Background: There are seven projects running which are supported by the European Commission under FP5 dealing with the integration of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and Distributed Generation (DG). This cluster represents a total budget of about 35 million? More than 100 participating institutions from research, industry and the utility sector are contributing. Proposed Actions: The subject of the proposed CA is to extend the existing cluster activities in such a way that a real European added value by mobilising research will be obtained as a major contribution to the ERA. This extension will be realized by the inclusion of forthcoming projects supported by FP6 by national and regional activities.
1. A systematic exchange of information by improving links to relevant research, to regulatory bodies and to policies and schemes on the European, the national, the regional and the international level.
2. Set-up of strategic actions such as trans-national co-operation, the organization and a co-ordination of common initiatives on standards, testing procedures and the establishment of common education.
3. Identification of the highest priority research topics in the field of integration and formation of appropriate realization schemes.
a) The establishment of an expert-group covering important cross-cutting areas such as power-quality, ICT/IST, laboratory experiments est.)
The formation of a group of contact persons to national, regional and international policy).
Set-up of a full data- and information-exchange system with links to national, regional and international information systems)
Call for proposal
See other projects for this call
Funding Scheme
CA - Coordination actionCoordinator