme
STREP - Specific Targeted Research ProjectCoordinator