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Content archived on 2024-05-29

Aeronautical stakeholders tools for the European research agenda 2

Final Report Summary - ASTERA 2 (Aeronautical stakeholders tools for the European research agenda 2)

The overall objective of the ASTERA-2 project was to provide the requisite management support, administrative services and technical support to facilitate ACARE in its assessment of European aeronautical research needs, the formulation, updating and implementation of the strategic research agenda.

The specific objectives of ASTERA 2 were as follows:
- to monitor for ACARE the implementation of the SRA in each of the stakeholders research programmes, particularly (but not exclusively) the public funded programmes. Such monitoring should facilitate the secondary objective which is to provide guiding information to the stakeholders in the planning of research programmes.
- to undertake specific studies so as to provide the guidance on issues that are likely to drive future needs in aeronautics. In addition such studies will also provide insights into the institutional or policy subjects which impact either the effectiveness or efficiency of European research.
- to develop Information technology (IT) tools facilitating the decision-making and / or the dissemination of information on the ACARE activities.
- to provide administrative support to the drafting, production and / or updating and dissemination of the SRA, in order that its scope and benefits are communicated effectively to the relevant parties.
- to provide the requisite project management support for the efficient and effective execution of the ASTERA 2 contract. This involves the usual project planning, control and reporting but also technical co-ordination and support to ACARE and its members.

The project was structured into the following Work packages (WP):
WP 400: Project management
WP 100: Implementation support
WP 200: Technical support
WP 300: Support to the Strategic research agenda (SRA).

WP 110: Technical implementation
The general objective of the activity is two-fold: the mapping of the nationally-funded European research effort in aeronautics and the development of recommendations or guidelines. The objective within the total reporting period was:
1) to collect and analyse nationally funded research projects;
2) to collect and analyse the European Union aeronautics research data on FP5 and FP6;
3) to submit the outcomes to ACARE for review;
4) to deliver the final report.

WP 120: Institutional implementation
The Institutional observation platform (IOP) is basically a mechanism aimed at collecting and analysing information on the status of the European and National Institutional Framework, supporting and enabling ATS RTD environment with the goals stated in the SRA.

The general objective of the activity is two-fold:
-the mapping of institutional actions aiming at supporting and enabling ATS RTD, assessing their level of maturity / effectiveness with respect to the institutional goals envisaged in the SRA;
-the development of possible guidelines and recommendations in order to improve their effectiveness and their performances toward the targeted SRA goals.

WP 210: Surveys, studies and analyses
The objective of the WP 210 consisted of the preparation of support studies for ACAR on topics considered interesting for the continued development of the SRA. In particular, during the reporting period, ACARE agreed to re-direct some funds made available in ASTERA-2 by the decision to postpone the development of the SRA-3. With full support from ACARE and the European Commission, these funds were used for the organisation of a workshop dedicated to the development of breakthrough ideas (therefore the name 'Out of the box'). This objective complies with the recommendations highlighted in the SRA-2 under the section 'Towards the future'.

WP 220: Decision tools
Having re-oriented the objectives of the work package as described in the previous activity report, the objectives for the second reporting period consisted in the development of the SRA navigator which is a communication tool that allows users to bridge the gap between the two current editions of the SRA. The tool translates the 'language' of the first edition (challenges, goals) into that of the second edition (alternative world scenarios, HLTCs) and vice-versa. This tool assumes some familiarity with the SRA and is therefore more targeted towards an audience of 'insiders' of aviation. A second parallel objective agreed upon during the reporting period consists in the conception and development of a second public awareness tool dedicated to the general public was. Its purpose is to address people with no previous knowledge of aviation issues and inform them of the value added by this sector to Europe and the world.

WP 310: Support to SRA drafting
The original objective of the work package was to provide professional support to the drafting of the third edition of the SRA. Due to ACARE's decision not to develop a new SRA (SRA-3) in the short-term, the work package was re-oriented.

WP 320: Support to SRA dissemination
The objective consisted in the organisation of a series of workshops throughout the European Union to promote the objectives and scope of the SRA. In fact, the actual activity has been broader and covered the general support to the communication activities of ACARE.