The field of conservation and restoration of the Cultural Heritage owes a lot to a detailed scientific knowledge of the materials constituting the artwork, which is a prerequisite for the optimisation of any conservative intervention. The ATHENA project will train early stage researchers on scientific methodologies for the characterisation and conservation of the cultural heritage patrimony with the aim of structuring the European research in this field. The fellows will be given also the possibility of pursuing a career in conservation with a solid scientific background. The training activity in science for cultural heritage envisaged in the ATHENA project involves three European research laboratories with complementary and reliable expertise as to the use of scientific techniques applied to conservation problems: LENS of Florence (Italy), FORTH-IESL of Heralding (Crete, Greece), UA-Mites of Antwerp (Belgium). Eligible candidates enrolled in one structure can also do research and training in the other(s) and/or in collaborating public/private institutions with activity on conservation of the cultural heritage (e.g. museums, galleries, restoring laboratories). Each institution of the ATHENA project will provide the enrolled trainees with laboratory training and courses at a graduate school level. Typical laboratory training will be on the use of laser, laser spectroscopic techniques and micro beam methods: ions, electrons, X-rays, for bulk and surface characterisation of materials constituting the artworks. Important deliverable will be the dissemination of a good scientific practice in the field of conservation of cultural heritage laying the ground for the creation of a stable European training PhD school for structured scientific education in the field of conservation.
Fields of science
Call for proposal
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Funding Scheme
EIF - Marie Curie actions-Intra-European FellowshipsCoordinator