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Content archived on 2024-05-29

Integrated system for structural assessment and upgrading of SEWERs Based on input from CCTV inspection

Final Report Summary - SEWERINSPECT (Integrated system for structural assessment and upgrading of sewers Based on Input from CCTV inspection)

The objective of the project SEWERINSPECT was to develop an integrated Decision support system (DSS) for the rehabilitation planning of sewers that, based on CCTV inspection results will assess the structural reliability of the inspected sewers as a function of time taking into account sewer deterioration by the various degradation mechanisms (voiding of bedding and backfill, corrosive soils and groundwater, sulphide formation in the wastewater flow, corrosive and erosive industrial wastes), seismic forces and uncertainties (in the estimated wall thickness of the pipe, soil support, loading, etc.), select the best remedial measures, prioritise rehabilitation projects and schedule re-inspection.

This DSS will help municipal engineers establish a defensible planning strategy for sewer rehabilitation investments and help CCTV inspectors to offer a higher quality and more complete service to their clients.

Existing software on sewer evaluation based on CCTV inspection results include rating systems that do no more than act as a coarse filter for a closer examination of the results of CCTV surveys.

The software that was developed in this work provides such a closer examination. In fact, it provides a detailed structural analysis of forces along the axis of the sewer as well as forces vertical to the sewer axis, based on the CCTV inspection results and is unique in the market.

The specific objectives of the project were:
- to develop the project's web site;
- to develop a methodology for the deterministic assessment of the structural safety of the damaged sewer;
- to develop a methodology for the stochastic assessment of structural adequacy as a function of time;
- to establish a Bayesian procedure;
- to develop methodologies for rehabilitation project prioritisation and scheduling of re-inspection;
- to produce requirements and specifications for the structural reliability module;
- to produce requirements and specifications for the rehabilitation module;
- to produce requirements and specifications for the prioritisation and re- inspection scheduling modules;
- to produce requirements and specifications for the expert system, the data base, the data manager and the GIS;
- to produce an exploitation plan (draft);
- to produce a dissemination plan (draft);
- to code, test and refine the structural reliability module;
- to code, test and refine the rehabilitation module;
- to code, test and refine the prioritisation and re-scheduling modules;
- to code, test and refine the expert system, the data base, the data manager and the GIS module SEWERINSPECT deliverable D45 (Final activity report SEWERINSPECT);
- to produce the system guide and the user manual;
- to evaluate the SEWERINSPECT software in the field;
- to produce an exploitation plan (final);
- to disseminate the results;
- to organise a workshop and produce the proceedings;
- to sign an SME agreement;
- to produce a brochure of the DSS.
All of the above objectives have been accomplished.

During the project the following work packages (WPs) were planned to be active:
W1: Development of methodology
W2: Development of the DSS module on structural reliability
W3: Development of the DSS module on rehabilitation
W4: Development of the DSS modules on prioritisation of the rehabilitation projects and scheduling of re-inspection
W5: Development of the expert system, data base, data manager, gis and module integration
W6: Field evaluation of the software
W7: IPR, dissemination and exploitation of results.