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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
Contenu archivé le 2024-06-25

Functional Genomics in Engineered ES cells


The complete sequence of a mammalian genome defines the total information content. The next major challenge is to understand how the information is used in subsets during development - subsets that define multipotential states (stem cells); subsets that define differentiated states; and how the transitions between these states are made (lineage commitment). The research partnership, FunGenES, will address this challenge. FunGenES will map, using both expression profiling and high throughput functional screens, the subsets used in pluripotent, lineage committed and selected differentiated cell types to make an atlas of mammalian genome utilization in early development. The remarkable properties of mouse ES cells are key to the proposal. These cells are pluripotent, can be differentiated through the three major developmental pathways; ecto- endo- and mesoderm, to many differentiated cell types, and can be engineered. Manipulation of mouse ES cells also presents paradigms for the development of cell therapies. To accomplish this next, major, milestone in human biology, we have assembled a team of leading academic and commercial experts in the major pathways of ES cell differentiation, anchored by common services provided by world leaders in three technology areas. These areas are - BAC transgene engineering (for efficient production of lineage reporter and selectable lines), RNAi (esiRNA; for high throughput functional screens) and database management of expression profiling. Because these resources are centralized, and methodologies are unified for all of FunGenES, the substantial aim to generate a functional and expression atlas database will be accomplished efficiently. The atlas is the first goal. It will provide hypotheses for testing with advanced functional tools. By understanding how mammalian genomic information is selectively used in development, we will acquire an essential key to understanding ourselves, and our health.

Appel à propositions

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Régime de financement

IP - Integrated Project


Contribution de l’UE
Aucune donnée
Coût total
Aucune donnée

Participants (16)