Our network aims at analysing the conditions of possibility and realisation of an European space of research in the social sciences. The first objective is to describe the barriers, which impede the emergence of such a trans-national, multidisciplinary space.
Our team plans to achieve the task by a systematically comparative approach of the history of the social sciences within each of the represented national contexts. Intercultural divergences and convergences prevailing within the European space will be identified; obstacles and filters slowing down if not blocking the free circulation of ideas will be delineated.
Our network wishes to improve the social conditions for a rational dialogue between participants. In such a perspective, its ambition consists of constructing the epistemological bases for an effective comparative science, which is seen as a pre-requisite to the formation of a European space of research in the social sciences. Such an epistemological platform appears to be crucial since the social sciences lag behind in relation to the rapid transformation of social realities by the constitution of a European supra-national space and the current process of globalisation.
In order to contribute to the pre-figuration of an integrated European social science, our network will parallely conduct two scientific investigations: - a general study of the apparently most international topic: the production and circulation of literary and artistic works in Europe; - a study of the genesis of the field o f social sciences in Europe of which autonomy is relatively weak with regard to economic and political factors in each of the countries concerned.
This entails that the role of the State in these two domains will be scrutinized. This double approach is to be reinforced by a simultaneous analysis of the tools of social sciences being used in order to control what they owe to their social conditions.
Call for proposal
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Funding Scheme
CA - Coordination actionCoordinator