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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-05-29

Network on governance, science and technology for sustainable water resource management in the Mediterranean


The Mediterranean basin is characterised by a strong heterogeneity of cultures, economies and societies which often implied problematic interactions. It is one of the areas where water resource scarcity and conflicts between different water users are more dramatic. The need and relevance for sustainable integrated water management strategies is therefore clear. DSS tools have an enormous potential for the identification of water management regimes in different environmental situations. They can help manage socio-political conflicts over competing demands for water uses. Yet, their potential is often not exploited for various reasons, as lack of communication between scientists and policy makers. A need for reorientation of science to support policy making an d for the adoption of multisectoral and multidisciplinary approaches integrating socio-economic and environmental considerations is evident. NOSTRUM-Dss will address this gap by fostering mediation between policy makers and scientists and between policy ob jectives and scientific knowledge to create an enabling environment for a more equitable and efficient water resource management in the basin. Aim is to contribute to bridge the gap between policy makers and researchers with respect to the use of Dss tools as instruments for improving governance of water resources in the Mediterranean. Main objectives are: 1. promote the development of suitable Dss tools built upon real needs of policy making in IWRM; 2. improve scientific knowledge and applied methodologie s in IWRM; 3. establish durable links between scientific institutions, governments, NGOs, SMEs and other stakeholders and improve public awareness on water management. Expected outcome is improved governance and planning in sustainable water management, as a result of fostering active involvement of the relevant stakeholders in the different stages and through dissemination of Best Practices Guidelines for useful Dss tools for IWRM in the Mediterranean.

Call for proposal

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EU contribution
No data

Participants (17)