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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Content archived on 2024-06-25

An intelligent support environment to improve the quality of decision processes in health communities


The goal of CARE-PATHS is to set up an intelligent operational environment for making Clinical Governance effective, to support Health Professionals, Clinicians and Care Operators, in continually improving the quality of their services and safeguarding high standards of care. The approach adopted by CARE-PATHS is to exploit emerging technologies in knowledge management and semantic web for enabling the methodology of "Clinical Pathways" to function, to be effective and to succeed.

The output of the project will be a set of intelligent tools for supporting Health Professionals in authoring conceptual clinical pathways for selected group of pathologies in specific contexts, putting them in practice in the everyday treatment of individual patients, monitoring and managing the variances. CARE-PATHS will be tested in different health scenarios, in Spain and in Italy.

From the technological point of view, the objectives are concentrated primarily, in the following technologies of the knowledge management and distribution domains:
-Middle-ware enriching the semantic web for clinical governance
-Access to databases from the medical, nursing, and health services literature fully referenced and individually graded, based upon clearly defined research methodology and that address aspects of care thought to be the key drivers of quality and cost in health services delivery.
-Referential tools that focuses on studies from the peer-reviewed medical literature pertaining to clinical and operational efficiency, utilization of resources, cost of care, and processes of care and other factors that influence complications, length of stay, and readmissions.
-Semantic based agents to "broker" between information sources on clinical guidelines, evidence based medicine and the actual ambient (technology and services available, socio/economical constraints, organizational constraints,...)
-Integration with HER facilities and in general with the information resources available

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (7)