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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
Contenu archivé le 2024-05-29

CONTENT4ALL - Cross-platform tools for community content publishing


Imagine a scenario where personal, physical and time boundaries are weakened, new opportunities for the content community arise: producers, publishers and broadcasters can develop new forms of content programming, new storytelling formats and new business opportunities. Combination of emerging scenarios, such as "media convergence" and "peer-to-peer", offers the ideal opportunity where sharing content between persons becomes possible independently of the used media. This offers an anytime, anywhere, anyhow, anybody paradigm of content consumption ideal for new collaborative affinity communities emergence as well as the promotion of new forms of collaborative story telling.

Intelligent content publishing and moderation of peer-to-peer affinity communities offers new business opportunities. To exploit such opportunities, intelligent management tools and methodologies are needed. CONTENT4ALL (C4A), "Cross-platform Tool For Community Content Publishing" will provide a common service platform to share, communicate and manage content objects between broadcast, Internet and wireless. C4A leading objective is the development and consolidation of a coherent framework for competencies interoperability in the European Media full value chain taking advantage of the peer-to-peer phenomenon and emerging related opportunities. To do this, it will explore creation of a peer-to-peer cross-media intelligent content management model, based on an open source standards, where next-generation affinity communities can meet individuals' and organizations' needs.

C4A will also provide business simulations of selected case studies to meet organizational, social and economic challenges raised by the emergence of the peer-to-peer collaborative networking phenomenon in a cross-media environment.

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Participants (8)