Final Report Summary - FOREAIM (Bridging restoration and multi-functionality in degraded forest landscape of Eastern Africa and Indian Ocean islands)
The general objectives of FOREAIM were three-fold: with a broad based multidisciplinary approach instead of the mono disciplinary methods which currently predominate local forest restoration research, we:
1) advanced scientific understanding of the restoration processes and through this we shall;
2) produced knowledge, practical tools, models and management guidelines for restoration implementation; and
3) with full involvement of all stakeholders, we synthesised information on economic, societal, policy and marketing issues to enhance employment opportunities and incomes, thus improving livelihoods for all sectors of the community.
In developing sustainable regeneration techniques for these natural ecosystems, we utilised ecologically and economically important species of international and export interest which are thus capable of enhancing development opportunities. Through top down and bottom up approaches with all stakeholders (dwellers, local farmers, producers, policy and decision makers) we also improved methods of knowledge and technology transfer, as well as uptake of practical forest restoration.